Imagine exchanging real cash money for a single-user non-transferable revokeable digital rental.
Imagine exchanging real cash money for a single-user non-transferable revokeable digital rental
I want to fuck that girl (male)
Imagine sex with ferris (female)
How can girls compete with traps?
Imagine thrusting your dick in Ferris' asshole while you kiss him and stroke his penis.
cute GIRL
Imagine looking up at Ferris' fat trap ass before he sat on your face and made you jack him off.
I hate Ferris because he's just a fucking tease and is actually straight.
Imagine sucking on his dick passionately while he sucks yours and you cum in eachothers mouths at the same time
ez, when you stick it in girls assholes you don't get aids. now fuck off faggot
he just hasn't been given the dick yet
I don't think I've rented a game on steam in ages. I usually pirate or buy from the dev's site now.
all the best traps are straight, if they were gay then the conquest/corruption wouldnt be as enticing.
fucking this
If i swallow his cum, will i become retarded like him?
>not wearing condoms
Sup Forumsirgin detected.
(2D) traps don't real
Imagine being a trapfag. Imagine being so brainwashed by steam and ironic weebs.
>Imagine exchanging real cash money for a single-user non-transferable revokeable digital rental.
What did he mean by this?
In like ten years physical games will be obsolete.
in 10 years you won't even be able to recover digital games you bought