ITT: shit games Sup Forums tricked you into playing
ITT: shit games Sup Forums tricked you into playing
A2 is a miracle of the universe actually.
what game
near a tomato
So what game did you play OP? It would be nice to show your example first
On the top of my mind:
>Killing Floor
>The Witcher
>Metal Gear Rising
>Dark Souls
>Dawn of War
>Fallout new vegas
>Vampire the Masquerade Bloodlines
>The Walking Dead
I stopped listening to this place a long time ago.
stay mad
confirmed for shit taste
What do you even like?
>new vegas
So what the fuck do, you play then. Thats list is good and you have shitty taste
MGR is the only good game in that list
New Vegas sucks and I'm not even that guy.
If I want an rpg shooter id want cs 1.6 or red orchestra mechanics
I'm sorry to tell you this but you've been diagnosed with shit taste
cs 1.6 for an rpg shooter nigger what the fuck are you talking about
I agree with all besides ds and vmb
You should be thanking us, peasant.
I legitimately tried to do this yesterday
A game with good shooting mechanics and fast kills show me a shooting rpg where it is fast and visceral
i liked it a lot but i respect your opinion
filthy fucking casual
You like shit shooting too?
the shooting mechanics aren't what makes new vegas great, you shit. Everything else does
you are an absolute retard
yeah but cs 1.6 shooting mechanics would be absolute dogshit for an rpg
>no leaning
>no cover
>fucking predetermined bullet spray
need i go on?
Idk about that it feels kinda lacking.
Atmosphere is nice could be darker and grittier.
mods, retard
Like I said show me a fast fps rpg
You should have been aborted a long time ago
Don't fix shit
>b-b-but 3d model ass and slut costumes
Rpgs are not fast retard.
EYE after you upgrade legs
First 2 who gives a fuck. There cool and all but if your hitching about cover fuck YOU.
No you have to learn the recoil
you are beyond saving
fuck off
Time to make some bank off that idea
If a fps is slowed down its bad
How bad is the grind for all the ending? I remember dropping the first game when it told me I had to grind to get weapons for the last one.
....what am i looking at?
actually since you like cs you will probably like EYE since it's a source mod
I just don't like shit games user
how is it slowed down? Its an rpg you are not going to fucking 1 shot everything you dolt.
Also morrowind can be fast
no grinding
spotted the manlet weeb
OPpic and Oneshot are the only shitty games Sup Forums convinced to play me this year. Most of them, such as HK, Shadow Tactics or Rain World, were ranging from pretty good to fucking great.
what is that image
Doki Doki
It was alright since it was short
>rpg shooter
>cs 1.6
so how much time would it take to get everything?
what do you mean everything?
getting true end is easy, you only need to replay the first half of the game once and it changes a bit so it's not like NIER
getting all achievements is easy
getting 100% in fishing is boring
getting 100% in enemy data is a pain in the ass
>Darkest Dungeon
fell for le comfy memes. total slog RNGfest, does anyone still play this game?
see first sentence above
>Cities Skylines
way overhyped because it was the first okay city builder to come out after SimCity. just okay, feels lifeless
>Rogue Legacy
have never had the urge to come back to this, another one where I wonder if anyone still plays it
>Thea: The Awakening
fiddly resource and crafting system puts me to sleep, sad because I actually like the approach to encounters and choices
>This is the Police
just not what I would have wanted, not a police simulation game in the slightest
>getting true end is easy
good. my biggest problem with nier was the fact that you had to play half of the game 3 time while getting all the weapons to get the true end and it was a boring pain in the ass.
the only thing good about it was some of the aesthetic. everything else was mediocre or worse.
And the common theme here is they're all indie
was i retarded or did rogue legacy just need a fuck ton of grinding to get anywhere?
Holy shit is that the fucker who shakes his hand vigorously while pretending to play videogames or something? I didn't think he'd deliver.
uninstalled after 1 (one) day
other then the art-direction everything is just awful
1/10 would not play again
>ITT: shit games Sup Forums tricked you into playing
or in other words
>I'm so retarded, that I literally go to Sup Forums for recommendations and genuinely do what they tell me to
OP, you're a colossal retard. Trying to turn it into "b-but that game sucks right haha?" isn't going to save you.
show me your willy you massive poofter I bet you have quality meat
I know it was promoted by the loli fags. People on here push games they dont even play, just jerk off to.
have you tried jerking off to it
>when people post 2B ass and it's always fanart while ingame screenshots show it's above average at best
Vanquish, what a heap of shit
Sup Forums don't know anything about games meme is ironic, you fucking redditor. OP is fine, at least he tries new games. It's not like he buys them without research right?
Get out of here, stalker
Contrarian Gamer: The Forum Topic Thread
>it gets better later!!!
no it fucking doesn't i wasted 50 hours trying to find the """later""" when it got good
never again
Cant tell if that list was from Reddit or Sup Forums
>It's another 'I rely on Sup Forums to make choices for me because I'm retarded' episode
>La Mulana
Played like 3 minutes and looks like shit
It's ok. The controlls are strange and I don't feel it but managed to beat the game.
But thanks for Hollow Knight Sup Forums
>install nier automata
>muh dick time
>fall asleep right after the first boss
Boriiing! And that ear-piercing music, what were they thinking - hiring geisha banshees to screech into a microphone for 2 hours straight.
this. it was DDR for retards that could only deal with 1 button instead of 4, and the story was bland as piss. i torrented & installed it in an hour and a half and still regretted downloading it altogether. i've stopped listening to "it gets better X hours in recommendations" from this, dragon's dogma, and the soulsborne series alone
It is slowed down on purpose.
Put it next to doom duke or vs 1.6 you will see
Never been done before and it would make New Vegas its bitch
t. Trisscuck
That game sucked dick
I fell for the Nier Automata meme too.
With all the hype going around on Sup Forums with this game I kept slogging through it to get to "the good part" but I reached ending E and it never came. I guess it's because I lost my 2deep virginity ages ago and the people who call out this game for being a masterpiece are just new to this sort of thing.
why are there debris along the water slide in there? I just want to slide the whole way down without stopping, fuck platinum
You might have early onset parkinsons, bud.
This fuckin game right here.
It's actually great
Not even a trissfag but
The only cucking that happens in the witcher universe is with Yen. And Shani
it's been so long, how does shani cuck you again
This is the most boring game I've ever played in my life. And I play Euro Truck Simulator for fun.
Let me guess, you play Overwatch.
What a trash taste. Almost as bad as , but unlike your post, that was an """ironic""" bait.
I was gettin a rage boner ready to type the shit out of my argument about you being a faggot but then I read the spoiler.
Keep capitalism alive.
Fucking hell my sides.
That thread belong to the stupidity over Sup Forums not here lol, I hope someone screencapped it.
you can't even make good lolis in dragons dogma
>good lolis
hollow knight
nier automata
what's the difference?
I know it's bait, but I really don't get Dark Souls. It's so boring.
>rpg shooter
You understand the purpose of a role playing game, right?
Add F.E.A.R. and Dead Space and it's perfect list.
What kind of games do you like? Im curious
I was taken aback by how shit Hollow Knight is