Why does Japan make the best video games compared to Europe or America...

Why does Japan make the best video games compared to Europe or America? What is it about their games that makes them so special?


Not ruined by politics.
Not entirely ruined by corporations.
Not ruined by Western "modern art".

This about sums it up
but post more 2b lewds

>Not entirely ruined by corporations.

In the west game developers and/or publishers are only interested in maximizing their profit, in most cases.

In Japan, obviously they are still jews who want to make as much money as possible, but games aren't made by a bunch of suits sitting on a conference room discussing how to maximize their profits, again, in most cases.


Mmm what a nice delicious brapper...

The real answer? Console gaming is dead in Japan for everyone except otakus while it's still big amongst the normies for the rest of the world. What this means is that most of the world makes games for normies but in Japan they make them almost exclusively for otaku losers and you weebs obviously prefer the trash made to pander to that pathetic group over the normie shit. There is nothing special about shitting up your game with anime bullshit like waifufaggotry and other crap like that.

higher IQ devs

Autistic weeb degenerate faggot manchildrenlove jap games because they fall in love with cartoon girls noone else

ebib bait

>using that lame image
Step it up.

Because Europe is no longer.

they're more intelligent in general which translates into a better worth ethic and subsequently, better games

>Not entirely ruined by corporations.

There is a distjnct difference between the braap and shit
A good tasty braap is patrician, while shit is disgusting



Literally this OP needs to kill himself

they are isolated and shit like feminism and cultural marxism never got a foothold there

Japan is the last safe haven from cultural marxism.

Kojima is a feminist


I hope not, his friends get me worried though, Del Toro is such a fucking cuck.

Muslim are indeed more manly and respectable, that is because there isn't a single trace of cultural marxism in their society.

Japan is still a lot better than Europe and America though, at least they are not letting these roaches get into their country to live with wellfare and blondie raping.

i don't get it

Nips still dare to put a bit of flare in their games while the west tries to be taken seriously and fail at it

Because you only see the good/decent ones

Aka survival bias


Everybody go home.

>that level of blue pilled
I didn't even know it was possible

I bet you fags buy EA games on launch.

They dont. they make games aimed at lonely young virgin men. They arent fun games, and the only reason you play them is because you try to forget about the emptiness that is your shitty life. There are of exepctions of course (dark souls, metal gear, and a few other fun games), but other than that just shit games that truly does damage to your brain


None of these are real.

Are brap posters this delusional as to think that farts don't smell like shit?

They commit to their vision as long as they aren't making ultra AAA titles like final fantasy.

They smelll like the inside of a pretty little girl, delicious as fuck.

and where do you belong, you little cunt?

>Why does Japan make the best video games compared to Europe or America?
They don't you've just been brainwashed

>b-b-b-b-ut muh FOTM shiteater game some American made!!!

Plebs will always be pleb. If you want to see the kind of mobile garbage typical Japanese is playing you're free to check it. You'll come back thinking that we have it good that the typical games normies play around here are CoD's, Battlefields and yearlysports game of your choice.