Be games journalist

>be games journalist
>don't even understand what "world building" is
Holy shit, Jeff wanted to kill himself and so did I

>I don't like the gameplay the world is bad
> the gameplay is what makes this world

Make up your fucking mind reeeeeeee

Gas Abby and Ben NOWWWWW

>Be jewish
>Get jobs you know nothing about because of nepotism


>I loved Destiny 2, but UGH!
WTF does this even mean. Does she even like video games?

Alex "I Just put it on the list but don't defend it" Navaro. Why even participate then

>"I'm about a minute from saying 'stop recording' so we can have this conversation and figure out what we're doing here"

based frantic jeff

I bet Jewish nepotism will eventually take over his company with more Abby type jews

Shit was so rad, he was legit getting mad

can anyone post some timecodes? I like these guys but I'm not spending tens of hours to watch that shit. I only watch quick looks.

>be part of a secret society that controls the world
>choose to be game journalist
please Sup Forums enlighten me on this

The quote said nepotism user, that happens everyday in real life and has nothing to do with any conspiracy theories.

can someone explain to me how OP isn't a giant flaming faggot for linking me to an hour long eceleb video? thanks

when is this

No I can’t. Op should probably kill himself, also the people who know who he’s even talking about.

This. It's a fucking 1.5 hour video. Where are the pertinent clips?


this video makes me angry.

Can we just get a whole bunch of twitter accounts tweeting this at Abby to see what kind of butthurt response we will eventually get

>best Wolfenstein 2 moment or sequence
Shouldn't all you faggots be annoyed at Giant Bomb now? I thought you all hated that game?

not your personal army


Only Sup Forums.

I don't think you know what that means. That user doesn't personally know Abby. It's not a personal army request.

It means we aren't the personal army of that user you idiot.

None of them even know what they're talking about, they state within the first 20 mins none of them don't quite understand the catergory. Why is anyone taking these literally whos seriously?


Personal army requests refer to some user asking for help in a situation no one else has any investment in. That's not the case here, he's talking to people who equally dislike Abby. Personal army doesn't refer to any request to do anything.

>Can you guys just do this for me?
>We're not your personal army
>No but you want to do it!

No, it was
>I think we should do this collectively for our own enjoyment
At this point I'm just gonna call you a newfag and be done with this. You have no fucking clue.

>No, it was I think we should do this collectively for our own enjoyment

Except it literally started with
>Can we just
Go start it yourself if you to rally something.

>At this point I'm just gonna call you a newfag and be done with this. You have no fucking clue.
I'm not even the guy you were replying to previous, my firstv post was

>says some dumb shit
>get's called out for it
>"i-i'm just gonna call you a newfag and leave! ha, got ya!"

Why you made 2nd thread?

I kinda understood that. She was referring to being burned out after their raid video

Jesus Christ
How do 6/7 game journalists not know what world building is

t. Keplek with a wig


giant bomb has always been cancer

>almost 2018
>spending hours of your life watching this garbage

sometimes i enjoy being upset and they're good for that.

Why does Abby hate Automata so much? Like I can understand not liking the fan service but it's like she actively ignores all the positive stuff about it

That's not me, user.

people still watch this? after abby?

Bringing identities to an anonymous imageboard is what ruined imageboards in the first place. user wanted a thing to be done without identity and you, in essence, say
>why should any individual act upon this desire?
thus bringing the concept of identity into a place where it isn't welcome.
Please leave or look into the illustrious history of this website and lurk more.

someone told her to dislike it probably

that's like saying your car isn't your personal vehicle because you don't drive it to a friend's house

fuck you made me mad here

I don't know how only Jeff understands what World Building is

the category is called "best world" not "best world building" and i made it up so asscreed could win something :^)

It almost got cut at one point too

But to get the best world you need the best world building
Fucking Alex just OD on pills already

Around 18 minutes, I think. (In the Best World video)