What class race combo you making?
What do you look forward to most?
INB4 retailfags and contrariancucks shitpost about "muhnostalgia"
What class race combo you making?
What do you look forward to most?
INB4 retailfags and contrariancucks shitpost about "muhnostalgia"
Enjoy waiting 2 years to realize you can't recapture your carefree teenage years
Based Orc Fury Warr. the multihits 2gud
Troll warlock. I’ll probably roll Dwarf something alliance side for nostalgia purposes, probably a warrior.
race op
class faggot
What's it like to never be happy?
Things I want: Vanilla 2005 WoW. Class balancing. Every spec should have a purpose in either PvP or a Raid environment. World of Roguecraft was not good.
Things I don't want: Flying. Linked flight paths. LFG/LFR. Heirlooms. Transmog. Linked auction houses. Instant quest text. Support for addons.
Both? Shiiiiet. Leveling for 8 months sounds like balls.
Idk. But if they change things here and there, casuals and retail bois will beg for more.
Before you know it it's vanilla content with retail systems.
Casuals and retail fags will still have retail. It's right there.
But vanilla warcraft had a ton of balancing issues. I don't think people who truly want Vanilla will mind if Blizzard balances the classes and specs.
As for features and systems.. it's quite simple. Was it there in 2005? Did it work properly? If yes, keep it. Did it come after 2005? If yes, GET RID OF IT.
All my tanks must be tauren
thats why demon hunter sucks, its limited to gay elfs and homo elfs and glorious tauren cant be demon hunter.
>warrior that isn't tank
enjoy noinvites
Vanillafag here, I would like further balancing of the game. But it should only be a consideration after classic is released.
I won’t level the dwarf to cap, just to fuck around in the starter/ally areas (my first ever character was a dwarf).
Either Human Rogue or Nelf druid
female gnome mage
>hurr its just nostalgia
Yeah, all those private server fags just don't know what they're doing. They spend years playing vanilla, but some faggot anons know better than they!
Highmountain tauren shaman.
... Oh, you mean in the old, shitty version of the game?
you think you do, but you don't
Hopefully there's an option to just buy a level 60, hyped as fuck for the old dungeons and raids.
What private server fags? You obviously don't play on any of them, because if you did you'd be aware that literally none of them have a population worth mentioning.
Yeah, not like nostalrius was packed out the ass or anything and had to be shut down because it was cucking WoD so badly
Troll or Orc shaman, haven't decided yet
how was shaman back in the old days? I dont really want to be enhance so I might try to heal since elemental doesnt exist
I hear that totems were very important back then
It wasn't. It had a fraction of any retail mmorpg. They got stupid and advertized and started talking shit. So they got bitch slapped for it.
Any other game that has a private server is fine as long as they don't get delusions of grandeur. Nost tried to fight blizz and lost. Now take you butthurt and keep crying.