Is this game meant to enjoyable or just made for masochists who like playing shit games?

Is this game meant to enjoyable or just made for masochists who like playing shit games?

FC2 is like STALKER but without the exploration, varied environments and characters, atmosphere, good looking gameworld, and fun gameplay. The enemies blending into the samey dull brown-orange environment is the worst bit about it.

Other urls found in this thread:

*gun jams*
*dies from malaria*

>enemies blending into the samey dull brown-orange environment
Camouflage :^)

Agreed, but also there's so many more things wrong with the game. Guns jam after about 5 reloads, even less if you pick up an enemies gun (though it never jams while they use it). Every single time you're driving to an objective (or anywhere) you are accosted by an unavoidable convoy of africans. Take out an outpost, and it respawns immediately the moment you get a short distance from it.

FC2 (and up) was always shit. It was just literally the first open-world shooter most modern consolikids got their hands on.

Even back when it came out, Sup Forums bashed it as a poorman's Stalker, with literal bloom&blur graphics.

>the true Africa simulator

FC2 is the only FC I ever played due to it being widely advertised as being "the best of the series" and I love Crysis which I thought was at least somewhat comparable. Ended up hating it - I made myself play it through to the end, after which I never touched it again.

There's some goods stuff I like - minimal HUD design / entire game is experienced in first person / freedom in how to approach missions / you are just some guy (not a messiah character) / nice day/night cycle and graphics / relatively hard game on higher difficulties

Stuff I don't like: Entire game is very brown and empty / missions are incredibly dull and repetitive, enemies and guard posts respawn all the time / voice acting and story I just don't get or whatever, I think it's terrible

If you love Crysis why didn't you play the only Far Cry game made by the studio which actually made Crysis?


The way checkpoint enemies would respawn after clearing it out literally minutes earlier was horrendous and made me stop playing.

Never touched it without Dylan's mod

fucking kek

Idk, that's not all that much of a reason to play it? FC2 was praised for being the best of the series, the others (maybe FC3) aren't really ever talked about, especially FC1, I feel

But I actually own FC1; if you're saying it's good/better or more like Crysis, I might play it.

Crysis was pretty bad game, though.


>FC2 was praised for being the best of the series
That's a top contrarian opinion, you'll pretty much only find it here and in some other place.

The original Far Cry is my favorite game of all time (no, really), but objectively speaking I guess it's kind of shit. Basically, imagine Crysis without a nanosuit - so you don't regenerate, you can't go invisible or jump up on a building to hide from the AI, who are more aggressive than Koreans. And you only get automatic saves on checkpoints unless you use console commands (cheating, IMO). So, it's hard. Is it rewarding? I think it is, but many people think it's the worst game in the series.

If you decide to play it, look up "AMD x64 patch" for it, adds 64bit exes which help with stability. Also, be patient, don't rush the AI, you aren't a superman. Shoot them in the head, lean out of cover, don't be afraid to retreat and it shouldn't be too hard.

Was good till the aliens.

Far Cry 2 fucking rules, MGSV copied like 90% of what it did and got mass acclaim

Get DYLANs mod. Makes it STALKER Lite: Africa edition.

Fc2 is very hit or miss
Most people hate it, but it has some great elements that make it a fun gaem for those that like them

Extremely repetitive, AI is either off or can detect you from a mile away, non-existent story with no real ending.

It's fun to fuck around for a while though.

The fire and RPG physics were ahead of their time

my only real gripe with the game is the respawning outposts and the bullet sponge enemies
takes 4+ rounds from a 7.62 assault rifle to drop cunts but i guess you can chalk that up to all the militia being doped up to their eyeballs

Online was pretty fun for a console game. The map editor was surprisingly good

>without atmosphere and fun gameplay.

Bullshit. It excels in creating atmoshere and has the best gameplay in series with huge variety of gameplay styles and without stupid bullshit like tacked-on crafting and rpg-system.

The problem with it is that every system it has only serves to inconvenience and ultimately frustrate the player
if they remastered it with some of the improvements they made with farcry 3 and 4 i'd buy it again

Should I play STALKER Sup Forums? I actually liked what I played of FC2

>want to replay it
>30+ minute intro

Sounds like me playing Crysis;
Thanks for the advice, will check it out sometime

Unless the mod fixes the instantly respawning checkpoints, the game is still not worth playing

best Far Cry besides 1

I love 3 and 4, so I was excited to play 2. It was trash

Why did they have to pad the length of the game with all the tedium systems? It would have been perfectly fine without them. The only thing it really adds having the durability and respawning checkpoints is padding the length, which isn't a problem in the first place.

>an issue
You just straight up drive through

Basically came here to say that. This, along with the "you work for us but actually we couldn't be bothered to code AI so everyone will shoot at you" system made the game unbearable for me.

You should play S.T.A.L.K.E.R. tovarisch

>he doesnt use a boat to traverse the map
>he doesnt avoid checkpoints by driving offroad
Far Cry 2 is a good pleb filter

I honestly don't understand how people had an issue with weapon durability. Safe houses and shops were pretty common IIRC, all you had to do was swap your shit out whenever you passed one

Makes them respawn after some days in game instead of the moment you turn your back.

literally all you had to do way buy your weapons lol

>You just straight up drive through
and you then get chased by jeeps that always catch up with you and keep pace no matter what

For an open world game having to keep checking in and out of buildings is just a pain, I know they wanted to add some extra element of challenge to using gear scavenged from enemies, things like RPGs would make the game ez mode if they worked all the time, but the solution they gave was really too extreme.

While people usually criticize those respawning checkpoints, the game would feel really tedious even without them. The real problem is the terrain-blocked game world, that forces you to drive along those same damn canyon roads again and again, back to the city and then out of it again and again. True, the respawning checkpoints with aggressive nogs make it even more annoying, but the game really would have needed a more open world with more shortcuts and easier travelling opportunities.

Of course, one could also complain about the stupid faction system where you have to do missions for both of those asshole factions and the guys working for your employer still shoot you because every mission is SUPER SIKRIT CAN’T TELL ABOUT YOU TO OUR BOIS. Jesus, they teally should have made the game so that you pick one faction and then stick with it like in Witcher 2. I’d rather have 2 different more compact storylines than one stupidly long one that overstays its welcome and make no sense either.

>No new STALKER ever
>FPS games are all either BF/CoD or copypaste open world collect-a-thons

I guess Fallout 4 has been stripped down so much of its RPG elements it can count as a STALKER lite.

Completely agree on the tediousness of moving around the world, the game takes you through same areas far too many times. It’s also funny how they went and implemented a bus-based fast travel system in it, but it’s so shitty that it’s often easier to just not use it.

The Metro games still exist user

Far cry 2 is dog shit.

There is nothing to discuss.

It really could be a great game if it had factions that mattered, had mission structure and story that progressed better, less tedious travelling, actually possible stealthing, and harsher, more stalker-ish difficulty. Honestly, it’s a shame to see a game with such good ideas failing so hard.

On the contrary, there's a lot to discuss about how and why it was so shit

It's not as if the game was super well received at release. Every criticism I see here (driving constantly, malaria, little to do) were obvious when it came out 10 years ago. The people that liked it just liked that it was an open world FPS game. That isn't all that special anymore.

Am I the only one who liked the weapon jam and degrading system?

FC2 is like STALKER for people who enjoy the tactical shooter sandbox gameplay of STALKER more than "muh atmosphere".

I don't know whether it was meant to be satirical but both factions were socialist revolutionary groups which seemed to be fighting for the same cause.

If you download a sweetfx preset that fixes the colors it's a much better game

>Sup Forums claims to hate casuals
>the few threads we have about punishing non-souls games always have a load of people who hate the game

why not just take the bus?

Because there's like 5 bust stops on the map?

FC2 isn't punishing, just tedious.

>game set in Africa
>expect large savannahs, literally videogame safari
>get pseudo open world full of corridors and almost no animals other than niggers

>actually possible stealthing

The stealth in FC2 is way more reliable than STALKER's. FC2's stealth filters out casual faggots who are incapable of situational awareness and can't read audio/visual cues from enemies and need HUD elements to tell them how stealthy they are.

It certainly seemed to make a poit about both being the same pile of shit under different flags, but it was still extremely annoying to do missions for a faction and still getting shot at by those same faction’s troopers.

There's a couple patches out there fixing shit left and right. Try one. I'd recommend Dylan's mod for starters.

That game really grew on me somehow. I hated it at first, now I'm modding and fine tuning it every week, and I find myself reverting stuff more and more to their original state, and upping the difficulty a lot.

It just takes some time to see it, but there's a beauty to this game, in its simplicity, in its raw violence that keeps ramping up as you progress, as you figure out how to move stealthily, how to create diversions, and how to efficiently set traps. There's a real depth to this game that doesn't let itself be seen easily, but once you figure it out, it's one of the best open world FPS out there. Not as good as something like STALKER, but still very worth playing.

>Because there's like 5 bust stops on the map?
thats all you need really

Its a great game, fuck the haters.
>Waah there's too many enemies its too hard
Fucking neo-Sup Forums11

oh yeah, those are good. still, i much prefered the setting, artifact hunting and tacticool gun system of stalker

never ever ;_;

dark feelings when i recall that terrible game.
Did the same devs really make a sequel (fc3) ?

I had a lot of fun with it
Liked the way the weapon slots worked (Small, primary, heavy, special)
Liked the minimalist hud, where viewing the map was literally you whipping out a map in real time
I liked that the fast-travel was taking the bus, and that it was only between bus-stops instead of anywhere-to-anywhere
Liked IEDs blowing up in huge smoky clouds
Liked gunshops and weapon storage involving you physically going into a warehouse and swapping weapons around
I didn't even mind the respawning checkpoints, and especially the bases. When I played 3, after I cleared out all the pirate-bases the whole map was suddenly devoid of enemies to fight, nothing to do for fun outside of missions and when they were finished that was it, no more pirates to use all my awesome guns on.

All in all a lot of little things and one thing I consider big, but it all added up to some good memories.

it's not "too hard" though, it's just annoying, tedious and boring clearing out waves of niggers from checkpoints over and over.

Git gud or KYS

>Jump too much - screen goes blurry
>Drive too much - car breaks down
>Drown - have to pull a metal wire out of my arm
It was such a shitshow of a game but it was different and thats why I love it. Also the platform/puzzle games on the MP were amazing. Someonee managed to create a perfect recarnation of the train station of hl2. Its forge optinos were arguably better than halo 3s

That's fair. Though Exodus is suppose to be more like a STALKER game which could be good. We'll just have to wait and see.

It's the game that gives you the best black Africa feeling.
It's basically that movie with Di Caprio where he needs to find a big ass piece of ice, but you add malaria.
Personally i loved it, but i like my games to be rough. Starting with a rusty ak and ending with a dart rifle and a granade launcher gave me a great sense of progression without resorting to leveling or "rpg crafting".

>FC2 was praised for being the best of the series
what the fuck where did you hear that? It's the WORST in the series. The first one is the only good Far Cry, then Ubi got it and it became shit

did all the people moaning about being spotted just never buy the camo suits?

FC1 is to be considered Crysis 0.5
FC3 and FC4 are braindead ubishit
Blood dragon is a parody, even if a good one

So it's safe to say FC2 is the best Far Cry game yet, and i'm 100% sure FC5 will not change that.
There is a lot of things to like about it, maybe it's not your jam, but when it came out it was groundbreaking, and i appreciate that it doesn't hold players hand.
I miss when games didn't assumed you are a dumb dipshit

Also enemies can spot you through all foliage while you can't see shit

>FC1 is to be considered Crysis 0.5
More like Crysis is Far Cry 2. Did you even play FC1?

I have played through Far Cry 2 seven times.

sounds fun

Also read the same at various places, including Sup Forums

It's for people who like the African grime, good graphics, and torturing your female companions. As for conventional gameplay, the game is a total disaster.

I liked this game even though it was a bit rough round the edges.

I remember there being zebra and leopards in the game. Not common but they were there.

>No one mentioned the fire physics.

There's loads of animals at the top of the first map

>It isn’t the most fun to play, I’ll grant you that, but then fun isn’t really its end goal.
why do you even link this garbage

What struck me the most is that you can actually get better at this game. People who think anything about it is tedious simply haven't played it enough, nor experimented enough with different weapons.

Clearly at first you scour every outpost for half an hour to clear it, but then you just steamroll all the niggers, plowing their camps with grenades, having them shit their pants behind cover as they try to avoid the fiery might of your FN FAL.

If after you get to the second half of the map, clearing an outpost takes you more than 10 seconds with high difficulty mods and realistic damage, you're doing it wrong.

One thing annoyed me to no end was FAL and G3 were both very severely underpowered, taking multiple hits to chest to kill one nigger.

And get shot and then you have to get out to fix your car or you get chased by jeeps that you gotta gun down.

I prefer Far Cry 2's setting, characters, and atmosphere to STALKER by a longshot. STALKER bores the hell out of me. Desolate and gray slavic shitholes aren't exciting.

Its a piece of stinking shit back then but because we have worse stinking shit we start to see games like FC2 and F.E.A.R being good.

Agreed. That said, I also understand how some would be frustrated because most of the game's mechanics really aren't explained well enough nor is feedback properly portrayed to the player for them to understand how to manipulate shit in the game. Shit like how stealth works make it seem it's broken, side quests and weapon upgrades seem worthless at first, shit like that. I especially love hidden mechanics like how enemies will coordinate with each other to flank you, keep you busy while they drag their wounded friends into cover or even cower in fear once your reputation gets high enough for them to know who you are. It's a damned fucking shame the good parts of FC2 never made it to the sequels while shit like boring as fuck driving around and all gets shoved in over and over again.

I just found out about Exodus two days ago. Looks like it might be my GOTY if it actually releases 2018
Wonder why it flew under my radar so hard

probably because there's not much to grab on. as far as i know there's that one trailer and that's it

There's another trailer with Artyom's gf narrating too.

i mean sure but there's nothing to really grab on, there's only set pieces, not much on gameplay.
i still like it tho

There's also Gggmanlives' review

The video is 7.5 minutes long, he mostly rants about it but at 5:30 starts talking about how it's his favorite title of the series and why

I agree, was just sharing the trailer in case you or the other user haven't seen it. The first two games were pretty neat and I enjoyed them a fair bit but something about this one has me really excited for some reason.

same, it hasn't fired my warning sensors but with the low amount of information we've been getting that can be a double edge sword

I got if for free around the time it got out, gave it a shot, played for a couple of hours but then got stuck because a mission critical NPC didn't spawn and reloading the game didn't help.
Never touched it again.

There are lots of issues in this game but how in the hell would the enemy respawning get through any sort of playtesting