What does Sup Forums think of YU-NO?
Is it the peak of videogame storytelling?
What does Sup Forums think of YU-NO?
Is it the peak of videogame storytelling?
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Anime picture books belong on .
I found it great back when I read it. I should go over it another time.
Are there any plans to translate the remake, anyone knows?
something about that image gives me such a nostalgic vibe, mixed with a feeling of tenderness
What do you think?
Dating sim, not a visual novel.
Does the game have either sex scenes or having children with your chosen mate?
Did you like Kanna, Sup Forums?
Yu-no there are far better stories.
Just finished this, and I had a few question
Is Takuya actually Kanna's father?
Why does Yuno dies at the start of the game compared to the end?
How did sayless help Takuya in mio's route ( assuming it was her. )
What were those Prank call mentioned at the beginning of the game? Is there more to them?
And what did the ending mean?
That at the root of the tree is god and Takuya and Yuno are the new/were all along Adam and Eve?
Not bad, it will trigger the hardcore nostalgia fags but it's not bad at all.
Goddamn the composer for this game was amazing. RIP.
was whoring herself out necessary?
> tfw visual novels arent games
> tfw they arent even novels
Likely yes.
I don't remember exactly what happens in the beginning, it was either just a time loop, or it was because she had the jewel.
Sayless had magic priestess powers or something
Prank calls is anyone's guess, they were never explained
I dunno about it being God but the latter is implied, yes
its shit
Every single one of them is a downgrade and almost none of them givze the same impressions as their original counterpart.
by the way, did the original seiyuus came back for this? ( assuming they're all still alive. )
>Is Takuya actually Kanna's father?
It's never explicitly stated but it's heavily implied.
If you watch the hilarious porn OVA, it very clearly assumes this.
>Why does Yuno dies at the start of the game compared to the end?
Isn't she bound to cycling through those interdimensional verse or whatever it's called? She can't stay anywhere for too long. I think she technically "dies" in the end game one too, you just don't see it.
>by the way, did the original seiyuus came back for this? ( assuming they're all still alive. )
No, which is all the more reason to avoid the newer version.
The original VAs were amazing.
but they're really visual
This was a masterpiece.
fuck off
I've seen many yuno threads lately, did something happen or is it just one autistic who just read his first real vn after katawa shoujo
must be due to the remake
Why would they remake it, it's perfectly fine as it is.
I'm guessing new sprites are shit
Probably a single autist with the recent spam, but there have always been yu-no threads at least weekly on Sup Forums
I know there have always been threads, I made some, but these recent ones feel too spammy for me.
to the user who's doing this, you're not helping the fanbase or the game, let threads happen naturally.
What a fucking disgrace what the fuck man.
>there is a porn OVA.
Let the search begin! ( If anyone has a link...)
Definitely no point then. They were just too good. I really, REALLY liked Eriko and Ryuuzouji.
As someone who's never played yuno and has no attachment to the voices or sprites, should I play the new version or stick to the old one?
>Let the search begin! ( If anyone has a link...)
If you've finished the VN, this is a must-watch. You must have a very high IQ to understand it though.
What do you think? The new one isn't even out in english yet.
remake isn't in english and OST is dogshit.
The original has far more charm, better CG, the voice acting is top notch and the OST is miles better ( remake butchered it. )
Honestly it's a no brainer.
The only thing you could eventually miss out a more user friendly interface with all the practical options we have in modern VN.
Dude... I watched all three seasons of Rick & morty alright. I'm ready. Thanks for the link.
This was so fucking bad, yet hilarious.
It actually kind of followed the story (extremely loosely), and even had some of the VN scenes like Kanna throwing her rock into the fountain, but literally everything was wrong and didn't make sense. Mitsuki playing the role of Mitsuki, Ryuuzouji and Illia was particularly baffling.
>Dude... I watched all three seasons of Rick & morty alright. I'm ready
Mind if I borrow your post to shitpost loudly on Sup Forums?
Be my guest.
I heard there is time travel in this game? Is it closer to Steins; Gate or Re:Zero time travel?
More steins; gate.
>le ojou sama tsundere
>le mysterious kuudere with a tragic past
>le clumsy ara ara stepmother
>peak of anything storytelling
Much more like Steins;Gate. The creator of Steins;Gate even cites YU-NO as a significant influence on Steins;Gate.
Re:Zero is literally just "guy gets transported to other world, and every time he dies he revives at start".
To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand YU-NO. The gameplay is extremely challenging, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the plot points will go over a typical player’s head. There’s also Yu-no’s Oedipus complex, which is deftly woven into her characterisation- her lust for her father draws heavily from Sigmund Freud literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these sexual themes, to realise that they’re not just otaku pandering- they say something deep aboutLIFE. As a consequence people who dislike YU-NO trulyAREidiots- of course they wouldn’t appreciate, for instance, the melodic and tonal construction of Ryu Umemoto's music, which itself is a cryptic reference to Zen Buddhism. I’m smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Hiroyuki Kanno’s genius wit unfolds itself on their PC screens. What fools.. how I pity them.
And yes, by the way, i DO have a Kun-Kun tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It’s for the ladies’ eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they’re within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand. Nothin personnel kid ?
And the OVA? It's on a whole different level; not even I have the IQ to fully appreciate it.
That's it, this fanbase is dead.
Yeah, best archetypes. Wish western could have something like that instead of le strong x le strong y le strong z.
Went to shit in the second half.