Sup Forums here

Sup Forums here
Why the FUCK do you faggots play video games? It's rotting your damn brain. Fucking hell

Do you really think the world, due to the actions of mankind, is going to fix itself and become a utopia?

Any answer besides ``Yes'' is why people play video games.

Get the fuck back to your containment board, bitch.

>he doesn't know Sup Forums's whole thing is that we don't play video games
I know you've been here since the election, but please lurk for two years.

I want an Eastern European gf/wife

>implying anyone here plays vidya

Wrong. I didn't show up here until after the election.

hello Sup Forums, it's Sup Forums. We're glad that you've graduated from openly shitposting about politics that are at best tangentially related to videogames to just shitposting about videogames in general. Maybe try to do things such as talk about specific video games and we won't ask you to fuck off.

you still need to go back

ITT: 15 year olds pretend to be Oldfags

hi r/pol
Please stay off of real Sup Forums.

>OP asks why you play video games
>nobody gives an actual answer
really makes you think

because the real world is shit

GTA 5?

I play with friends and to socialize. I've met some nice girls through vidya.

You want a real answer?
To piss off Sup Forums
I don't give to shits about politics in gaming, if the game is good, I'll fucking play it. If it's bad, I won't play it.
I don't give two shits if there is a tranny or a gay in there, as long as the gameplay is good I'll play it to piss off Sup Forums

What else is there to do in this life that doesn't bore me after 5 hours?

can't stop won't stop

also shit

because it makes me money, more than you will ever make in your lifetime

Whats better than fucking gta 5

They rot my brain less than going on Sup Forums

fuck you

t. pewpiepie

>video games r le devil!!!
To think we have an entire board full of these retarded fuck right winglets.

It's fun.

They're not the devil.

They are however for faggots

They like making everything political much like real news.
Why can't we have one fucking thing in this world not be about politics?

be positive, around 60% of them are ironic


well why do you play video games then?

you still can't give an answer hahaha

Op, i smashed my son's ps4 last week. He was crying like a little bitch.I fucking told him to get in the gym and to stop playing video gaymes


Thanks for the pic, gonna rub one off to that skeleton and go to bed.

appropriate replies for a shit thread

I don't have to justify myself to tinfoil-hat wearing lizardman conspiracy theorists.

putting toothpicks under my toenails and kicking a wall is better than gta5

gta5 is trash. i would literally rather count my pubes than play gta5


At this point you can't be pretending to be retarted. I just gave you a reason why I play them, and yet you fucked off anyway.

Because they are fun pol-user, you wouldn't know anything about that because you're so obsessed with what you call the real world, youre a failure and that's why you focus so much on what niggers and Jews and Muslims are doing because "it's not fair". They're evil aren't they? They don't deserve to have a better life than you because you're worth something aren't you user? You're making a difference to the world on your shitty board doing whatever you idiots do.
Meanwhile we argue about shit we love.
You should lose some weight user and put some care into your appearance because the way things are now you'll never get a girl like in your picture.

She's fit as fuck though pol-user I'll give you that.

Do you even have a job pol-user????
I doubt it and even if you do it's a worthless no skill job.


That doesn't say a whole lot to people who don't play video games. Imagine you're trying to explain it to someone who doesn't

>Sup Forums here
How does it feel to be the most cancerous board on Sup Forums?


Well, it's not deleted.

>Sup Forums here

this board at night has been particularly awful of late

Why would I explain it to people who dont play video games? So they can tell me I'm not useful in society even though I work? To tell me that I'll never have a proper family? Why would I give a shit about any of that?

It's not pol you faggots, it's some pinko trying to force the pendulum to swing back and get people tired of Sup Forums faster. They're using your contrarianism against you.

>Implying spending time on Sup Forums all day doesn't do the same thing

>"why do you like your hobby" is a shit thread
I'm going to let y'all contemplate on what this means and what kinds of people must browse Sup Forums at this point. Or in other words, the absolute state of Sup Forums

Good, fuck off.

no joke, I don't think you are supposed to play more than 1 or 2 games a year


Almost every game is a derivative disappointment that intentionally tries to shit on the games that came before it.

fuck off new fag. I'm the old guard. Sup Forums was at its best when it was more laissez faire regarding off topic discussions. This "only talk about vidya" shit is hall monitor shit, real gay shit

Smells like a false flag, my alex jones sense is tingeling

Pretty good. Here's a (fpbp).

>rotting your brains
>yet most likely spends time on Sup Forums and reading twitter feeds

/r9k/ faggots like you ruined Sup Forums

>Video games are rotting your brain
>When you unironically post on Sup Forums

uh, huh

This user doesn’t represent anyone, not even himself, let it be known he is a retard whose opinions are unvalued.


Why do you spend your spare time on Sup Forums crying about the jewish boogeyman
How is that good for your health

I dunno man, lots of studies say vidya actually makes you smarter due to constant stimulation.

>Rotting your brain
Only thing that rots your brain is brain inactivity, you dumb cunt and that is exactly what Sup Forums gives you, a nice little place to put your brain and listen to others and believe

>Sup Forums here

Just when you thought this board couldn't possibly get shittier

I'll gice you a real answer;
Because I would choose 15 cantinas band.

It is, no mods here tonight so everyone is just shitposting

little steps my man

first i gotta stop fapping


Real life is boring

>falling for bait


To be fair senpai the whole internet should be shut down and your hands should be removed so you can’t fap anymore m8

>Sup Forums here

Omegon, please.

Obi-Wan, Yoda, Rex and R2

I would REALLY appreciate if you stayed on topic and answered my video game related question

rex (3) + kit (4) + obi-wan (5) and lando (3)

>not knowing most Sup Forumslacks are fucking brown skinned lanklets
Most of the fatasses come from Sup Forums and reddit, but nevermind that you fell for a b8 thread my dood lol

>Sup Forumsvermin
>complaining about others rotting your brain

15 jar jars


because its fun you autistic shit for brains

The bait only worked on 14 year olds from reddit m8, what did you expect?

15 jar-jar binks please, I just want them all die in agony.

>being so reddit that you think Sup Forumsermin is a bad word so you lash out at other boards
Sup Forums has been calling themselves Sup Forumsermin for upwards of 10 years you fucking autist, it’s a self-deprecating term of endearment faglord

Well you were allways making bs up, what studies show that it "rots your brain" because and seem to atleast have an explanation on why it wouldnt "rot your brain"

>Sup Forums was at its best when it was more laissez faire regarding off topic discussions
nigger there's a huge gulf between 'stuff that's kinda related to vidya culture' and 'SHE FUCKING WON' and other such nonsense.