MGS series remasters/remake collection for PS4 when?
MGS series remasters/remake collection for PS4 when?
Metal Gear Solid: The Legacy Collection on PS3 has every game, surely porting that to PS4 can't be that hard
I need this in my life, fuck pulling out the Triple to play this shit. My PS3 controllers are caked with gunk and shit anyways.
Legacy collection doesn't contain Peace Walker.
it does
HD collection does but not Legacy.
I would like a complete remake of the original trilogy.
Also I believe you can buy some of the MGS games for PS4, Snaker Eater maybe?
My PS3 broke. All I need is MGS and Yakuza 3, 4 and 5 ported to more recent platform to forget about it.
I'm waiting for that, but it still has a way to go. Also MGS4 will be the last game to boot on RPCS3.
Native ports are superior to emulation.
Release date when
What are you even saying? Legacy contains a copy of MGS4, a code for MGS1, and the HD collection.
>oh yes mmm please benevolent game developers, allow me to re-buy the same games multiple times instead of giving us new games
woops was aiming to reply to
>hurr, durr, stop making new games, Metal Gear without Kojima is no Metal Gear
Sup Forums, if you could design a new MGS game, what would it be like?
Hey guys lets just remaster every good game forever because idiots will keep buying them
It contains no remaster or remake of MGS1. A REAL ONE, FUCK TWIN SNAKES
>complete remake of the original trilogy.
they would have to revamp the entire games, all 3 are very dated in gameplay
This would be the first time buying MGS4 if they ported it to the PS4, I never owned a PS3, but I've played the PS2 games