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Are you retarded?

this is a large casino

Please look at the photograph Mr. Clarence

>see that scene where the ferris wheel collapses every time I start the game up
>become terrified of ferris wheels and carnival rides in general to this day



Total Cancer?

Names are for friends, so I don't need one

Don't chu want le jacket sir?

I need to use the bathroom.


Clarence did nothing wrong

no seriously

What did you mean by this?


Can someone explain this meme to me please?

He looks like coach redpill



Mistah Jason Portman
Please come to dah hospital entrance
A doctah will escort you to your check-up
That was for, Mistah Jason Portman

Why does 47 go along with that ridiculous sentimental request? The client has no idea whether Clarence was actually shown the photo before his death or not. 47 with the exception of his religiosity is much more cold and rational in his behavior than that.


Plane scene of video games

>LA gangsta niggers listening to music
>It's just a beat with AYY HOL UP and MOHFUCKA
Humon was right about Denmark not giving a shit about how racist they always are

Might be sentimental, but it's part of the job. 47 is a professional.


He’s the best in his business and his professionality absolutely demands that even requests like that are fulfilled.

have you ever managed to use the m4 or some other unconcealable weapon in an actual sneaky run? I managed to use it in the hotel level by sneaking it from the room through the balconies and just going postal on the scientist and his entire security detail, still 0 bodies discovered 0 witnesses I think since no one comes that way

>Sequel implements accidents as an alternative
>Sequel implements newspaper articles
>...but every mission gives you at least two targets
>...and newspapers still considers accidents as assassinations
Fuck you Blood Money for not being perfect

>but every mission gives you at least two targets
>and newspapers still considers accidents as assassinations
whats the problem
2 deadly accidents in the same time, in the same place are unlikely

gotta check you WHITE BREAD



the perfect song for turning your life around


Two deadly accidents is unlikely but possible. However when you combine that with the newspaper articles, you get a game that forces you to execute two deadly accidents, which leads to a newspaper article that always figures it out and deems it an obvious hit by a "silent assassin". It's two unrelated flaws that feed into one another making something that could have been perfect less so.
Also why can't 47 pick up his brass?

>we found some incredibly common .45 rounds at the scene, the assassin must be using customized silverballers
>7.62 nato? oh yeah, that's definitely one of only 180 wa2000s in existence

The ninja soldiers checking people wearing the same face-covering outfits as they are wearing shouldn't be a problem these days, because every character model is an identical void of pitch black nothingness on modern graphics cards and there isn't a single thing anyone can do about it.

>can't bring rifle/sniper cases into other missions besides dance with the devil when you find one, stifling weapon variety
>can't save melee weapons
>nail gun is pointless and can't even be used stealthily in an area where people are using the damn things
>can't save that sweet franchise 1911 for ng+
>can't use weapons with a disguise despite the people you're disguising as using them (secret service was probably the biggest offender)
tiny nitpicks
maybe someone will remake the game or something some day and fix it

this game is pretty good though, best hitman game to date

you mean tm? it had a rocky start but it seems to have gotten its shit together by the time they finished releasing the "episodes"

It's good, but they still need to get their shit together and implement the features that BM had.

>giant bald white guy with barcode tattoo on his neck disguises himself as short Asian gang member
>everyone fucking falls for it

I've been playing through the series from the beginning and I've reached Blood Money. It's definitely the best one so far.

Also I'm surprised the hardware of the time managed to deal with all the people in this mission.

>get fully masked ninja outfit
>nobody fucking falls for it



the 'people' on the streets aren't like other NPC, you can't do a lot of the normal things with them like drag or have them as a human shield

>Swedish consulate under protest
>Guards need backup to keep riots in check
>"thanks for coming in in such short notice. We're not Denmark, you know."
What did they mean by this?


Absolution had some good graphics, the best feedback when killing targets and the hottest women. Too bad it was a glorified Splinter Cell Conviction with only 2 actual hitman missions in it.

But you could bring your sniper into other missions - it just took you to unlock the suitcase for it that could pass metal detectors (unless you just wanted to play "throw the weapon on the ground and let a security guard/cop move it safely for you so you can retake it"

they dont even count as civilian deaths if you kill them

I know, but it's still cool that they pulled off something like that considering the limitations.

Hitman 2016>Blood Money>Conviction>>>>>Silent Assassin>Absolution>Codename 47

How do you play your Hitman, Sup Forums?


You mean Contracts?

TM's missions are so mediocre compared to Blood Money though.
That said I still have high hopes for season 2. And I assume you meant contracts?

also they have BRUTAL LOD distance, they'll turn into creepy stick people at like 5 meters, the game just covers it up well

47's custom WA2000, yes, but the rifle case from the heaven and hell mission that could fit any sniper (including the air rifle) only existed in that mission
and for the other weapons only the fn2000 has a suitcase, none of the other assault rifles or shotguns can be concealed

I can never decide between Blood Money or Contracts. I fucking love Blood Money's missions, but Contracts' stealth mechanics feel more rewarding. It's so easy to trivialize everything in BM.

Jesus Christ its been a while


>he's still going as of 2015
>part 2 never ever
his SA series has this weird continuity to it

>I know
You don't. Stop posting faggot.

I can't play the newest one because I have an NVidia graphics card. You need AMD get get more than 5 fps on ultra low settings 720p.

I see the chair as 47's torso.

Works fine on my PS4 Pro

Nah. Have some chicken and relax, friend.

he's a big agent

Worth shelling out $20 to upgrade to goty? The new contract good?
My favourite one is where you get him to kill the lawyer.

>Modified Radeon HD 7870
makes sense.

>Take a black guy's outfit
>The guy he was standing with sees nothing suspicious about this new guard who showed up after his partner disappeared around a corner


>wear the guy's chicken suit in view of the girl
>she goes ballistic since you basically just announced you iced her husband
>despite firing wildly into a crowd cops don't fucking flinch
could have been a great way to accident kill her


for ty-seven

>rescue him again in 2016
How is he not dead by now

How isn't he fired by now?

>Every single male NPC has the same veiny muscular body as 47
Did this irk anyone else?

There's also chubby male NPCs, but I guess it's a bit weird.

considering the vast majority were guards not usually
it got weird when the homos skip was molesting looked more like olympic strongmen than twinks though

Because he always comes back alive and reports his findings on the various torture methods the bad guys use. Since he has to stay quiet about 47, the CIA thinks he's an immortal field agent.

Pretty much all the female NPCs also had silicon tits and anorexia, that game's character models haven't aged particularly well overall.

Because he's the best.

I'm still hoping for a mission where 47 finally kills those two idiots, Kane and Lynch.

and the supressor as his dick

>nostalgia for the lewd angels
>get to that level
>10/10 outfits, ps2 bodies
hd remaster when?



all the devs need to do is release a map editor/level maker

>Shoot - Mouse 5
>Stand Up - End

What fucking control scheme is this?

Hitman VR could be fun to fuck around with.

He did nothing wrong


Looks like a left handed person bindings

Just reinstalled Hitman 2.

I would like to try the newest one but my computer is shit.

Because he is a professional and has work ethics, something a neet like you wouldn't understand

I need to use the bathroom

how shit are we talking about? post speccy


Shit enough.

i3 2120
GTX 560Ti 1GB
8GB of RAM

I can run the shit I usually play fine but it's showing it's age.