ITT: We laugh at our Top 5 2017 games lists

For me:
>1. NieR: Automata
>2. Persona 5
>3. Hollow Knight
>4. BotW
>5. Cuphead

Im gonna post every game that i played this year that was new to me in order of enjoyment

Persona 5
Baldurs Gate 2
A hat in time
Mass Effect 3
Doki Doki Literature Club
Grim Dawn Ashes of Malmouth
Wadanaohara and the Great Blue Sea
Dishonored 2
God Hand
Zeldo Breath of the Wild
Etrian Odyssey 4
Life Is Strange
Etrian Odyssey 5
Baldurs Gate 1
Megatagmension Blanc+Neptune
Toukiden 2
Nier Automata
Monster Hunter Portable 3rd

I only really disliked the bottom 2 though

>1. BOTW
>2. Mario Odyssey
>3. Nier Automata
>4. Cuphead
>5. Doki Doki Lit. Club

Fight me

>1: Prey
>2: Nioh
>3: Pyre
>4: Sanic Mania
>5: Persona 5

Breath of the Wild
Xenoblade 2
Hollow Knight

>1. Project DIVA Future Tone
>2. Yakuza 0
>3. Persona 5
>4. Danganronpa V3
>5. Sonic Mania

>Xenoblade Chronicles 2
>Nier: Automata
>Splatoon 2
>Super Mario Odyssey

1. BotW
2. Nier Automata
3. Persona 5
4. Super Mario odyssey
5. Yakuza 0

Yakuza 0
Persona 5
Nier Automata
Breath of the Wild
Bing Bing Wahoo

1. Nier Automata
2. A hat in time
3. Mario Odyssey
4. BotW
5. Fortnite

5. Tekken 7
4. GT Sport
3. Persona 5
2. Yakuza 0
1. Sonic Mania

>Yakuza 0

1. Hollow Knight
2. Sonic Mania

that's all I've played from this year

Yakuza 0
Nier Automata
Persona 5

1. Nier Automata
2. Etrian Odyssey V
3. Utawarerumono: Mask of Truth
4. Tales of Berseria
5. Yakuza 0

Y'all have bad taste.

4-Sonic Mania
3-Breath of the Wild
2-Mario Odyssey
1-Fire Emblem Heroes

1. The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
2. Pyre
3. Persona 5
4. Divinity: Original Sin 2
5. Super Mario Odyssey

>1. Xenoblade 2
>2. Persona 5
>3. Mario Odyssey
>4. Yakuza 0
>5. Ys VIII

Honorable Mentions:
>A Hat in Time
>Sonic Mania
>Gravity Rush 2

Spent this year playing last year's releases

The only game i played enough of to give an honest opinion that came out this year was PUBG and it's shit.

>2.Persona 5
>3.Nier Automata
>4.Yakuza 0
>5.Mario Odyssey

1. Automata
2. Odyssey
3. A Hat in Time
4. Doki Doki Literature Club
5. BotW.

nice list but Nier and Prey are better than P5

Yakuza 0

Prey is garbage

only if you're a weeb

Or played SS2

Hollow Knight
Nex Machina

>SS2 is better so it's shit
They're both great games

>1. Nier
>2. Divinity OS2
>3. Hollow Knight
>4. Ys VIII
>5. A Hat in Time

We had an excellent year in general. I still need to play Persona 5 and Pyre which could potentially deserve a spot in top 5.

1. Xenoblade Chronicles 2
2. The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
3. Super Mario Odyssey
4. Sonic Mania
5. A Hat in Time

I'm still finishing stuff. Still haven't played Pyre, and I probably should.

Since I don't play many games the same year as they came out, this is the top five games I played this year.

4)Torment: Tides of Numenera

You're me except my number 5 was SMO. Feels good to know I'm not alone.

Persona 5
Horizon Zero Dawn
Divinity Original Sin 2
Resident Evil 7
Rain World

Honorable mentions Nex Machina, Cuphead and Nier.

Super Cloudbuilt
Sonic Mania
Hollow Knight
Bleed 2
But I am yet to play Nex Machina, Nier and A Hat in Time.
It was a top tier year and only the most jaded of faggots would complain.

Yakuza 0
Persona 5
Nier Automata
Hollow Knight
Breath of the Wild

>he unironically has Nier: Automata or Hollow Knight in his top 3
How to spot a pseudo-intellectual with terrible taste who believes he is an underachiever and that he "smart enough to do anything I want, but just lazy". The kind of person who will take extreme offence to this post because it questions his (anonymous) self-proclaimed superior taste in video games.

Maybe I thought they were fun

1. Yakuza 0
Idk, the rest were shit, I don't like new games

you are clearly starving, have a (you)

>couldn't even wait 2 (two) minutes without replying to it
absolutely SEEETHING. Seems it hit the mark.
You are not as intelligent as you believe you are. The sooner that sinks in, the better it will be for you.

Hollow Knight is a masterpiece and Nier would be in my top 10, stay mad

>1. Halo 3
>2. GTA 5
I don't like videogames

1. MHW Beta
2. P5
3. Nioh
4. HZD
5. GT Sport

There is nothing intelligent about Hollow Knight, it is just a great metroidvania with fine ass movement and combat options. I am yet to play Nier.
So I guess you can keep projecting, neets are good at that.

Horizon: Zero Dawn
Shadow of War
Nier: Automata

>Dishonored 2 that high
>higher than neps
I found 2 really disappointing. The powers were good, but everywhere felt the same as the first mission. As Granny would put it, it was dreary. The characters weren't as interesting, except for maybe Jindoshoshossh, he was a top guy. The duke was just a straw villain. Another thing that bothered me was the outsider's voice becoming higher pitched and super friendly. Meeting him again was jarring as hell.

I haven't completed Death of the Outsider, but it's boring so far. Billie's powers feel limiting, and there's heaps and heaps of recycled content from 2.

I use the word dreary, i feel old.

Dreary's one of those words that don't get used enough.

Though, when playing Dishonored 2, I used it too much! I was doing a Granny Rags tier narration the whole time when playing. If i died when playing it, I would have left a bunch of rats. That's how dreary I found it.

>Doki Doki
You have to go back

1. Persona 5
2. Breath of the Wild
3. NieR: Automata
4. Sonic Mania
5. Cuphead

what else are gonna tards play other than meme games?