Dumb birb
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how's this set up?
On the flip side I'm still struggling to grasp that Homura and Hikari are voiced by the same person. Whoever she is, she does a bang up job making the two voices distinct, even outside of the polite vs abrasive word choice/speech style.
Reminder that Nia doesn't get cucked, since Pyra would happily invite her into Rex's harem if she wanted.
Dumb book
NG+ better let you keep your shop deeds. I'm not losing that +30% run speed
How did Nintendo get away with a pantless female character?
Zeke is winning
I don't really see it brought up much, by what the fuck was the deal with Niall?
>makes a barrier that can protect everyone
>runs out of it
shh user, just let him and his autism be a plot device.
nice feet
Malos bros it's not fair
It was his turn
No guarantees the shield would be enough, used it to protect everyone, then tried to get to the controller to stop it himself.
He was worried the shield would just get blown away, in the end it didn't, but he didn't want to gamble their lives on that
This game looks like fucking shit. I enjoyed Chronicles, but this game seems like it'd be a complete waste of money.
It covers the basic HLR/ATK/TNK roles so I don't see much of a problem.
How do you get these kind of blade moments? I only know heart to hearts but they have those popup lines
Well, are you?
Where is it that mention blades are used as sex slaves?
Their affinity chart will usually tell you that they have a quest you can complete and where to start said quest.
Thank you
The door is that way soyboy.
Try to convince me otherwise.
Should be fine. But Nim feels like overkill on Rex, I'd replace with another good DPSer, I use Perun personally.
What about it don't you like? It's quite different from how it may appear.
There's nothing explicit but Zeke mentions that some cores are sold in some areas of the world with pictures of the Blades with them, pretty girls etc. He was worried that was what would have happened to Pandoria if Amalthamus hadn't saved them and they'd been gotten by bandits.
It's not really said they're sex slaves though, could be that guys just want cute female blades. I mean, Blades can all defend themselves and there's no obligation for them to obey the whims of their "Drivers", so it seems like a fairly risky venture if you're really gonna try rape them or something.
She needs an actual beak.
>If you don't like dumb anime crap you're a soyboy
>60 hours in and I still feel like I'm playing a MMO alone
Blades are sorta fun I guess but I'm not an incel so there's not much there for me.
No, someone refusing something based on graphics or art doesnt deserve the be convinced, just get out of the thread.
Post comfyness
it really was. fuck zeke and his comic relief self.
friendly reminder that liking zeke is childhood
liking malos is adulthood
So, whats with the scenes where you can't hear what the characters are saying to each other? It happens multiple times and the game never tells you what is said. Some of the things they say seems pretty important.
No because the game won't let me roll you, you piece of shit dumb pigeon.
Fantastic cast. Everyone is likeable, everyone is relevant to the story (compare with P5 where only Joker, Makoto and Futaba are relevant) and everyone contributes to their success.
Great story, twists and turns in ways you're probably not expecting. It stays mostly light-hearted throughout, but doesn't shy away from showing or implying darker things, as well as killing off major characters. Goes out of it's way to tell a story without villains, every one of the "bad guys" is completely understandable in their own right and all of them have their own priorities.
Jin was looking for a purpose and saw that in Malos. The Blade/Flesh eaters are the same, they didn't really want to die, but Jin didn't have anywhere else to go and he was all they had, so they followed him.
Amalthus is shown constantly doing good things, but also incredibly terrible ones. His anger at the world is what fucks everything up, what drives Malos to do what he does, and what causes him to even destroy the ecosystem with the Titans. The reason the Titans are dying and the world is in the situation it is is literally his fault. But we also see him saving lives, raising orphens, and running charities.
Malos was basically corrupted by Amalthus, he couldn't find his own purpose and all that was left was the need to destroy the world he got from Amalthus. It could have all gone completely different with him
And most importantly, top tier, fantastic gameplay with one of the strongest and most innovative combat systems I've ever played that gets unveiled to you completely throughout the game.
All of them are "Let's have sex later"
As well he should
It happens with Zeke/Pandy, and with Pyra/Rex, both times it's pretty clear that it's them confessing their love.
Not true, Pyra's is "Let's have sex, right now. While Nia is watching."
Pyra getting Nia to heal Rex after her and Mythra have drained him completely dry is too great an image not to be canon.
You're not referring to the last scene I hope?
>both times it's pretty clear that it's them confessing their love.
Bullshit, it happens with Malos and Jin too and there's no way th
Oh god no
He wanted to an hero so his selfless sacrifice would prove to Uraya Mor Ardain really has no ill will towards them and the attack on Temperantia really wasn't their intention, and everything went according to keikaku, PLUS he got to Lazarus out of his grave on top of it
I want have a loving relationship with Nia and make her a happy mother.
>it happens with Malos and Jin too
This. I am trying so fucking hard to enjoy this shit game simply because I want to prove to myself that it isnt just waifu gachapon, but, these threads dont even fuckin discuss gameplay.
I want this game's mechanics to actually be good because I hate goddamn SJWs.
*tips fedora respectfully towards you*
joking aside what does malos say to jin?
Probably figured Jin was going to die anyways and was like "ay thanks for sticking with me, bruh"
Damn, I wish I was Jin just so Malos could be my friend.
More like "ay, thanks for letting me stick it in you, bruh"
I want to Cock that Too
The mechanics are good. What is there to dislike? And mostly the story is discussed in threads so fuck you for trying to start shit.
How far are you? If you're legitimately not enjoying the combat system and you're past the point where you've gotten Mythra then I don't know what to tell you, because the combat is absolutely fantastic.
You see people talking about gameplay though, generally comparing top tier Morag setups or showing off how ridonkulous you can make Tora if you grind Tiger Tiger like an autist.
There is no threesome ending. Rex only has one wife.
>There is no threesome ending.
True. It's a foursome.
>Rex only has one wife.
This is why I like the villains in this game. This is something that is somewhat unique among villains in this day and age.
I'm so used to the shitty betrayal meme that villains pull on themselves these days. If this was a shit JRPG, either Jin or Malos, one of them anyway, would have killed the other one at some point and said some gay as fuck line about him being a tool to help him climb further in power or some garbage like that.
All of the Torna group are tight as fuck though with each other. They're great, I love it.
PS - Fuck Amalthus
I wonder if these two will have any issues getting used to not being completely inseparable anymore.
The only thing to say is admittingly it takes a while for combat to get more fluid.
Once you get two pouches and stock them with a pair of items that recharge arts every second, there should be very little actual downtime between using arts.
Can you impregnate a blade?
>All of the Torna group are tight as fuck though
Except for that shithead cuck Nia, fuck her traitorous ass
How many of you Niafags are degenerates and want to see her suffer? Report in now
I've seen too many of these posts
This scene was awfull in the dub
Akhos a shit and Patroka did literally nothing
Not him, but ill try tostick it out. Blades do actually creep me out in concept but i fuckin love these environments
t. Cucked cat
I thought the dub was awful in general, minus a few characters. But that's just me.
I’m a sucker for small shit living on big shit. Alrest makes me fucking cream my pants everytime I see it.
Posting the cutest and fiercest healer.
Not your personal army.
wrong picture bruh
Shame she kinda suck tho.
Seeing all the different designs in this game makes we wish that there was a Xenoblade game with Murata as the lead designer, even though he probably wouldn't do it because it takes away too much time from OPM.
I'm a big fan of Nia, but despite how much chemistry they have, Rex works better with Pyra because of the nature of the plot, he's completely dedicated to her, it'd be strange for him to be with someone else.
I'm for her getting invited to the harem though.
Amalthus knew he was a dipshit deep inside. The conversation he had with Zeke showed it.
I almost got to the point where Indol becomes inaccessible. I know stuff gets shuffled around and I already did the three sidequest I'd otherwise lose long ago, but are you still able to see Indol on the development level screens on the map and the merc mission country select? Because seeing it stuck at 3 forever would trigger my autism, I might want to grind it to 5 beforehand.
If Rex penetrates Pyra, does he feel it himself as well?
What creeps you out about Blades? The relationship and parallels between Blades and Drivers is one of the most touching parts of the whole story, especially when you consider the reveals near the end and that """Humans""" came from Titans just the same as Blades, they're both just the same.
They've all got free will, so it's not as if they're bound to their Driver's whims or anything.
Nope, it disappears completely and all your development is transferred over to Leftheria.
Pre Endgame, probably yeah. Kind'a hard to say though, they only seem to share pain, it's not as if he gets hungry when she is or such.
Post Endgame, nope.
Good to know, thanks.
Is there ANYONE who can stand up to Tora?
On what fucking planet?
>when she returns from a merc mission as leader and talks so much that it overlaps with the other character's dialogue
They need to patch out the excessive voice lines every blade has
Sorry, I only play good games.
Where to get good chips at? Also why have I yet to see any master mods, light elemental or stat boost II's on stage V?
So who here actually USES morag in battle? Seems like a worse Tora
brighid and boreas have the same voice actor too
Poppi QTpi