Cancerous enemy thread

Cancerous enemy thread

Lightning types are the absolute worst

Everyone hates Keese but they at least die in one hit. Wizzrobes on the other hand take multiple hits (for me anyways), and have no problem gleefully dancing around while lighting my ass up.


pretty sure if you hit them with the opposite element wizzrobes die in one hit too, boss

I'm a nub though, only really have fire/shock arrows...

They don't give drops if they're defeated that way. They just disappear.

It's not like they drop anything meaningful though.

No, their wand is left behind

what do they drop other than the wand?

Nothing, there’s no wizzrobe monster parts

Nevermind I'm retarded. I thought it didn't drop it's weapon.

prety much all of these

What's the opposite of lightning?


They wouldn't be so bad if it wasn't for that fucking tower surrounded by water.

Is there an EMP wizzrobe?

Lightning has no opposing element



Do you even Pokemon?

>pull out ice arrow
>jump off a cliff/wall/column/anything
>slow time
>fire arrow
Pretty simple OP. Especially since they stand by destroyed buildings all the time. The only problem ones are lightning. Why do they have a element in this game with no counter?

literally one swing of my ice sword


Specifically so you can't cheese these guys or the lightning lizalfos as they are often used as obstacles/hazards


Seems to only be that one tower surrounded by lightning guys. Just climbed over rocks and avoided them. Never see Lightning Wizrobes anywhere else. Whereas I see lightning lizalfos fucking everywhere and its gets really old. They're not hard, just take 10 hits each time.

Oh, if only there were elixirs or an armor set that made you shockproof!

Oh wait.


These guys are no problem one you have elemental immunities. Thunder Helm, Snowquill set, and Flamebreaker armor render them harmless.

>electro magnetic pulse
>opposite of electricity

Stay in school.


Just stasis them and shoot their face.

I hope the sequel uses the same engine but expands on the elemental system
Add poison / magic as two new elements
Expand how all elements proliferate
>fires can combine into bigger fires and those can combine into even bigger wildfires, so a blaze can spread across a forest instead of being limited to like 30 small patches of fire at a time
>ice and electricity can spread across contiguous wet surfaces / water, freezing an entire small pool or shocking everything in it
>poison is acidic and corrodes things, poison arrows, poisoned food used as bait on enemies, poison leaves patches of long lasting DoT on the ground where poisoned objects move
>magic has unpredictable effects like magic powder in other zelda games, magic arrows, magic enchanted objects/food/weapons
>elemental interaction with physics objects expanded- fire still keeps objects aflame and spreading fire and electricity conducts, but now the other elements are on par. Frozen physics objects slide on the ground and leave trails of slippery ice. Poisoned physics objects trail acid. Magic physics objects levitate a bit

>fires can combine into bigger fires and those can combine into even bigger wildfires, so a blaze can spread across a forest instead of being limited to like 30 small patches of fire at a time

Smokey the Bear's gonna strangle Link.

>use magic arrow on bokoblin, expecting it to kill it
>it turns him into a gold bokoblin

>use magic arrow on red Bokoblin
>it turns into gold Lynel

What game ?

magic should make enemies bouncy and/or floating
just fuck with their physics properties in general

>use magic arrow on bokoblin
>it sends him flying away bouncing like he got shot out of a cannon covered in flubber

>use magic arrow on another bokoblin
>melts him into a friendly slime npc that gives me advice

>use magic arrow on another bokoblin
>it grows 3x larger

You forgot Chuckster


chucksters are your friends

They're a bunch of tossers.


In this game, rubber.

Wizzrobes wave when they see you. They're cute as fuck.

>tfw you realize they aren't actually evil, they're friendly but the wizzrobe doesn't seem to understand that his displays of magic can hurt people, he just wants to have fun and make people happy but he keeps setting people on fire or electrocuting them



so where do I buy rubber arrows, rubber greatsword, rod of rubbe-
actually scratch that last part this is a blue board


You can't. But there is rubber armor and they can't even hurt you anymore.


>fire element counters ice element
>ice element counters fire element
>electricity element is countered by... upgraded menu screen gear

There all faggots who get you killed.

*teleports you*

*blocks your path*
