“I…” 9S faced the crowd, voice trembling. “I’m sorry...

“I…” 9S faced the crowd, voice trembling. “I’m sorry. I never should have pushed my advice on you like I knew any better. It was hard enough to make it through a single day, yet each one of you have trudged through this shit for years? I was clearly out of my element, and I’ll think before speaking again!”

Other urls found in this thread:


>reverse image search
So this is what qualifies for publication on Vice these days? This is just TF porn

I don't get it at all. Assuming this is TFPorn like user said, why would 9S even care? And why would they even target him? He's not exactly misogynistic.

the machinations of the AGP brain are an enigma

Zelda touched her palm against 9S’s forehead, and he was blinded by an all-too-familiar light. When his vision returned, he stood before a gathering of every woman he had insulted.


I a make a shitpost!


I need an archive of this because I can't believe these snippets are real

Isn't 9S gay? I'm pretty sure one of the major male characters in one of these games happens to be gay.

Why exactly would they use 9S for this? 9S was shitty to robots, but never once showed any signs of misogyny, and it's not like gender means much of anything in their world either.

I can't even get mad about this, just confused.

"“Did you…” 9S ventured a guess. “Did you mean me?”

“No shit! Do you see any other Kristins here?”

Confused, 9S looked down. His shorts and vest were gone, replaced with a velvet red pencil skirt and a matching suit top. The nails were filed in a perfect, crimson manicure. The hair was still short, but it was chestnut brown, and a well-kept bun in the back held the rest in place. His mind raced, searching for a rational explanation where none existed, and could only conclude he was in a dream. For now, he played along."

Accelerated Graphics Port?

>he stood before a gathering of every woman he had insulted.
He's never even meet a woman before, goddamn.

You're thinking of Emil. The kid Yoko Taro wears that mask of

There is absolutely no way the author wasn't masturbating to this
I reiterate, why is this being published on Vice?

I used reverse image search and didn't get anything vice related, can you link the article?

I copied the quotes into google and ended up with this
I don't know how to archive.

Type "Fanfic: The Trials of the False Oracle" into google if you want to read it for yourself.

>when you go to make an archive.is link to post here so they don't get any money but find out that Vice has blocked archiving websites because something something taking a stand against racism
I really don't understand the world I live in anymore

They blocked archive.is but you can't block the google webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:https://waypoint.vice.com/en_us/article/3k5kvw/fanfic-the-trials-of-the-false-yorha-oracle

Now that is some writing, I can't believe this isn't satire but knowing the source I might not be

>His voice quivered, mixed with fear and anger. “Change me back. Change me back right now!”
>2B sliced his cheek, blood dripping from the slight gash. “You haven’t learned a thing! 9S, the brightest boy in the room, can’t discern why dozens of women hate his guts? Day after day, you insist your advice will help solve our problems! ‘Zelda, have you tried fighting Ganon for once?’ ‘Pauline, men will only treat you seriously if you assert yourself!’ Which reminds me…”
>With a simple flick of the wrist, 9S’s skirt flew away: he had seen this happen to 2B enough times to remember what was and wasn’t covered. His cheeks burned with embarrassment, and he dropped to the ground, doing his best to cover up as an unseen crowd broke out into laughter.

Does it make me a bad person if I'm extremely happy that I didn't write this?

But 9S has never spoke to Zelda or Pauline
I don't understand

it's pretty embarrassing, yeah

It's a bunch of games mixed together because the author couldn't think of enough strong female characters in automata for 9s to insult apparently

but 9S is a good boy and would never insult hisbig milky mommy gf

>author is an autistic trannie
Wow I never would have guessed

I would be extremely happy if I wrote this ironically and it was published by Vice.

Since when has fanfic ever cared about the characters they're borrowing

What a cute boy (female)

What about their partner (they/them)?


>its just a pajeet in lipstick