Chromatic aberration: on

>chromatic aberration: on


>film grain: on

>motion blur: yes

>sound: no

>Antialiasing: ON/OFF

>game runs like shit
>upgrade PC
>game STILL runs like shit

>FOV slider: 50-80

>Monitor: on/off

>graphics: maybe

>FOV slider without a numerical value

I don't even know what this shit is. I spent like 40 minutes comparing The Evil Within 2 with it on / off and noticed absolutely nothing different.

>post processing: high

it's a RGB filter, or color bleed

I've never been bothered by it like the people here, but i'm into glitch art.

It's fucking eye cancer.
You may not notice it if you don't know what to look for but I swear once you know what it is you'll start seeing it and it will drive you up a wall unless it can be disabled.

>motion blur
>depth of field
>chromatic aberration

>dragging the bar doesnt affect the game until you exit the menu

Basically, it just takes the picture, and slightly offsets each hue (RGB) to a different angle.
At least I believe that's what it does. Anyway it creates this very slight triple image hue effect on everything and looks awful.

>Motion Blur: 200%

isn't bloom desirable? as it makes lights more intense?

In a great many cases it makes lighting look worse.

>Gore: off

>Pan: Nice and Hot

Do you think he plays cooking Mama

>FOV slider without considering screen size and distance

what is arma 3 multiplayer

>chromatic aberration intensifies

this, and most of the time ultra settings are barely any better than high/sometimes medium so whats even the point

>ultra barely better than medium
>this is what consoledicklets actually believe

it just looks like someone used the airbrush with 0 hardness in photoshop and is often way over done to the point of obfuscating the actual graffix

A Hideo Kojima game


>Graphical settings:
>Subtitles On/Off

>Chromatic aberration: Max
>[changes require restart]

>FXAA High
>MSAA 2x
>MSAA 4x
>MSAA 8x
>SSAA 4x

>chromatic aberration: On
>lens flare: On
>bloom: On
>Depth of Field: On
>Motion Blur: Max

Feels good being a graphics Chad.

>implying you can even tell the difference

>Sup Forums told me it's bad so now I hate it
You do understand how fucking laughable it is?

>Chromatic aberration:

>chromatic aberration

The human eye doesn't perceive lens flares or chromatic abrasions. It makes no sense unless you're playing a robot with cameras for eyes.

you can tell the difference by checking what value was your fps divided by

I used your mom with 0 hardness.

This. Or if you're looking through cctv or something like that. Only through cameras.

Chromatic aberration is a lens artifact, where light refracts the further you go from the center of the image, causing some color bleed, usually tinted blue/red.
In games, you see it on the sides of the image, at the further sides of your field of view, in edges of objects. It gives a "realistic camera" effect, but it just messes with the image fidelity. Similarly to depth of field, this junk makes sense in cinema, but doesn't make sense in gaming, where you want to see the world through eyes, not lenses, and be able to see the world through any pixel of the screen, and not only through the dead center where the director said you should be looking.

Cameras hadn't had lens flare and ca for decades, yet directors make them add it in post

>game is lagging to shit
>all fans on high
>slowly drag mouse over to click graphics settings to lower them
>takes 5 seconds to register each
>game crashes before you're able to save settings

>FPS: no

>chromatic aberration is always on

wtf is wrong with pupper

Depends on your lenses. Some directors intentionally take specific lenses for their inherent visual artifacts. They're stuck so up their cinematic asses they can't even begin to consider innovating with objectively superior technology and visuals, because their mentors told them 24fps is optimal and lens flare is impressive about 50 years ago.


>The game must restart before these changes apply.

I dont mind that really but I have achromotopsia so that could be it
I fucking DESPISE depth of field and motion blur though

>Game has a no singles policy

I actually like these settings and I dont know what does
Bite me


>clothes: off


24 fps is such shit. people just can't deal with 60 because they think it looks "cheap" or "not cinematic" because old tech forces their brains to associate 24 fps with seeing a movie. It is, because it is.

Settings like those, like everything else will be better with a slider or in steps.

>nudity: on

>turning anti-aliasing off uses more resources
For christ sake, Ubisoft

>antialiasing: off/fxaa

That actually hurts my eyes, made me not purchase Cuphead.

>aberration: on

>mouse sensitivity: low/high

>settings: ultra

>settings: low

you know you can turn it off

Ron Perlman?

>doesnt know about anti aliasing



Did you start playing games yesterday?

The point was that you should never have film grain, motion blur or chromatic aberration on.

>start game
>choose Hard difficulty
>play two levels
>check options
>difficulty is set to Normal

You sound like those weenies that get motion sick playing FPSes.


>Control settings:Alternative
>Switches the jump and the dash

You sound like a faggot who likes needless artifacts in his games. Fuck off faggot.

>vid_restart in console

I fell for the PUBG meme and it still runs like shit no matter what you have

>First person shooteres

>highest graphic settings are greyed out

People get motion sick from a low FOV. Having those horrid options on has nothing to do with it. Enjoy your eye cancer.

>ambient occlusion: SSAO/HBAO
>no "off" option

>doesn't know what antialiasing does
what the fuck mate

Let me guess, you're using Windows 7?


film grain is alright imo
motion blur, bloom, chromatic aberration and fucking lens flares are cancer though

>update drivers so your new game runs fine
>runs great
>upgrade graphics card and get the latest drivers
>same game runs like shit

Unplayable for me. It actually hurts my eyes.

whats the deal with chromatic aberration anyway, every game that has it, looks like shit

good god that looks bad

Jesus Christ, that's an immediate headache in image form. Trying to focus feels like my eyes are bleeding. Reminds me of pic related.

Dunno where I read that but people prefer 24 fps over high frame rate in theatre because else it makes them feel they're watching a sitcom and not a movie. Not kidding.

tilt your head 90 degrees counter clockwise and look at dogger again

That's because low budget sitcoms and Spanish soap operas are filmed in 60fps so you associate 60fps footage with a cheap look. That's exactly what that user was saying. If 60fps was the standard for Hollywood movies for a decade or two, nobody would think 60fps looks cheap.

Smells like console player.

>compare texture sharpness
Dude, consolebabs can't do that.

Sonybros will defend this


> high rez backgrounds AA/AF features
>2D sprites ported from PS2 games literally unchanged

Devs need to kill themselves for falling for this meme. I'm looking at you NiS.