Hey guys I'm trying to play the first Witcher but it keeps crashing and saying it stopped working
Hey guys I'm trying to play the first Witcher but it keeps crashing and saying it stopped working
its a sign from the gods telling you to play a better game
Pirate the gog release.
Shit game
>only 3 IP's
Oh boy, I wonder who these two are. Still mad you're banned from nearly every RPG forum, TheBull94?
Steam is shit
game is sentient and tries to become friends with you by relating to your lifestyle
It's bad
Works on my machine
Crashing when? At launch, loading, ingame?
At launch
Is it fully patched? Are you on w10?
yep, the stock W1 crashes like a motherfucker
save often
How about you provide a bit more information?
Your specs, where'd you get the game...etc?
I've played through TW1:EE four times on 3 different systems, one WinXP and two W7 machines, and had zero issues.
fuck off. TW1 is the only GOOD Witcher game.
Does it do it when you transition to a new area? If so, turn off autosave.
>fuck off. TW1 is the only GOOD Witcher game.
Objectively false.
The Witcher series is utter garbage
Objectively and subjectively true.
TW1 > 3 > > > 2.
Appealing for console action-kids was a huge mistake.
It is known to crash
>only 3 IP's
Are you retarded?
>Appealing for console action-kids was a huge mistake.
But first game is already dumbed down garbage for console action-kids.
Storytelling and atmosphere are the strong points of these games, and the witcher 1 is by far the best at these.
>m-muh combat
It's just as bland in the sequels. You have to time your clicks in the first game, and spam them in 2 and 3. The only thing that changed is the frequency of pressing a button.
Witcher is a shit game and series
>I only ever played TW2!
t: (You)
>It's just as bland in the sequels.
No, it's just infuriatingly clunky Batman shit in sequels. They even removed Stances and totally raped Alchemy in later games.
>But first game is already dumbed down garbage for console action-kids.
1 is exclusive to pc senpai
> it keeps crashing and saying it stopped working
That's normal, it's a slav
>it keeps crashing
I mean it is polish
1 > 3 > 2
but they're all really good either way, so
Yeah the story and atmosphere are great in 1. Too bad the main thing about a game, the gameplay is shit in every way
there was a console version in the works you subhuman
Never even heard of that, because you know what? 10 years later, and TW1 is still a PC exclusive, and plays like a proper, unrestricted CRPG.
sadly this
>Voiced protagonist
>Set up personality
>only 4 attributes
>only 5 spells
>Skill trees related only to 2h sword
>No ranged options
>Action combat, no companions, no tactics
It's as much of crpg as bahman arkham series, kys.
>implying the last 2 chapters weren't fun as hell
Hope you are playing Enhanced Edition. Cuts down load times and improves a bunch of shit.
>It's as much of crpg as bahman arkham series, kys.
welp, consoletards literally just went full retard!
Did all of those and it still crashes
3 dlc>1>3>2
based dagoth ur telling the TRUTH
stop samefagging.
Plus, set character and VA has nothing to do with the FACT that TW1 is a COMPUTER Role playing game, with a lot more ROLE playing than any of its sequels, and none of that wannabe AssCreed x DaS trash 2-3 are.
eat shit you fucking faggot
with pretty shitty melee combat
There are also some regedit shenanigans to make it borderless: steamcommunity.com
t. underage brainlets
pure crpgs are for literal autists. go back to playing dungeons and dragons with your mommy gm, soyboy.
Do you have autism?
>s-samefag-g-g-ging!!! r-reddit!!!
cry harder
>get called on enjoying dumbed down normie trash
>B-better games are for autists!
t. console baby, as expected from the shitter fan.
>this thread
woah, some autist sperged out. Anyway, pirate the GOG version and play that instead. It never once crashed on me.
It never happened for me on Steam, but just get or pirate the GOG version. It's dirt cheap anyway. Ignore the salty retards, one of them literally said "cry harder" to some user. I thought Christmas holiday was over by now.
>literally admitting that (You)'re too dumb to play real RPGs
What the fuck are you talking about? Leave my Sup Forums thisvery instant and take your nigger with you.
You can get it on gog for free if you own the steam version
This guy gets it
i finished TW1 last week
and i have to say
it is a good game, but the gameplay are so fucking bad that it became really hard to recomend this to anyone
now i'm playing TW2
it is clunky as fuck, but still miles better than the first one
really liking so far.