Switch First Year sales Out Perform PS2s


should we be worried sonybros?

Gaming wasn't as popular in 2001
ps2 will never be truly toppled.

>once people learn PC's are superior and consolees die, ps2 will still be regarded as the best console in history for ever

Be afraid.

Be very afraid.

There are more people in the world now than in 2001, so there are more video games being sold.

Remember when Wii U was able to run most of its games at 60FPS and some even at 1080p60 on hardware not much more powerful than the PS3, and everyone plugged their ears and screamed about how those things don't matter until PS4 Pro came around and PS4 could finally start putting out 60FPS games that weren't PS3 remasters?

>in japan

what about the US or europe?

Why do people act like the switch/ps4 compete?

They don't at all.


Also, gaming is way more popular now compared to back then. Still don't see anything breaking that 150m mark, though.

What's this list of shit games supposed to signify

Didn't DS pretty much tie the PS2? Like, came within less than 1%?

The bing bing wahoo audience don't give a shit about ps4 games, and the sonybro audience don't give a shit apart from anything but the latest cod, fifa or aaa multiplat.

You should be happy. Competition = Innovation.

It did, but it's a handheld. I was talking about home consoles.

ah, so you're saying the different consoles fill different niches and there's no reason to fling shit and we should just enjoy vidya?

Yeah. The switch doesn't really compete with any of the other consoles.

>should we be worried sonybros?

I thought Sup Forums said the switch is not in direct competition with consoles as it is it’s own thing? Or are we now flexible on this suddenly?

because it doesnt matter when the games on wii u used aged technology and looked like something from the ps2 era, no one is impressed by running game from 2009 in 1080p 60

Thats how I feel about it. I like PS4 but Sony had too strong a lead since Nintendo and Microsoft shit the bed with terrible marketing. Glad Nintendo pulled it out and got back in the race in a big way. I've usually ended up Playstation primary Nintendo secondary console every generation and that seems like it'll be the case again.

>consolees die

I would rather kill myself.

You two couldn't be more correct.

>no one is impressed by running game from 2009 in 1080p 60

Pretty much all PS4 sold on its first two years with all those PS3 remasters.

So you're saying it's okay when Nintendo does it?

You can use controllers on pc senpai

imagine 200 fps, best graphics in the world, controller, and tv support, that doesn't need to be discarded every 2 years

Apparently it was 30-million okay when Sony did it but gamers pissed their diapers over the Wii U.

I still remember the massive butthurt over Bayo 2.


It is not about the controller, it is about how console market makes games that I enjoy possible and I will take this everytime over better graphics etc.