"This game is capped at 30fps and it UNPLAYABALE for me!"

>"This game is capped at 30fps and it UNPLAYABALE for me!"

>"I demand you boost it for my SPECIAL EYES that can see each individual frame. Only then can I enjoy playing your game!"

Are there people that are like this unronically?

Other urls found in this thread:


Walt Disney

>capped at 30fps
>seen 60fps
anything under 30fps looks choppy and laggy to me after seeing 60fps gameplay, and if you weren't completely blind you could see it too

60 FPS isn't just about frames, they also affect input.
A turn-based game running at 30 is fine, but an action game is unacceptable today and you shouldn't be proud of eating shit

>expecting quality products is bad now

The only thing worse than FPS fags are resolution fags

30fps it's annoying when you have control of the camera. Motion blur is a bandaid fix for it, so you probably don't care too much about it.

how many frames did old NES games have and why did and how did it effect input when some games have different or delayed input/action speeds?

I went to a house party and played CoD Black Ops 3 on the XB1 split-screen. I instantly noticed how the framerate was 20-30FPS and it was choppy and had plenty of input delay in comparison toy MW2 on the 360 which ran at 60FPS even in split-screen.

Saying there's no difference between high framerate is wrong and is detectable even with a controller

The sad part is that games aren't even stable 30, they are sub20 crap like xbox pubg

>old NES games

It's pretty common knowledge that the input delay in NES was fucking atrocious

i personally hate when I'm on my phone here and some asshole uploads a screenshot in their giant monitor and it takes 20s to load cause the resolution is huge

The human eye is incapable of seeing anything about .00000000000001 fps. This is a known fact.

30fps is fine, but 60fps is better. It's not about being able to see every single frame any more than resolution is about seeing every single pixel. It just looks better. But I don't know why I'm replying to an obvious troll thread.


lmao gr8 b8 m8

You dont think the bigger problem was the smaller, split screen instead of the fps?

I can see the difference between 30 and 60 fps. I don't like it, anything above 45 is jarring as fuck to me, and 120+ gives me a migraine. The people who want 60+fps are the people who cannot actually register it properly, ironically.

that's not an argument

maybe i'm using the wrong word here but by input delay I mean when controlling a game feels "clunky"

mario had little delay compared to say castlevania

No because I played MW2 on the same TV with the same amount of people split-screen and it was a far better experience even if the game was muddy because the controls were very responsive compared to BO3 which had terrible input delay because of the low framerate.



tell me if you can see the difference here.

I unironically think some games look better in 30 fps.

thats me I make sure every image I post is a png even when it doesn't make sense to

Serves you right phoneposter

This thread was made by a shitty game developer who is too lazy to get it up to 60.

>almost 2017+1
>STILL caring about fps

The human eye cannot perceive higher than 30 frames per second.

>.png posting defeats the phoneposters

Nor is yours since you didn't reply properly. If I am talking about today, it's useless to bring the past.

Also input delay has nothing to do with how controls feel if a game is designed clunky in first place. Castlevania could run at 144FPS and still feel clunky, because that's how it was programmed.

I bet you get dizzy playing first person games you piece of shit

The whole FPS argument is retarded, because if the game is good, FPS is the last thing you're thinking about.

Only when the game is middling or bad, when you're looking for distractions, does FPS even become a thing

>"i'm going to portray people i don't like with a picture of an ugly person"

But a high framerate makes the game better, no one is going to say that Dragon's Dogma is a terrible game but the XB1, PS4 and PC versions are far better because the framerate is actually a stable 60 and not running at constant 20 meaning that there's less input delay

having shitty net/only using data and clicking on 3mb images has nothing to do with what device you clicked on that big picture from

I for sure can but I'm not autistic enough that being locked at 30fps would make me enjoy the game less or call it unplayable.

If any person here understand the film medium, the standard is 24 fps (why exactly I'm not sure)

>how many frames did old NES games have
>and how did it effect input when some games have different or delayed input/action speeds?
It effects input less than 30 fps does. I don't even know why you're asking this, input lag is input lag. Just because some games have it built in doesn't mean that adding more is okay.

NES was 60 fps.

>get gifted Dark Souls III on PC to co-op with casual friend
>think it'll be the same because i come from playing on PS4
>have gaymen pc so i can run it
>boot up game
>take first step in 60fps souls
i have never gone back to playing it on PS4 since then
but i think framerate should depend on what game you're playing
60fps should be used for competitive games, while 30 can be used for casual shit, but if you can do it, go for 60
remember, when you look at a game, look for gameplay first, then stability, and finally graphics/soundtrack

The only game I've ever gotten dizzy playing is SO5, and I want to meet the man who finds the camera in that game tolerable so I can piss in his shoes for being a cunt.

>But a high framerate makes the game better
Not necessarily. If the game is good and framerate is an issue, it's easy to overlook. You'll either bear through it or not notice, and either way, your memories of the game looking back will be exclusively about how much fun you had, how good the mechanics were, or how good the story was.
Framerates only make games unplayable if they're already bad.

>60 FPS isn't just about frames, they also affect input.
If you tie your controller polling rate and game logic processing to the framerate, sure.

a game being a slow, choppy slog naturally gives me more time to notice its mechanical flaws, but the fact that i'm going to mention it being a slow, choppy slog ends up proving your self-fulfilling prophecy

what does that card do again,

Some people get motion sickness.

no thats webm, and only iphone faggots
png is just a pothole at best, but we do what we can

>You'll either bear through it

That sounds like you saying that low framerate is a thing to be endured. And I don't understand how you could say that high framerate doesn't make a good game even better, Banjo Tooie on 360 was far better than N64 because the framerate was actually high and stable, whilst it dipped to 10s in some areas like Cloud Cuckooland

>console babbies literally cannot see every single frame

>if a game doesn't run at 60fps it automatically must therefore run at a choppy 10-15fps
these false equivalencies are getting out of hand, user

ever tried playing any fast paced action game at 30 fps? it's not good, regardless of the quality of the game.

Obviously 60 FPS can receive more inputs and faster. Ever heard about fighting games?
Which input the game needs of course depends on the game itself, but it doesn't invalidate the ability to take more inputs per second.

>I have weak eyes so everyone who doesnt get uncomfortable at high framerates must not see as well as I do!
Fuck off

Digital Foundry killed video games.



I can't see the difference here

That's a literal example of why high framerates make good games better and it's not a strawman because there are plenty of games that make the jump from low framerate to high framerate and feel instantly better. Ignoring this is ignorance because it applies also to console games

I don't see the evidence that high framerates don't make games better. Could you present some?

tfw my i's r to gud for vidya gams :(

Yeah, frame rate can be overlooked. I think ocarina of time ran at like 20 fps and it's considered the goat. Highly variable frame rate is far worse than a steady 20 fps. Furthermore, 20 fps on a crt screen is more enjoyable than it is on an lcd screen. However, while low frame rate can be enjoyed given certain conditions, high frame rate is always good.


The fact that they named Horizon Zero Dawn as the game of the year summed them up perfectly.

We've been masturbating about muh graffix long before Digital Foundry existed.

Even though 24fps is enough for your eyes to perceive fluid motion, each frame added after that adds to the fluidity and clarity of what your seeing.

>you need special eyes to see 60 fps
Shit bait. Anyone who can't differentiate between 30 and 60 fps has a legitimate mental deficiency.

wasted resources from a development standpoint, an animation standpoint and even an enduser standpoint due to the needless increase in what the process requires to run unless you have a PC that is upgraded yearly, which is exclusively for wagecucks or trustfund babbys. Not that I will be able to convince you regardless, your mind is already made up on this issue and no amount of facts will change it.

Their video is titled "Digital Foundry's Best Gaming Tech of 2017" not "Digital Foundry's Best Games of 2017". Try again.

Grandpas were masturbating about muh graffix long before I was alive, and I already get called grandpa here.

>what does that card do again,
Draw 2 cards, it's been banned for a long time

t. eternal silver

I believe you must be confused. You see, user was trying to be humorous by referencing a 10-year-old YouTube meme.

>wasted resources from a development standpoint
Yet developers do it because it makes for a better game with less input lag. Halo 5 developers have stated that the reasoning behind 60 FPS is because of gameplay reasons and this is echoed by the fighting game developers which strive for 60 FPS. Saying that improving gameplay is wasting resources is true, in the same way as bug testing is a waste of resources because they use up development time in the pursuit of a better game.

>an animation standpoint
In what way? Plenty of developers don't link animation speed to framerate, plus linking animation to framerate is a bad thing to do development wise as it causes animation to look terrible even when framerate fluctuates from 30 FPS

>even an enduser standpoint due to the needless increase in what the process requires to run unless you have a PC that is upgraded yearly,
Yet there's plenty of console games that are 60FPS and are better for it.

>which is exclusively for wagecucks or trustfund babbys
So your anger against high framerate is due to a hatred of PC users? Doesn't seem logical, also despite your calling out of people for perceived fallacies you have committed ad hominem and attacked high framerate because of your hatred of PC users.

For those that "can't see the difference" pay attention to the trees on a turn. It's the most jarringly difference and after you see it you'll notice it on other things forever.

What is that?

I guess so, I don't think I've ever head of it

Look darling!
Look with your special eyes!

FPS and fighting games are like two of only three genres that actually benefit from 60 FPS, the other being racing games. There is a place for it where it enhances the gameplay, and I guess I should be thankful that it's in all the genres I dislike.

I don't hate PC users, I am currently on a PC and do not even own a current gen console. I hate the fact that you need to upgrade a PC so often because they arbitrarily increase the processload for games just to sell more PC components, and, the only people that can afford said price on a biyearly basis are people with jobs or people whose parents are independently wealthy.

30FPS is acceptable if it has sufficiently good gameplay and graphics

console games just dont have that

for example, pretty much the only exception is ark: survival evolved, because it has some of if not the best graphics of all time, and there are fucking thousands of animals and dinosaurs roaming around which are actually fucking there, they dont despawn and respawn in different areas, they stick to what they were doing, and its kind of incredible to imagine a computer even being able to run it, as stupid as the actual AI is

>b-but ark is on console

yes, and it looks like fucking trash visually, when on PC it looks amazing

the average consolefag would fucking lose his life to video games if he was given a PC with as much power and games as mine, and i barely even play them anymore because im not a child or manchild

grow up and stop being mad people have higher standards than you

I don't know if you are being ironic or just plain retarded.

>FPS and fighting games are like two of only three genres that actually benefit from 60 FPS, the other being racing games
And this is backed up by what information? Platinum games try and strive for 60 FPS in their action games like Metal Gear Rising and even games like DmC got rereleases on modern systems to have higher framerate to reduce input lag. Playing turn based games like Hearthstone on PC is far better than playing it on an old mobile phone with less processing power because high framerate in Hearthstone reduces input delay and choppiness in motion

> I hate the fact that you need to upgrade a PC so often because they arbitrarily increase the processload for games just to sell more PC components, and, the only people that can afford said price on a biyearly basis are people with jobs or people whose parents are independently wealthy.
This still sounds like jealousy against people who can afford premium and can experience 60 FPS on modern titles and then hating on 60 FPS because of that

>He doesn't have bloodline inherited special eyes

How's having shitty genes like, loser? I bet you can't see in 360 degrees behind you either.

> biyearly basis

no one upgrades their computer this much you fucking retard, i got a new GPU for $260 over a year ago and i run nearly all games on ultra at 60fps 1080p, and wont feel a need to upgrade for years at this rate

>He can't even see through clothes

you should really just upgrade in 3-5 year intervals. No one needs the absolute top of the line best stuff anyway

even an unstable 45-60fps with motion blur blows 30fps out of the fucking water in responsiveness

Well it was highly dependant on the game itself. But Castlevania nailed it, by having the delay be a crucial part of the gameplay. However, compared to games of today, NES had a very bad case of input delay. And the games were pretty clunky at that. That's why I don't like going back to NES, unless it's Castlevania and Mario. SNES is just a better experience in every aspect.

its the same shit
fucking pc gamers jesus

Pretending there's no difference is retarded
Agreeing on the fact that some games are ok at 30fps while others benefit so much from 60fps that it's almost crucial to play them at 60fps is the correct option.

are you fucking blind or do you not see what slideshow the 30fps is compared to 60?
Oh boy you would probably have a stroke if you could experience 144hz

>consoleplebs actually think the difference between 60fps and 30fps isnt massive
Top kek

did you even turn the quailty up to 60fps?

either way your opinion is irrelevant because you're an absolute brainlet if you didnt, or you did and cant tell the difference

>be me
>games capped at 60fps feel slow since I got 144hz monitor
>need 144hz to even enjoy a game

It sucks bros.

If you want to feel the best input ever, play QW in software renderer at a low resolution. Preferrably on a CRT. 1000+ fps, something like 320x240@160hz is insane how much better it feels than anything else that exists. You start to get the sense that the pipelines in graphics cards are way too long. Also that QuakeWorld is probably the best multiplayer FPS ever made.

t.30hz monitor

yeah i instantly see the difference, are you guys memeing?

Not an argument

jesus user just wanted to know stuff.

there is literally nothing wrong with high res images.
high res webms on the other hand, are completely pointless. especially when they're such shit quality

>Everyone needs to post tiny 200x150 images and nothing bigger because I'm on my stupid CIA eavesdropping toy >:(

no it fucking wasn't, try playing Ninja Gaiden on real hardware on a CRT and get back to me
the controls in that game are so fluid and responsive
just because the only NES game you've ever played is Castlevania doesn't mean they're all like that

The reason originally was because of costs. 24fps is the minimum amount the eye needs to percieve motion. A higher framerate would require a longer reel to record the same film.

It also comes with an unintended side effect of hiding special effects, because the while the eye percieves fluid motion it also recognizes everything in the film as "not quite real" which helps in accepting dolls and computer generated images as part of the world. This is the reason new tvs make movies look weird and fake (by faking a higher framerate) unless you change the factory settings, and why The Hobbit movies looked like trash at 48fps.

I do this just for that reason. lel