If Todd Howard were a Japanese dev, would that make him more appealing to you and cause you to buy his game?

If Todd Howard were a Japanese dev, would that make him more appealing to you and cause you to buy his game?

Other urls found in this thread:


There's plenty of hack Japanese devs that are hated. If he were Japanese that wouldn't make him any better.

Todd doesn't seem like the devil, but he sure is in bed with him.

Well Dragon's Dogma fucking crushes any Elder Scrolls game ever made so yes probably.

If he was essentially the same guy then not really. Look I bought skyrim and every fallout. Fallout has definitely degraded, 4 was pretty pathetic and all they do is re release the same game 10 times. Their strategies are just to streamline everything as much as possible, it's disgusting.

something something GAME "SKYRIM" WO something something ANATA NO something something something TEIRU something something.

Fuck, I forgot what little japanese I had learned.

Is this a Jojo reference?

>Dragons Dogma


What are you laughing at?

Based Todd

>Todd actually said something intelligent


This is super coincidental, the thumbnail makes him look like the white boy in the /hm/ banner because of the hair

>the white boy

It's moot, you cancerous newfag.

It's literally: If you don't buy Skyrim your mom will die in her sleep.

Him being Japanese doesn't make his recent games suck any less dick, Oblivion was the last game that was actually any good and he needs to stop with the theme park shit he's been pushing with every game after that.

>Someone lacking imagination can only create things that are grounded in reality

Whoa there.


not him but never head of him before desu

are these subs, dubs, or did Todd Motherfucking Howard speak Japanese?


He actually spoke japanese

What would his name be

toudou “chinchin” housuke?


it would make him less appealing

I don't buy or play weeaboo trash and I never will

>tfw you’re Todd posting in a thread about you

They were subs, it's from the Switch post-reveal Japanese conference and he spoke in English talking about Skyrim for Switch. It's kinda silly actually, was it really a big deal to play vanilla Skyrim non-SE with no mods on the go or was Bethesda like "sorry no FO4 for you"?

By simply being Japanese his games would most likely be less shit, if not outright good. So yes.

>can't wrap his head around a character having trouble with his parents, i.e. being a relatable person
>can't wrap his mind around interesting concepts such as the Earth and other planets being sentient beings
That's why he only writes pulp where the DRAGON DUDE goes around shouting at shit or the CHOSEN WASTELANDER, son of the greatest scientist in the post-apocalypse, goes and saves everyone somehow by using his super special genes or some stupid shit.

Where's your Switch copy, Todd? WHERE IS IT?

Is Todd aware about how Toddposting is almost a religion here, I mean is not so far fetched given how Kamiya appeared and commented here.

Kamiya didn't come here on his own, though. Someone showed him the Sup Forumsingo on his twitter, gave him a link to the thread, and taught him how to make a post. If you were shown a group of over 100 fans taking pictures of their copies of your game that sold under a million, wouldn't you give them a shout-out?

>they were subs
There is not a chance Tod actually said what's in the OP pic.

Why? Its possible he learned some japanese. Or he just read romaji

>Its possible he learned some japanese. Or he just read romaji
That's not the issue. The problem is what he is actually saying.

google translate it and see

at least post the original

He said hands not head

Why are you doing this?


top heh

fuck you

No way it says this you retard, that screencap is from the nintendo direct

Is this bait?


That's just wrong and I don't think you actually stopped to read what you typed.

stupid frog poster

I can read the first sentence, but what does the second one say? Something about dying?

I just want you to make another Terminator game, Todd. For old time's sake.

I hate Japan, so it would somehow make him less appealing.


definitely yes

So Todd and Andrei are the same person?

Todd's artistic sense is actually superior to him


so based

But that is what the picture says faglord.


>tfw falling for a meme and """playing""" a Hypergaynation Gayptunia gayme
Two nukes were not enough.

Not sure what you are having trouble with. 間 marks in between, in the interval, while, etc. 眠っている間 is basically just "while sleeping".

Well you never see them both on the same room...

What do you mean? I bought his game.


This, Fallout 5 when

No, chinks are disgusting and their games are all boring tropes

weeboos live skyrim anyways because auf waifu and sexdungeon mods.

Not unless him being Japanese means his games are no longer buggy shit.




When will Sup Forums stop sucking japanese cock?

When the west will start making some decent games again.

>turning Todd into an ugly gook

he is right

If he decides to use anime art style for his games, then I'll buy them.
Also I want Japanese composers.
Give me something like Nier ost when roaming in the wild, and put in something like
when fighting boss.

Change the stories in the books you picked up into light novel, ,manga, 4coma or hentai. Elderscroll lores are unfun.
Change the craft system into something like Atelier series.
Change the combat into Darksouls like.