>The self-righteous shall pay.
>The self-righteous shall choke on their sanctimony.
>Now falls the dogma of the self-righteous!
Is terrorblade /ourhero/?
>The self-righteous shall pay.
>The self-righteous shall choke on their sanctimony.
>Now falls the dogma of the self-righteous!
Is terrorblade /ourhero/?
Other urls found in this thread:
He is a hero of the alt right.
awfully quiet in here..
How does Sup Forums build terrorblade?
I go Aquila -> raindrops -> Treads -> Dragon Lance -> Manta and then situational items
Sometimes I swap out manta for SnY first when the game needs to be closed out early and sometimes dragon lance is swapped out for mask of madness when the enemy lineup isnt too bursty
Is Outworld Destroyer Sup Forumss guy then?
>I bring bad news
>Their sanity I'll shatter, their dreams of conquest I'll destroy
S and y sucks get diffusal
Acting like there is a build versaility above 3k mmr. LUL
>playing dota after the meme back patch
You are the moba equivalent to wow players if your stI'll playing years after reddit shat all over ice frogs game. Pic probably not related I didn't look what it was before dragging off my desktop
>terrorblade isn't antimage's twin brother
I actually havent played dota for weeks because of the shit fucking patch. They ruined supports.
I used to be 5.6k but dropped to 5.1k after the patch, then new ranked came and recalibrated at 4.8k and dropped to 4.5k and stop playing.
Happy patch for core players. I actually have no desire to even play that shit fucking game after the patch.
>press Q
edgy they said
Sup Forums is more like pudge
fat, smelly, ugly, entire existence is based on memes
Welcome to every big ice frog patch, the shiter will defend it and the good players will leave.
You honestly deserve it for not dropping the game afterm tthe rubber band patch and the talent tree patch you sack of shit
that's actually the funniest image i've seen in ages.
>Posts picture of a hero from another moba
Tb is a trash carry
>no mobility
>other heroes pump out the same damage, but safer
go back to HotS
>le 10 armor!1
More like
>le 500 hp!
he is squishy you retard
game is dead. take it from someone who is considered an "old guard".
many of my friends also feel the same. they're switching to other games like pubg or single player games like witcher, dark souls, etc.
t.Low mmr brainlets
>he picks TB!
Just use CK he’s the better illusion hero
>140s cooldown
>commonly builds raw stat items, has high armour and must be bursted down in the duration of a stun or he instantly heals to full
I wonder sometimes if you guys ever even play the game that you're talking about
>155 seconds cooldown
>useless without it
The chad CK versus the virgin TB
>easy one trick pony hero vs hard hero who is devastating in capable hands
>prefering the former
good job outing yourself as a 2k soyboy.
All things have to die.
I only wish custom games had come back before it did, though.
>gimping yourself and your team with with an overly CD reliant hero when you can be constantly good without your ulti because because TB IS SO ME TWISTED FUCKING PAYCHOPATH!
It's just sad how they fucked it up so bad. I guess the 2GD incident was an omen of things to come. Game is streamlined as well as the viewing experience/competitive scene.
I've wasted so many hours since the Guinsoo days. I guess we have to move on to better things, not to mention my skills are turning to shit because of age.
look up dota 2 heroes on google yourself
it's actually what comes up
How mich have you spent on doto hats?
>implying Armless the Failure has shit on the man
>tfw divine 5
lmaoing @ ur lifes tierlets
>The self-righteous shall pay.
Why does he hate the self-righteous? He was thrown into demon prison for stealing from other fucking demons. His defining moment in life was staring into a mirror.
>not a ranked divine player
holy shit
Removing randoming was the biggest mistake Valve has done with the game. Fuck them.
>mfw I pick Terrorblade as a counter to AM picks
I just hate dealing with AM in general. I don't really lose to AM more than any other hero, but I honestly just hate dealing with AMs since it really isn't that fun playing against them.
>tfw favorite hero is Windranger but I only have a 49% winrate with her
So close but so far. I mean it's still better than the average but eh.
I honestly feel with her, I have to keep up my snowball advantage no matter what or the game will slip out of my hands.
I miss spin to random hero. Sometimes you don't know what you want to play, but don't want to commit to a full random
>Not picking best girl every match
>implying i dont
treads>aquila>dragon>manta>pike>situational(most of the time bkb)
Great hero.
t. divine 2
When should you diffusal? Radiance?
Stop fucking posting you herald. Terrorblade is an amazing carry.
I never do. I can see those items being viable, but I don't see a reason to do it when my build works perfectly fine.
Always take the -35sunder and -reflection cd talents
Build Linken with BKB when needed. Don't be afraid of having 2 defensive items, Terrorblade will deal enough damage.
After he gets items he has 2 bars of 3000 hp with 30 armor.
Jungle build
Circlet x2 + QB, Wraith band x2, Aquila, Yasha, Treads, Manta
Conjure image level 1, Meta levels 2 & 3, Conjure image level 4, then Wex > Exort > Invoke > Quas
My fucking god what the fuck this place is full of heralds.
Jungling is not viable. If you pick a core in jungle, you are going to be completely useless for at least 10 minutes. You are most likely not even going to ever get the farm you need because the enemy team has a roamer. And you are going to be taking the farm from your real carry which is in your safelane.
When should you and when shouldn’t you use metamorphosis? The cooldown on that shit is so crazy and it can either win or lose you the game depending on whether its on cd or not.
after anyone gets items they end up beefy. what are you talking about? tb is one of the squishest heroes in early and mid game.
Jungling is absolutely viable. You just have to recognize which brackets it works in. Nobody will rotate to kill you at 4k and below, and once you have your yasha you flash farm faster than AM with a battlefury.
early on blow it asap on towers. later use it when you're commited to a fight.
That is why three of his core items are skadi/bkb/pike.
Also, don't forget about sunder.
Or you could just go safelane or mid like a normal human being and win the game.
What are you talking about? At 3.5K every game now has a roaming Pudge just rotating endlessly
>one of the best effective hp early game
>base hp regen beaten only by nyx
He straight up wins almost all 1v1 fights, especially if he has metamorph. Obviously some heroes are stronger but he ain't no slark at least
Everything is viable in the trench
Who else stuck in the trench?
to this day i still have no idea what killed this game
t. 3.5k mmr/legend 1
I remember Akan from Harcore Henry saying the same shit and he's edge incarnate.
I stopped following pro-doto stuff around TI3/4. What 2GD incident?
Terrorblade is not a very mobile hero. Try to make pike earlier and more often. It's really nice to have that forcestaff on him and you can also pop linkens to cast ur ult.
>Two things:
>1) James. We've had issues with James at previous events. Some Valve people lobbied to bring him back for Shanghai, feeling that he deserved another chance. That was a mistake. James is an ass, and we won't be working with him again.
>2) As long as we're firing people, we are also firing the production company that we've been working with on the Shanghai Major. They will be replaced, and we hope to get this turned around before the main event.
So people who screwed up got fired? Wow
I want to FUCK winter wyvern.
I started playing like a clouple months ago level 22. How did you guys start venturing to smaller items like fairy fires, rain drops, and stuff? Aka away from recommended shit that people that dont know how to play the game like .e do? Ive fotten better on pickong my own shit late game but not early game, i always have the mentality tbat since it wont build to something bigger its not worth it and the stats are negligable
I haven't met a single person who switched to PUBG that wasn't a massive faggot regardless. The majority of the hardcore old guard is playing equally repulsive games that most people don't care about, like MMO's and diablo clones.
In simple terms, they hired James, told him to be himself and got mad when he did.
To make matters worse the production was awful and James had to wing it on the fly, which involved a whiteboard. For some reason this made a bunch of people really mad.
OD is Ron Paul
Ah, Sceptre!
Wich hero is your Favorite to have this Bad boy on?
Used to be Lina then Necro until they nerfed them to the ground.
Deleting people is fun.
I actually stopped picking those smaller items because of the bonus heroes. The new wand and its regen is the most broken item in the game, for the diacounted price, and my pool is wide enough that I can go for free mangos every game.
But faerie fire did save my life too many times to count.
>late game
>kill two people with TWO necro ults
>+100s respawn timer on TWO
>you have successfuly won your game
Good times.
>pick necro in the patch with the old aghs that disables buyback
>build aghs refresher
>my team has doom and he also builds aghs refresher
>tfw game is literally 1v5
Night Stalker. After spamming the hero for a while i rarely find myself getting it, opting to go for items like medallion and hood rather than just rushing it like i used to, but whenever i get the chance to get it it always feels so amazing to have that flying vision. During night time it really feels like you can do anything you want, the enemy has like 0 map control if you play things well.
>Fearsword and Necro
>Both with Dagons
>aghs and Lotus ready
And then we fucking deleted Axe and Alche both within 30 secs of each other
Cool catch. The +20 ms talent is a godsend at this point
General toughts on Goodkind?
Post your heroes, Sup Forums
A combination of many things:
-garbage new heroes like Monkey King, Dark Willow and Pangolier
-casualization by patchs
-shitty explanation of the mechanics in the beginner's tutorials
-shitty matchmaking, gets even worse with each new patch
-old bugs never really get fixed unless the players beg them for years to do it
-the new UI is pretty much basic trash without a real soul, makes playing Dota less immersive
-the new UI is still lacking in functions
-make custom games only to quickly abandon them to their own devices, no real support given
-too much focus on Dota as an e-sport instead of as a fun game
-new Dota in-game events take too long to happen and when they happen they are either extremely disappointing or behind a huge paywall
-unironically taking advice from the retards in reddit
-unironically taking advice from "pros" who mostly have zero idea what makes a game fun to play in the first place
-the report system is a joke, Low Priority is your punishment for daring to play in a way you want or even daring to play the right way in a party of retards
There is probably way more, but you already got the idea.
>-the new UI is pretty much basic trash without a real soul, makes playing Dota less immersive
>-the new UI is still lacking in functions
to this day, this is the one thing that still bothers me
>75% OD winrate
Seems about right
What is wrong with new heroes? I have a feeling everyone just hates them because they weren't in dota 1.
people are still getting used to them
Some folks call bullshit on willow for how easy it is to Dive early game and get kills easy
Some folks call OP on pango for that Multi strike he has
And some faggots are still bitching that Monkey king is OP when they never saw how Bloody cheap he was when he came out
>garbage new heroes like Monkey King, Dark Willow and Pangolier
Le monkey face is fucking shit, but DW and Pangolier are actually pretty good. DW and Pango look like lolshit at first glance but they actually play like proper dota heroes, with strong disables and situlationally overpowered skills.
>casualization by patchs
7.07 just undid a bunch of retarded shit like shrines in base, easy nobrain offlane and made it so denies actually matter again.
I feel like their designs, both gameplay and aesthetic, are a bit inconsistent with the rest of the roster
i only 10th pick OD to scum over timber, morph and am
Power Treads and five Eblades
thats the drow build actually
>Be stupid enough to actually complain on reddit that my friends want to play Siltbreaker but can't because the one event valve worked on in a year is paywalled and they miss the days of dark moon
>We don't even want the rewards
>Just play the arcade version you dingus
>Like, -20 score
They're so delusional if they think anyone is gonna play a ghetto version hosted on one of our computers.
The game has no events and when it does, it keeps out every non-paying user and you even get insulted for it.
>The majority of the hardcore old guard is playing equally repulsive games that most people don't care about, like MMO's and diablo clones.
too close to home ;_;