ITT: Awful vidya mechanics
ITT: Awful vidya mechanics
Blade Combos from the same game
They take forever and sometimes you get new characters assigned to your party which don't have the needed blades to do combos
20 hours in you should have a big list of blades to chose from, git gud
I didn't mind it conceptually since it's roughly how I'd imagine a hypothetical full console Pokémon game to handle HM moves, but they really should've let you open the Blade menu just by interacting with the object if you can't already perform the required field skill and select the Blades you want with them getting automatically swapped back out once the action is done. Like everything else in the game, menu navigation is so cumbersome with how often you have to do it.
Thats probably how far I am and I only have 2 blades besides drom, pyra, poppi and roc
That's not even the main problem, the problem is having to pause the game and engage the Blades you need every single time this shit pops up. Nobody finds that fun.
You should have these core crystals, you can bond them in the Blades menu
Wait until you get to merc missions and to Ursula's sidequest.
yeah i opened about 50 of them and then trashed all of them besides the two uniques i got
>do sidequest
>collect 100 flowers and 20 stones
>oh to progress you need to have 10 forestry and 7 dark magic!
fuck this game
Just keep them. You'll end up rerolling them if you release them.
Only problem with this is that the menus have too much animation priority, making equipping blades slower than it should be.
In truth I don't generally like any of the Danganronpa minigames but this and the Panic Talk Events are by far the worst.
in my experience theyre all trash that don't have abilities that help me open containers etc, the first one i had to bond with for the story has some good stuff but i cant trash him anyway
no blade combos are a good system and their implementation is fine
you're just bad at the game
I love this mechanic, reminds me of Raidou. The only issue I have is like other say it's bothersome to have to go into your menu to engage the proper blades, it should automatically look for possible combinations in your benched party.
Fucking this. They should have made the story blades have all the field skills you need for progressing. Random chests should just be hidden and not have these arbitrary requirements. I know its kind of nitpicky and doesn't really take that long, but having to pause the game, equip 3-5 random blades to fulfill the requirement, then have to swap back to the blades you were using before is retarded.
wat. You can release the ones with just element mastery, but you should keep the ones that have lv3 field skills.
The minigames in Danganronpa make no sense because it clashes with the story so hard and really has nothing to do with what's going on in the game. They're forced in there because they wanted more gameplay but they didn't seem to know how to go about it in a smart way. They should have just straight up copied Phoenix Wright for the trial sections.
That not a valid excuse an you know it. Ever climbed a 100 feet ladder with a field skill check. If you fail the check, you have to be on the ground to open the menu. You know what's worse than having a field check in the middle of a climb, another fucking field check near the top of the ladder with a different set of skills required. Don't even get me started with searching the correct blades with the required skills (eg. Production, Expedition, etc.) for merc missions.
Whoever thought of this system needs to be bashed in the head. The game should remember all field checks you passed as already cleared.
Pretty much Xenoblades HM system from pokemon.
In general it is fine, since you most of the time only need to do it once.
persona 5.
>take away screenshots for shit nip story
>go to bed
>on a timer.
It's still cumbersome as fuck, even in the lategame.
And going through menus isn't "gitting gud"
>Field goes dark so you can't see where you're going very well, no minimap either.
>Can't heal during a chase unless you engage it in battle and wait for the healer's turn.
>Same applies to reviving dead members and healing Blood Skelter state (Basically overpowered charm with huge boosts).
>Random battles still spawn while you're escaping, which doesn't stop the Nightmare at all.
>Nightmare's constantly move regardless of who's turn it is or what's going on, jamming their turn up a priority or two every 1-2 seconds. Making Agi stat largely useless.
>Can even attack outside of the battle with only one method of avoiding these attacks.
>That awful jarring soundtrack that doesn't loop.
>All this turns up to 11 in the final dungeon with spawn rate increasing tenfold along with 3x the amount of floors to encounter it on.
Screw Mary Skelter.
ad the game unplayable
>not liking the New and Improved Hangman’s gambit V3 deluxe edition
>Dangan Ronpa the 4th will have Upgraded Enhanced Super Hangman's Gambit Ultra
>the problem is having to pause the game and engage the Blades you need every single time this shit pops up
Funny, I didn't have that problem.
If I couldn't open a box right away I'd ignore it and move on because the contents are inevitably unnecessary and a waste of time to acquire so you might as well just move on.
>turn based game
>period of wait between each enemy action
Makes the game fucking unplayable, it's why I never finished XCom games; the massive amount of pods later on in the game were just ludicrous. I was able to fucking get up, go cook lunch, and come back and the enemy's turn was still fucking going.
If you're a gamedev working on a turnbased game please as a fucking skip-to-your-turn mechanic.
They just should count the skills of all your blades, not the ones equipped.
If I have ten electric blades on one character I should be able to pass an elec mastery lvl 10 check.
I read "overpowered charm with huge boobs"
Yeah I'm literally done doing side quests in this game cause of this. Why does each Xenoblade game need to make questing such a fucking pain in the ass? Like I'm barely into the game (like chapter 5 just left the praetorium so i'm guessing i'm about half way through the story) Cause I keep getting burnt out on the game running around doing quests then getting cucked at the end cause not correct field skills.
>Can't heal during a chase
lmaoing at you running from mobs
death deserved
Doing anything in tarkov.
I was a fool to trust anyone to buy russian.
I don't think the minigames are the problem, it's how they are implemented.
Usually, the answer is just pretty obvious and the minigame kills the pacing of the trial, besides that, I don't remember the other two, but V3 is all dialogue and, from nowhere, they throw 5 minigames.
Imagine a console that is leagues behind the current standard, and is technically portable but has a battery life of less than two hours.
Imagine a console with no gaems.
Is there anything worse than random encounters in puzzle rooms?
It made me drop OFF even though it had me really intrigued
Also holy crap the fanbase is full of fujos, just looking for random art from the game proves as much
Jesus fuck it gets this bad? I thought it was a mildly annoying mechanic (Im not that far yet) but it sounds like it becomes a nightmare
Funny you say that because they ripped off those mechanics from arguably better games.
No, Omega Quintet is not actually good, it's trash, but its better than XB2 though
The Vanquish weapon upgrade system.
Upgrading a weapon by picking up more ammo when ammo is already full is the same as punishing me for using a weapon and not having full ammo.
It could be so much better if it just used whatever blades you have in stock