Can we have a Grim Dawn thread? I'm playing this for the first time and already planned out my build...

Can we have a Grim Dawn thread? I'm playing this for the first time and already planned out my build, ranged 2-handed Inquisitor/Shaman.

Is this any good?

Other urls found in this thread:

>""""build""" without gear
>investing in Cunning
Into the trash it goes.

I'm fairly new to the game, so I can't into gear. Would rather wait to actually get to the place where I can get good gear to research that, I guess.

But regarding the stats, is that bad? Should I pump Physique instead?

don't use upheaval. it's shit. max tenacity of the boar over storm touched. get storm touched to soft cap cause after that it gives DR for the skill points spent.
Get raging tempest to 12/12. put one point into mogdrogens pact, get heart of the wild to soft cap and put a point in oak skin. Actually you know what, here have my build for reference, your devotions need fixing and can't be arsed to do it manually. If you want more damage and less phys res go stormcallers pact over aura of conviction

Diablo 2 is better.

copied wrong link. fucking swear to god

>is that bad?
Yes, only put points into Cunning/Spirit to meet gear requirements or if you know exactly what you are doing. The rest goes into Physique.
>Thunderstruck ... of Menhir's Wall
Nice legit build.

>>Thunderstruck ... of Menhir's Wall
>Nice legit build.
Learn to crucible retard. You can find some pretty amazing shit in there if you put in the time. Or are you just gonna parrot /gdg/ and call every double rare a cheated build cause you're too fucking lazy to farm?

Every double rare? No. Highly desirable ones? Most likely. At the very least I expect someone who would have obtained these items legitimately to realize how fucking terrible Brute Force actually is.

>At the very least I expect someone who would have obtained these items legitimately to realize how fucking terrible Brute Force actually is.
And that just goes to show you know fuck all. Sorry i'm out. I'm not discussing this game with a retard on Sup Forums yet again. Have fun stupid retarded 500 hour played faggot

Just pump physique. I've been playing on hardcore since day one and I'm a veteran. Beaten the game many times over. Trust me, you need the health.
Most of the time you don't even need to put anything into physique or cunning due to abilities or item stat boosts. If you do, put as little as possible.

Clearly I meant cunning or spirit. Not physique or cunning.

One other thing If you want to play on hardcore, you should start on hardcore. Hardcore and softcore items are untradeable and if you start on softcore, you'll never be able to break the habit of dying and switch over.

Last tip for you OP: resistance is everything in this game. You want it maxed out or as soon as possible. Craft components, carry multiple armor sets in your inventory and switch based on the enemy type if you can't max it out.

Resistance is everything.

inquisitor/demolitionist is probably the most common inquisitor build, but its also the most fun one in my experience.

This is the only game I dropped in 5 years. Reached lvl 15 and was spamming one skill to win. What a retarded game.

Early game balance is complete retarded even on veteran mode
You can literally not spend a single skill point and get through 90% of the first chapter with auto attack. Puts me off starting a new run so much because I don't know am I being more effective than my last build because I kill everything so fast already.

This looks like a VERY class-cannon kind of build, which can be fun, but will be pretty frustrating at times.
I'd advice to not get all 3 auto-attack procs and focus on one/two damage types instead.
I have a very similar build around level 97 and it works pretty well in terms of killspeed, still a bit squishy tho.
Maybe check it out

You sure your not talking about PoE?

I've been wanting to play this more but I don't like mouse movement in these kinds of games. I did just buy a steam controller though so I'll see if I like that more for it.

Pillars of Eternity is a crpg, not a diablo-clone you dumb fuckstain.

You better be working on your bait next year..

>hear everybody praising this game
>try it out
>boring and bland as fuck world
>zero atmosphere
>uninteresting spell effects that lack punch
>mediocre character animations
>soundtrack so generic and uninspired that it literally put me to sleep
>1 button builds with a ton of passives and auras
Well alright.

Well, yea, not hard to be the best ARPG on the market when everything else is as bad as Grim Dawn and Path of Exile.

>diablo-clone threads