Can we get a GameStop/vidya store thread?
>yesterday go to GameStop I sell my ps3 slim
>GameStop employee looks me dead in the eyes and tells me it’s worth $25
>laugh in his face and walk out with my ps3
I’m gonna be so happy when GameStop goes out of business like blockbuster did
GameStop stories
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Honestly that’s kind of fucked up the employee was just doing his job there was no need to be rude about it
how do i become a cute girl
kepp in mind im a 26 year old fat balding male
You could have just went to GameStops website and seen how much they were gonna give you before wasting time and gas...Dumbass
Let him have his autistic moment of triumph m8
Your life must be grand to pull pranks like that
what happened to Sup Forums
You're trying to trade in a last gen console into a store that is trying to stay current gen. PS3 didn't really even sell well when it was current gen and I own one, but I know more people were into the X Box 360 and PC. The only console inferior to it was the Wii. This is just me being fair to Gamestop. That said, yeah they're pretty scummy with trading in games.
plz respodn:
Shit so you pic in op? Slim down you faggot its disgusting and you only 26. Wtf wrong with you white ppl?
I don’t care fuck them
I live close to GameStop so it wasn’t that big of a deal but I was just pissed off at how they were trying to fuck me over
More like they’re the ones pulling pranks on me with that offer
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Honestly, this would save so much time. It boggles my mind when someone spergs out at gamestop bringing in something like CoD Ghosts, and they act surprised when they're given like .5 cents.
Fucking, just check the prices before going, and wait for trade in deals (like trade 4 for 40%).
Yeah, just like the Nazi concentration camp guards were doing their job.
Okay it's still not too late for you.
First you gotta lose some weight, do some cardio outside (long distance jogging is fine) and do some light squats.
DRINK a lot of water and eat low fat meals for clearer skin and weight loss. Next you will want to look up for some make up tutorials on Youtube. (this is what your aiming for:
For the balding part that's unfortunate, but you can always buy a wig to conceal that. Here's a good site I recommend on wigs:
Good luck and remember to have fun!
Is that 0.5 cents or 0.05 dollars?
i was shitposting holy fuck
how are you so serious about this
how do you even know these links
5 dollars is way too high of a price. Games go for 3 nickels and some pubic hairs
>basic corporate retail job being compared to literal genocide
Can you just make an out of place food analogy instead? I prefer lower levels of ignorance than this.
You made this thread already, faggot. Hope you get enough “yous” that you go to bed like the bitch you are.
They gave you a shit offer because they literally don't want your ps3. I haven't worked in a GS in several years and even then we had stacks and stacks of ps3s of which we might sell a fraction of, all of which would get returned because people who trade in their games and systems are the ones who don't take care of them.
lowfat meals wont mean shit if he doesnt lower his calorie and carbs intake too
>they were trying to fuck me over
Not really. They just entered your device name into the computer and the system what out a price. The employees are literally just doing their job and have no control over the values corporate sets.
Also the system you tried to trade is over ten years old. I wouldn’t give you jackshit for it either.
i would shit in your mouth if you let me without being weird about it
That's seriously not far off from how much it's actually worse. You'd get $40 on Ebay.
Fuck yes
>Thinking your PS3 is even worth $25
You're lucky they even offered you $5 for it, faggot. Nobody fucking wants your disgusting, dirty, shitty console with a controller that's made of roughly 40% dead skin and food.
>trade in decade old console
>dude wtf why is it worth nothing
aren't there a decent number of people still buying ps3s? they're still like $130 (even at little video game hobby shops and used game stores, not just GS) and gamestop is constantly shilling these "retro bundles".
>bring in like 30 things
>leave with only like $200 store credit
ps1 is barely retro
what the fuck
>McChicken is coated in awful mayonaise
>But worker is just doing their job applying disgusting proportions
>Go pick up final fantasy xv
>Cashier lady tells me to buy the kingdom hearts remaster and final fantasy 12
>Talk about jrpgs for 20 mins
>I go home and play for 30 mins before I go to bed cause I work in the morning
Fucking GameStop
Also I've noticed only girls talk about kingdom hearts lol
>Sup Forums poster is 22 year old virgin
>but its not his fucking fault i swear
i didn't name it, my man.
>Be me
>closing the store
>just 20 more minutes
>homeless walk the store because city sucks
>black guy walks in and heads to headset demo on the corner under the camera
>keep an eye lots of theives espicially nigs
>realize his headphones plugged in
>realize hes standing awfly close to the corner for 5 minutes
>think hes stealing shit
>walk over asking if he needs help with anything
>realize the guy is beating his meat while streaming porn to his phone
>call the cops
It didnt matter fucking cops take forever. I see him walk the downtown from time to time
What porn he fapping to?
If I remember correctly just some fat assed white chicks. I guess extra thicccc
>chick flirts with you over a vidya discussion(jap vidya discussion at that) for 20 minutes
>gets mad
Only on Sup Forums.
You would be surprised how often this us asked.
Hell there even is an image guide version of what that user posted.
>time and gas
>be fat American
>too hard to use legs
I despise your kin.
>be 19
>Tall, have facial hair
>Cashier at game stop is an overweight nigger with a giant poofy afro with and comb stuck in it
>trying to purchase fable 2 with some pocket change
>"you got ID?"
>I'm a grown fucking man getting asked for Identification at a game stop in the mall
>"No I don't have my wallet"
>"Then I can't sell you this game"
>proceeds to sell a CoD game to a middle aged woman with two 9 year olds behind her
Fuck gamestop dude.
This isn't even the worst thing to happen to me in one of these places.
Who even invented this arbitrary rating system that nobody even cares about except this asshole who won't sell a childs toy to a grown man.
One time this blonde part timer kid asked me If i needed help picking out a game, so I asked him what the best role playing game for the Ps4 was.
This fucking kid looked at me with a straight face and said "Dragon age Inquisition"
Not sure If he was trolling or if he never played a game in his entire life.
What? I wasn't mad lmao I never had a bad experience at GameStop
Have your ID ready next time faggot
Ight. “Fucking Gamestop” always had a negative connotation on top of meme status, and frankly, the thought of such a turbo-autist here certainly isn’t far fetched.
>>"No I don't have my wallet"
you're not a grown fucking man
They probably have policies like selling alcohol where unless you obviously look over 40 then they don't ID you. Retarded for a game store
>bring fat PS3 to sell at Gamestop
>big black dude browsing around
>he's making small talk with the clerk while the clerk looks at my PS3
>it's clear black guy is just getting into video games, doesn't know where to begin
>black guy asks me "Hey, u sellin that?"
>"how much u want?"
>"well this guy (clerk) wants to give me 50 (i think), but it's got a lot of games installed on it. i'll sell it to you for 80."
>clerk interrupts us
>"If you're going to discuss this in my store you need to leave. Go. Now."
>black guy and I leave, try to continue transaction out front
>black guy doesn't want to piss off the clerk anymore. we agree to meet in the parking lot across the street
>tell him how i have GTA V, the Hitman trilogy, ratchet and Clank installed. Told him he can play them all he wants, but i'm gonna change the payment on my account so he cant buy anything, and told him to make a new account if he wanted to buy any games.
>he goes to ATM and gives me 80 bucks.
good day
I shoot the shit with the female workers all the time about rpgs when the one that plays them works
When I pillage them on buy 2 get one sales we just recommend shit and help each other
You are legally required to have your ID on you at all times.
Same here it's why I always go to the same store I just hate it when the over enthusiastic manager is there but it's not that bad he's just kinda goofy lol
Yeah I remember deals like that all the time. Even set a few up just cant have it in store
but they offered him 25 for it. you lose ;)
I didn't think I needed to Identify myself to purchase a piece of entertainment made for children.
I'm not buying a handgun. Do they need to verify my DNA too? Should I bring a semen sample and a birth certificate next time?
America is going right down the shitter
Was at a dollar store a week ago trying to buy a my little pony dvd for my daughter and I got asked for ID, no shit. luckily I had it on me because i was driving..
Mine is a big black dude that plays the same shit
I bought his copy of senran karuga estival versus
>buy a used 360 from Gamestop
>2 female cashiers at front
>get the one who knows jack shit about vidya
>takes up to 20 minutes waddling back and forth trying to upsell me on shit I don't need
>finally, after what feels like an hour, I take my console and go
>go home and realize controller is busted
>searching everywhere for receipt until I realized she didn't even give me one
>have to go through hoops to get my controller exchanged
>content with everything, come to the realization that without my original receipt I won't be able to take advantage of the 10 dollar warranty
>have to go back to gamestop again tomorrow just to sort this out
tl;dr just buy online
>buying games in person anymore
>walk into gamestop
>"hey i know this is kind of a long shot but do you guys sell old games, like GBA or ps2?"
>"nah nothing close to that old. you'll have to check ebay for that stuff. people sell them on craigslist from time to time so you might check there too."
>"yeah i figured. alright, thanks anyway."
>go home and buy what i was looking for on ebay
>ever leaving without a receipt
Not in actual America faggot.
If you live outside of California or New york, you actually have rights.
>lying on the internet
fucking gamestop
>Almost 2018
>Buying a used 360
I assumed she put it in one of the game cases, the box, or the giant iass bag. It's such a common practice at Gamestop that I didn't think they'd screw it up
On an unrelated note, every other person in line was buying or trading in Madden games. I don't get how normies can buy and sell the same game so many times
>You are legally required to have your ID on you at all times
Where the fuck do you live? I don't ever leave without mine since I drive, but still.
You could probably find it for 50 at your local thrift store.
The closest town to me is a 2 hour jog away, the closest town with a video game store would take 3-4 hours. I'm not even American but I empathize with them.
Sorry bud we don’t live in a fucking police state I don’t have to have my id on me like I’m a prisoner
>Study speedruns and walkthroughs for Dark souls
>Go to game stop with a piece of paper that says Dark souls on it
>Tell the lady working there that my wife's son wants some weird game for christmas called "dark souls"
>buy it
>go home and play it all night long using the speedrun strays and guides I studied
>play some in the morning, completing it in like 15 total hours
>go back to game stop later that evening
>tell the lady I made a mistake a mistake and It was supposed to be the second game in the series
>she lets me trade it in for Dark souls 2
>I beat it in 2 weeks and got a refund
Fucking gamestop
Its the only interactions these fat Sup Forumsirgin neckbeards have left. Dont be mean user
Boy, that didn't take long. Let me guess, your grandfather has been turned into a lampshade.
I beat it in 2 weeks with minimal walk through usage(only used it a few times to find out the next area to go to) and it was a pirated version so it was offline and had no messages which would have spoiled a lot more for me anyway
>Go to Gamestop
>Literally not there to buy or sell anything
>Just want a Pokemon code
>Some fat dude is talking to someone about comic books
>I make the mistake of speaking up
>Fat dude then proceeds to talk nonstop for 40 minutes about how the Hulk is strongest being in the Marvel Universe
>Was being polite for the first few moments
>Let him continue because I'm a beta and was waiting for my roommate to finish buying some shit
>Make the mistake of trying to correct him and point out fights Hulk has lost, like vs. Thanos
>This only fueled his desire to indoctrinate me in the church of the Hulk
>be 17
>be slightly overweight
>get cash from family
>go to Gamestop with purpose of getting a wii fit
>really cute female cashier
>tell cashier what I want to buy
>she very obviously suppresses a laugh.
>get nervous, feel dizzy from embarasment
>seconds feel like minutes, minutes feel like days.
>lean against used PS2 rack because I feel dizzy.
>rack gives way from my weight, games now all over the floor.
>little kid running around the store slips on a box, his mom is pissed at me.
>employees panicking. Nigger in the corner steals a controller in the confusion and bolts for the door.
>realize it's all my fault.
>female employee is now crying
>slowly back the fuck out of there.
>bump into PS3 display.
>Shelves fall down, but no games.
>Manager storms out, he's so mad his beard bursts into flames. He turns into a bear.
>I start to cry, spaghetti falling out of my pockets by the bucket.
>tell him I will pay for the damages but he doesn't understand because he's a bear.
>swipes at me with his paw.
>Get so scared I fart and a little bit of doo doo comes out.
>mall security shoots the bear manager and he's dead.
>female employee is crying harder now because the bear manager was her boyfriend and she's pregnant with a half bear baby.
>leave without buying anything.
>Work at Gamestop for the holidays last year as a second job
>Job was pretty much just talking to people in the store and tidying up shelves
Had an old man ask about Pokemon cards for his grandson, then he started talking to me about baseball cards for like an hour. I don't know shit about baseball cards but he said he had one he traded for a really nice bike.
To be fair to him, I bought one last year for $45 in a old pawn shop. I went in to look around and check out their stuff collecting dust for good bundles. A black 3rd gen 360 with a pair mismatched controllers and a 12ft HDMI cable.
If you do have a ol' 360 laying around, check out the windows 10/8 desktop mods, you can use it as a lan mirror for a PC or a dope streaming box with side loaded apps.
Gamestop threads are better when made by employees
>walk into gamestop
>cute female cashier at check-out counter
>I'm desperately trying to hide the spaghetti
>wander about, extremely nervous and self-conscious
>eventually get to Sonic Adventure 2, the game I came in for
>no one on line
>other cashier slots are all occupied
>walk up to her and quickly mumble something about wanting to make the purchase
>she smiles and looks at me while she charges me
>I try to smile while my adrenaline is pumping like mad
>she notices the game
>"Oh! I loved this, but I never had anyone to play 2-player with."
>jokingly suggest that we finish it together
>"Really? I'd like that!"
>my insides explode
>she finishes her shift and we go back to my place
>it's nighttime by the time we've finished playing
>she yawns suggestively
>wanders into my bedroom
>she sits on it, staring and smiling at me
>she invites me to join her
>we fuck like rabbits
>both of us are sweating by the end
>she turns to face me, panting
>"Wow... you really have a great dick, user..."
>"you too"
>Go to Gamestop occasionally to help my fellow gamers
>Bring snacks for the bros and help customers with their purchases
>One day a mom and son walk in
>"Excuse me do you have a-"
>I interrupt her and hand her a complimentary bagel as I point out each section of the store
>Give her a brief rundown on current systems and their makers
>Her face remains the same but I can tell she is genuinely impressed by my knowledge
>"T-thank you young man, but I'm just looking for a 3DS for my son"
>Grab her hand and guide her to the 3DS section
>Hand her a spreadsheet I printed out at home of the 3DS, recommended games etc
>Tell her an in depth history on Nintendo and how they started as a card company
>It's been 5 minutes but I can tell its worth it because she's being nice
>Continue to explain about the company with a tidbit here or there of trivia along with my favorite Reggie memes
>She pulls her phone out and says she has a call, it must've been on vibrate because it didn't make a sound
>She says she has to go but "May be back another time"
>I just practically guaranteed a sale.
>She leaves through the door and I revel in my victory, as the worker gives me a thumbs up
>Everyone leaves happy
Why is it so hard to carry ID? You claim you're an adult? Well okay do the adult thing and carry your goddamn ID
>Local Gamestop is having a midnight release for Operation Raccoon City, but Armored Core V releases that night too.
>Everyone there for ORC is a gigantic faggot, and so are the employees.
>Go with a couple of friends, they're actually having a party in the store
>At one point my friend is trying to get to the front of the store but it's too crowded, so he tries to slip between a support beam and a shelf and knocks over like 30 fucking cases
>He's embarrassed as fuck, everyone is just staring at him so he just walks out real fast.
They were just taking your name for the sex offender watchlist, you flaming mlp loving faggot.
>go to gamestop to get modern warfare 2
>just happy to find a copy with pristine case and cover
>clerk ends up giving me the steelbook that someone traded in a few days ago instead
>it had an unused code for cod1 in it
sometimes gamestop is alright
>doesn't even know how to start a FUCKING GAMESTOP thread
Lurk more, fag
>it's a fake gamestop copypasta episode
I once did something similar, but not so direct and not towards him specifically. He actually agreed with me in secret about how bullshit the value is for trade ins
>thinks there are rules to making GameStop threads
Look at the little snowflake everyone
you'd have to pay me to take it desu, its almost 15 fucking years old retard
This is an English speaking board, sir.
Wait what?
What edition of MW2 had a complementary code for that?
Employees at my local gamestop are cool. If I ever want to trade something they want, they will just buy it from me. They are also knowledgeable but the aren't autistic elitist either. Trade values suck, but it's not the employee's fault
>find out GameStop takes in old retro games
>got my hands on a bunch of scratch up GC games
>take' em gamestop
>leave with $1,200 in my pocket
Fucking God bless gamestop
I know they resell these games on their online store but these hits are too lazy to care about condition.
>Go to GameStop
>Pick up game
>Get in line
>Put game on counter
>Cashier pulls game and manual out from drawer and sticks it in the box
>Rings up the game
>Pay him
>He hands me the game in a bag
>Thank him
>Walk out
Hardened Edition had a download code for "COD Classic"
wtf that really happen? that's fucked dude
>He can't even fathom the idea that everyone doesn't live in a city