Well Sup Forums.. I cant fucking do it anymore

Well Sup Forums.. I cant fucking do it anymore

I work for Sony Santa Monica, ive been around since GOW started development and im here to tell you the entire situation around this game is 100% fucked.

The game is finished in an alpha state, it can be played from beginning to end on development PC's. However, there have been massive issues getting this thing to run on a PS4 because of sony's fucked mandates on first party AAA games regarding the pro.

The last week of november we got the call from sony, to port the ENTIRE fucking game to Decima, we are in the process of doing that now and this game is 100% not hitting early next year. Holiday next year is our projection, but the way this process has been going so far, its more realistic to expect this in 2019.

We begged upper management to let us scale back on the requirements to get it out in time but they wouldnt budge. Once we realized the game would have to be ported, we asked for them to let us use UE4 (Like Bend already fucking is) and they shot us down. So Decima it is, something nobody here has any experience with.

The plan is to send some guys from Guerilla games down in the new year to help.. well see what happens

OP here

Also want to say, the reason Sony hasnt talked about this is because they STILL expect us to have it ready in 3 fucking months. They could send all of Guerilla here and it still wouldnt happen, the brass/suits at sony are fucking us hard on this one, im fucking exhausted mentally and physically and i dont care about my fucking job anymore.

Fuck this

Assuming you aren't just RPing when can we expect the delay announcement to come up.

I'm king Arthur of the Bretons.

Is the game good tho

I'm Sparticus

Post plot spoilers

how tough would it be to just copy and paste the code? sounds pretty fucking easy and you're just talking shit.

>setting the game in an overused norse mythology like a bunch of faggots
>not going for Egypt, Aztecs or any other underused and cool setting
fuck the game, I hope it dies

Egypt would have been the logical choice due to Greek similarities, but they fell for the "We Want the Skyrim Audience" meme

>sony santa monica having technical problems ever

ya ok

We don't give a single fuck devbro, the game you're working on looks like utter garbage.

>The last week of november we got the call from sony, to port the ENTIRE fucking game to Decima,
This is the dumbest thing i have read all year.
Santa Monica is one of the ICE team tech contributors so this call wouldn't make any sense.
Also porting the game would be impossible. Straight up impossible.
It would take 2 years to make the suffecient changes to Decima required.

My wife's son works for Sony and he says you're lying.

>no my wifes son joke in there somewhere

kinda disappointed desu

the new god of war looks like hot garbage anyways

nigger you dont need insider info to tell that


I dont think changing engines with the game "already finished" is something that can be realisticaly done.

>all those jokes at PSX 2017 pressuring the director to hurry up and making fun of him for being in crunch time while he looks perpetually uncomfortable
I believe you

That timing

And it's literally the only thing Sony has shown off at public events for a whole year

jesus christ