Is GTA Online really that bad now? I remember it being fun when it came out.
Is GTA Online really that bad now? I remember it being fun when it came out
>sniped some guy doing some random shit on the side of the road
>he kicks me from the world with hacks
Every time I go on GTAonline there's always a group of black people treating the game like it's real. Like you always hear on the mic "AYO NIGGUH COME TALK SHIT N MY HOOD" and shit like that. Online can be pretty entertaining but aside from that it's a "see who's dick is bigger" contest as in who has the most expensive cars and shit.
They turned it into a grinding & griefer shitfest while simultaneously not fixing any of the core issues. At least on PC.
The only fun I have any more is dropping money and modded in vehicles for people.
It's like watching kids opening Christmas presents.
Speaking of, what hacks can I use in there? I only played something like 10 hours of it when it came out and never even managed a heist, but I do want to try get back in it and just fuck around with a decent car. Will CE do to spawn money?
They added a death laser that you can use once every hour or so and instantly kills any one person from anywhere.
So VIP deliveries are dead.
How can anyone play this shit without hacker money holy fuck
Idk it's fun to fuck around with people or fuck around with friends
I used to just break into the military base to the west of the city, steal a fighter jet and just grief players.
I don't get this meme.
You can make an easy 5-10 mil in a few hours with mates....after a week or so you can literally afford to buy everything you'd ever want.
fun when it came out?
yeah I loved getting disconnected every 10 minutes if I could connect at all.
my favorite part was loading screens for every single mini game
its costs 500k per kill though
so its only for richfags
it’s fun if you just mess around with friends
if you want to play any of the content they’ve made, it’s mostly all shit
But yes, it's worse now. Might as well cut the bullshit and play whatever that multiplayer mod is called.
GTA Online on release might quite literally be the most broken, half assed and fucking horrid thing i've ever experienced in gaming.
it was always a broken mess
how odd that a bunch of modders turned san andreas, a singleplayer game, into a more functioning multiplayer game than cuckstar themselves were able to
>500k ($10) to kill someone once in a game where you instantly respawn and lose almost nothing on death
I'm not even buying the new RDR and the previous is one of my favourite games.
The amount of grinding to unlock things is so insane I can not understand how there isn't a gigantic outcry at Rockstar these days. They should be fucking ashamed.
>The amount of grinding to unlock things is so insane
No it's not.
I gave it a try last night after years of not playing. I was pissed in around 10 minutes at the amount of shit filling the mini-map up, notifications about bases or shit I need to buy in order to play missions, notifications from random NPCs, notifications for random jobs I dont care about. I noticed the prices of everything are massively overinflated, to the point where I question how new players can ever start playing
This game is an absolute clusterfuck, I have no idea how it has avoided so much criticism over the years.
I really do despise GTA Online and its overall impact on the franchise. No single player DLC is inexcusable at this point when you see the amount of money they are raking in from shark cards. Even the recent heist would fit into the single player well and apparently it was actually planned to be for single player initially. All of the heists should be available in single player, it makes no sense to omit big jobs when you consider what you do in the story
MMO vermin go through great lengths to justify killing time. Even when they're going through the exact same limited content dozens of times.
>new heist costs about 2m to even start
Yeah, nah, fuck off.
Really? I mean really? All that bunker driving, upgrading, money saving. Be real.
Yes, it fucking is. Replaying the same missions for hours to unlock a competitive car is ridiculous. There are always some stupid fucking fanboy fucks like yourselves who deny that the grind doesn't exist. Even getting to the point where you can make money more efficiently requires tons of money and grinding. Not everyone will have richfags to carry them with grinding.
The only people I can see defending GTA online are the people who grew up with this kind of bullshit being prevalent in video games. You don't know any better, unless you do and you're a fucking moron and part of the reason the industry is in the state that it is regardless of whether you buy microtransactions or not.
Your cocksucking is telling them its ok.
You mean cheaters. This better be a honeypot to catch people with illegit money instead of just a legit way for cheaters to pick on regular players
oy vey goyim, you are not assessing the situation properly. for just 25 million shekels or 5 million dollars you get your own private base that can hold 7 (7) of your favorite vehicles, a spot to store your flying fortress of death (additional 4 million shekels), an office to deploy npc death squads from, and a room where you can blow up peasants with an orbital cannon! it is completely worth it goy
There are tons of people who have been playing for years who have tons of disposable money, they can instantly buy up everything that drops in a DLC because of the amount of grinding they have done. Seriously look on twitch, its ridiculous.
I grew up with Final Fantasy grinding (literally months on end), NES and SNES hitboxes, GTA collectibles, legendary pokemon encountering and catching.
The GTA online grinding is still horrendous beyond belief. The point is there is no reason for the grinding and the grind itself is shit. They could have solved it so easily by just having a proper heist with big payout in stead of hinding everything behind endless walls of paying to finally unlock something that should be there from the start.
>Really? I mean really? All that bunker driving, upgrading, money saving. Be real.
I am being real, with heists paying out over a million dollars, random jobs paying out isn't a problem....and that's before you even start to bother with any MC/CEO/VIP/GUNRUNNING/AIRFREIGHT shit. You can see and buy everything the game has to offer in 30-40 hours of gameplay, that really isn't unreasonable.
If you want anyone to take your opinion seriously quit sperging and form a coherent argument.
>They could have solved it so easily by just having a proper heist with big payout
The game literally has that.
wait, you can't just steal cars in Grad Theft Auto? haha
They're lying if they say their hundreds of millions of dollars are legit. And even then, blowing >an hour worth of grinding on a single kill is still something nobody's gonna do
>Seriously look on twitch, its ridiculous.
What, to look at the streamers who are popular and have their fans lend them accounts and/or money to buy the virtual currency in those accounts?
yeah you can
>You can see and buy everything the game has to offer in 30-40 hours of gameplay, that really isn't unreasonable.
That is an absolute load of shit and the only way to make anyway near the amount you're implying, millions from heists, is to take all or most of the split. Add on the setups too. You're full of shit.
Also saying I'm sperging but actually ignoring the issues I brought up. There is moving goalposts, then there is you. Even Rockstar employees wouldn't go to the lengths you're going to try and imply the grind isn't ridiculously long and intrusive
>heists paying out over a million dollars
Split between four people
>random jobs paying out 50-100k
With stupid cooldowns or too long loading screens
>You can see and buy everything the game has to offer in 30-40 hours of gameplay
>you're a fucking moron and part of the reason the industry is in the state that it is regardless of whether you buy microtransactions or not.
Such a state? You mean like how Rockstar has provided me with free DLC for years after release? Are you grinding by doing Gerald missions or something? I'm actually happy they are doing DLC this way and yes, I've never bought a single shark card or whatever paid shit other than the base game. Would you rather they have multiple season passes and DLC you are forced to pay for?
Id rather have DLC that is ACCESSIBLE and doesn't require tons of grinding to BEGIN. There is still stuff to work towards as there are vehicles and properties that become available to buy.
Going by your argument Battlefront 2 would have been fine because hey, we're getting free DLC
gta online doesn't have lootboxes
You can still buy shark cards and have quick routes to gameplay altering things that would take hours and hours to get.
my best memory from online is sniping the tail rotor off some guys helicoptor from a mile away and watching him spiral out of control and crash
cunt didn't know what happened apparently he didn't know you could shoot the tail rotor off helicopters
>That is an absolute load of shit and the only way to make anyway near the amount you're implying, millions from heists, is to take all or most of the split.
No it's not.
Why do you expect anyone to take you seriously when you clearly haven't even completed all the heists the game has to offer?
>Split between four people
No, not split between four people, the best paying heists pays out over a million dollars per person.
>With stupid cooldowns or too long loading screens
Gosh, a whole minute spent in a lobby every 20 minutes is so horrible, get yourself checked for ADHD faggot.
It's clear none of you faggots even play GTA Online.
Yes and?
>the best paying heists pays out over a million dollars per person
Name the heist.
>It's clear none of you faggots even play GTA Online.
You're not wrong. Why would I want to play a mediocre action game turned dumb life-sim.
Perhaps you're too dim to follow the discussion perhaps read again
Sounds like you just want everything handed to you, which you can but you have to pay for it.
Almost every game has progression, deal with it.
Everything handed to me? The whole point was having the DLC being ACCESSIBLE to all players, then the actual meat and gravy of the DLC being what you work for. Wanting to be able to play DLC from its release isnt wanting everything to be handed to me and you fucking know that. The delusion is real. The setups, heist itself and the contents of the DLC are what you work towards, NOT the starting point
See, then you had to go and say a thing where you just outright lied. So either you are desperately just lying or you just don't play the game. Or both.
>Why would I want to play a mediocre action game turned dumb life-sim.
To stop you sounding like a complete retard when you feel the need to discuss the game.
GTAO is the worst, most non-functioning multiplayer game I ever played. No game makes you feel more miserable and hated by the devs themselves than GTAO.
>calls people faggots that don't play the game
>says there is a hiest that pays out a million per person
>all of this reddit spacing
I'm sure there's an echo chamber over there for delusional fucktards like yourself
>i never got to play red dead redemption
feels so bad aunt diane
And it is as long as you got the cash wich you can get by playing the game.
>le reddit boogeyman
Nice non argument, retard.
>He hasn't played 2/5 of the heists
I've been script kiddie'ing GTAO since console release. DNS/Custom servers/modded consoles etc etc etc..PC it's even easier.
can you please tell me which heist pays a mill per person?
I don't know what that means. You're calling people faggots that don't play the game. Then you are saying there are heists in the game that pay out each player over a million dollars. That isn't a thing that exists in the game bub.
I played it a lot when it first came out. Haven't got any next gen consoles so don't know what it's like now. I always found it a lot of fun though. Far more enjoyable than IVMP. Only thing that frustrated me was the car insurance BS (everyone's car insurance should be the same no matter how expensive the car is) and when they introduced the level editor it completely ruined deathmatch because now you can't get a normal deathmatch game. It's full of those retarded "win $100000" maps
>nice non-argument
>from the guy skipping over counter points, telling blatant lies and still reddit spacing
Seriously, fuck off back over there. You stick out like a sore thumb
What fucking retard made that picture?
Max Payne 3 was rife with "microtransaction" tier bullshit.
I never got into GTA Online as it felt like a shitty MMO. Usually with GTA games, I just like to fuck around but it seems you have to grind or pay with cash before you can even have fun. I had the game when people were hacking money or w/e but I wasn't playing.
>infested with hackers
>connecting takes forever and the game often disconnects you which has been there since launch
>if you don't purchase shark cards you are severely handicapped
>boring grindfest
They should've just kept the Online mode like they had it in GTA IV tbqh. A lot of fun modes to play and if you're bored of that have fun free roaming. No shark card or grindfest bullshit.
Now, there's car insurance on jets, attack helis and weaponized vehicles so when you protect yourself, Rockstar can futher drain your bank account and/or dump you in bad sport for eternity. It's good you left when you did.
143,75k split between two
>Prison break
500k split between four
>Humane labs
675k split between four
>Series A
505k split between four
>Pacific standard
1,250k split between four
>Doomsday part 1
812k split between two to four
>Doomsday part 2
1,187.5k split between two to four
>Doomsday part 3
1,500k split between two to four
Now I aint on math master but it seems to me you'se talking out your ass
That's not a microtransaction. That's just a paid dlc.
Doomsday Heist.
Yes it does.
And you stick out like a clueless faggot.
They keep adding 1 hit kill weapons and supercars. It's pretty shitty.
>he plays on console
I'm so sorry. Having to pay insurance for other people's vehicles is such bs but I'd still rather have that than all the skids the PC version is infested with
He doesn't care. He doesn't play the game. He probably doesn't have a console or a copy on PC. You are talking to Twitch watching depressive underage's who are off their meds and want to argue with people.
>Doomsday Heist.
so in order for me to get a heist to pay out a mil per person, i must spend how much?
also tell them how many hour(s) it takes to even do -that- heist.
-i won't because some of us can and do script kiddie
55mil for all the doomsday shit.
>Now I aint on math master
Clearly, let me spell it out for you.
>so in order for me to get a heist to pay out a mil per person, i must spend how much?
>not doing CEO import export for exotic cars
For a lonely fag who doesn't have any friends who okay GTA online it's the best and most fun way to get money and it's pretty fast honestly.
It doesn't really matter anymore. The game is hot garbage. Then again, it never worked.
>Counting three separate heists each with their individual setups and preparations as a single heist just because they follow a storyline
You may want to check the handy chart the Sup Forumsero just made. Not one of the Doomsday heists pays out a million dollars split 4 ways. Or 2 ways for that matter. So, I'm guessing correctly that you haven't played them
Currently the gameplay for a new player goes something like this.
>Log in
>Immediately get blown up by player with a flying delorean that shoots missiles
>Rinse and repeat
Its one of the most unfriendly games for new players I've ever seen. And its all to get you to buy shark cards.
so tell them, how much it costs to even start the initial heist. don't be a faggit
>It's clear none of you faggots even play GTA Online.
You're not wrong. Why would I want to play a mediocre action game turned dumb life-sim.
It's still a single heist you dumbass.
But please, by all means, keep shifting the goal posts, it won't make you any less wrong or retarded.
You might want to check the chart yourself, because completely the Doomsday heist will indeed net you over a million dollars per player.
>Is GTA Online really that bad now? I remember it being fun when it came out.
it was always really bad, it's still kinda fun though for that 1 hour per month before you get annoyed at the gigantic loading times and general ineptitude of rockstar multiplayer support
>You might want to check the chart yourself, because completely the Doomsday heist will indeed net you over a million dollars per player.
and how much does it cost to start that heist?
That doesn't make any sense at all. you'd still have to run that with 2 people or adjust the cut way in your favor to get those numbers. Also, it's 3 seperate heists. Are we just adding up things now? You said up there that you could run a hiest with 4 people and have it pay out over a million dollars
Doomsday is split in to 3 parts, it's functionally 3 heists.
>and how much does it cost to start that heist?
Nothing, you just accept an invite.
Keep shifting the goal posts, faggot.
>It's still a single heist you dumbass
Nigger it's three separate heists, each with their own preps, setups and finales just like every other heist in the game. Might as well count every single heist in the game as just one heist too then if you're gonna be like that.
>14 prep jobs, 12 setups and 3 finales is one heist
underrated post
why is it not possible to do the same for GTA V?
>Cheaters spend years blowing people up instantly online
>Rockstar creates a tool on all platforms that does just that, just so they can monitize it
>The majority of people who use it are cheaters but, there will be people who buy shark cards for it so it's worth it
>The game still barely works and is extremely unfriendly to new players
Rockstar has intense contempt for their userbase. They hate you and they want ALL of your money. Buyers beware of the new Red Dead.
but that isn't what you said. it's 3 seperate heists. And if you play with 4 players and don't adjust the cut you aren't getting those numbers. That was literally what you were saying back up there.
Just like how WoW legalized buying money for real cash
Fuck this entire industry
All of that sci-fi, over the top nonsense has turned it in to Saints Row. GTA is meant to be wacky characters in a mostly grounded world.
>not doing a solo session
It's functionally one heist, just like all the other heists, it has setups.
The fact remains, you can make well over a million dollars per player.
redpill me on how to do this
everything takes fucking hours to get even a small amount of money from what ive seen
>the heist pays out a lot if you pay 3 separate setup costs, do 3 finales and 3 times as many missions in total
>but don't worry it's still ONE heist!
so, you don't even own the shit to start it, let alone fucking PAY to start it.
you double nigger.
4-5ish mil, depending on the options you buy. that is the entry fee. this faggit doesn't even own the shit let alone pay for the setup(s)
Ok, let's go by your definition of what a heist is instead of the sensible prep+setup+finale=heist definition.
Completing "The doomsday heist" takes around three times longer than any other heist so its still not profitable enough.
>Buyers beware of the new Red Dead.
I'm just going to sit back and laugh at what a fucking mess they made of it when my friend inevitably buys it.