Is it worth getting it for 30€ just for the multiplayer...

is it worth getting it for 30€ just for the multiplayer? i don't plan on spending anything on sharkcards or grinding the same missions over and over again.

i am mostly interested in fucking around with other people

Theres not a lot of fucking around with other people.

Its mostly lunatics running around in tanks killing people AFK waiting for a mission to start

perfect game for fucking around with others

i've been having fun with it on and off for over four years now

Unless you're using a mod menu (so, just basically hacks) you won't have a lot of fun online as it is infested by those fuckers. Get the console version if you want to have "fun".

yeah will get it for ps4

>first two posts are completely contradicting
there's your answer

No, absolutely not. Unless you want to get killed repeatedly by French and Mexican children, don’t waste your money.

You're lucky, I get killed by chinese players.

if you don't have friends to play with, it's gonna be shit

No. You need to grind missions or buy shark cards to even be able to fuck around in free roam, because without several million dollars at your disposal you’ll just get annihilated by some cunt in the latest overpowered tank/jet/helicopter/flying car

If you dont buy shark cards good luck on having fun

i can only recommend playing this game after updates for a week or two whilst people are actually are experimenting with new content and not just slaughtering each other

honestly, no.

man.. such a dilemma.. i am really up for this game, but have no one to play with.. fml

you might not want to do that either since modders don't exist and illegitimate cash is harder to come by at this point. if you don't want to grind OR pay money, get it on PC and wait for a menukiddie to drop cash on you.

>me and 2 friends just cruising around in the snow
>guy with flying car starts raping us
>kindly ask him to leave us alone
>mfw he does and apologizes

Only if you have people to play it with who will actually do missions with you so you can get stuff. The amount of randomers that make me fail easy missions is ridiculous.

If you have friends to play with, it's fucking amazing.

If however you're a friendless faggot, like most of Sup Forums seems to be, don't bother with mp.

Being new means you'll start at Level 1.
>shit weapons
>shit body armor
>shit vehicles
>no cash

You'll get farmed for days.

Unless you have a lot of time to waste on grinding or a lot of money to waste on shark cards don't bother.

>doing a free roam mission to fill up my bunker
>dickhead in his flying car starts shooting rockets at us
>whip out explosive sniper and mag dump his meme car
>nothing happens
>he’s literally invincible
Thanks rockstar

You'll need to grind for many hours to get anything enjoyable