>still no cowboy bebop vidya game
Guess Nintendo hates money
Other urls found in this thread:
Sony does what Nintendon't
>my favorite video game company of the month should make game based on my current favorite anime of the month!
hang yourself shitstain
>anime with massive western appeal to the extent that english is considered the "original" and japanese the dub
>release game only in japan
Reminder than Episode 1 and basically every episode after Spike falling out of the window are PURE kino.
>tfw still carrying that weight
This looks fucking awful lol
I want new episodes so bad but I know they'd ruin it.
There's no reason. Spike is dead and that IS the best ending.
More episodes of Space Dandy when?
this fkin episode bruh
make me melancholic as fk
>Spike is dead
I refuse to believe this.
I was right about Lelouch being alive, therefore I must be right about Spike surviving, r-right?
I hope he died, that is a good ending to a good series
Posting The REAL bebop game
I love Spike and clearly they succeeded in making the coolest anime character of all time but a death is such a fitting end. The flashback with Julia, especially, is why I want that to be the true ending.
"It's all a... dream."
"Yeah. Just a dream."
Isn't the movie set after the show?
nope, between 23-24 if I remember right
since Ed left in 24 or 25
Nah, takes place between a few episodes but damn is it so good.
>that advert
>that chan
the 70s are calling hellooooooooo
hey check me out guys im going to a chan thats an actual game show
more like soyboy bebop
i had a brain fart
>when a warrior dies his star dies with him
>final moment a star goes out
>entire episode is about finality and death
>julia is dead
>spike says his goodbye to jet
>you're going to carry that weight
>blue's lyrics
How the fuck did you think this episode ended? Spike really needed a fucking nap?
He can continue life anew
To be fair, Wantanabe won't confirm his death for a reason. He wants to be up to the viewers.
star citizen will naturally give birth to an organic cowboy bebop. one player with a perfected little dinky mustang but can fly the hell out of it, catching bounties and riding the line between protagonist and antagonist...its coming
Just load up any space sim.
Also this, if it ever does come out.