"Old games were so much better! They didn't hold your hand and you actually had to figure things out with trial and...

>"Old games were so much better! They didn't hold your hand and you actually had to figure things out with trial and error, based!"
>in reality the manual told you everything and worked as a complete guide

not every game had a good manual. also post more dumb wojacks. put smug smiling pepe in the bottomless hole.

That's better than having a bunch of shit all over the screen and obnoxious NPCs telling you where to go though.

>manual = game itself
this is like saying dark souls is easy because you can follow a walkthrough, retard

heheh yea have him peeping out

heheheh... yep!

Dark souls it's easy beacuse it's fucking easy.

Dark Souls' "difficulty" comes from mechanical skills, a guide won't help you with that.

manuals were optional

Most times the manual never worked like that.
In fact, most times the manuals tended to explain simple mechanics and usually concluded with a tip such as "remember to try everything!".
Games now have "le forced tutorial" and, my personal favourite "oh dear, you seemed to have died, let's tell you how to get past this part".

Name one old game where the manual is a "complete guide"

>old game is piss easy you dont even need a manual

>in reality the manual told you everything and worked as a complete guide
You have to be 18 to post here

As someone who is an actual oldfag pushing thirty who's first console was an NES, you fucking faggots don't know how good you have it today.

>Most video game magazines would flat out fucking lie or use cheat codes in their reviews
>If you lived in the country like me internet and magazines were NOT an option and your only choice was to hope the lying sack of shit down the street wasn't fucking with you about whistle locations in Mario 3
>Games were frustrating, infuriatingly hard (it took me literally years to beat games like Startropics, which would gleefully kill you in seconds)

I know some failed abortion is going to tell me walking sims are more my speed, when shit like Devil May Cry and Bayonetta are my favorite games. You are absolutely fucking lying to yourself if you genuinely believe games were better back in the day.

For every Mega Man 2 and Sonic 3, you have five hundred Alfred Chickens and Superman 64s with no internet forum to warn you ahead of time.

Super Mario Bros.

DS is easy because of summons, but no DSfag wants to acknowledge those as part of the game because it ruins their sense of achievement and treat it like a cheat code even though it's a completely legit aspect of the game.

All copies of Earthbound came with a full walkthrough.

>hate challenge
>manuals tell everything
did you even play ultima user

you seem to be confusing Prima Game Guides with game manuals. Game manuals just had pertinent information, Prima Guides were the ones that spoilered everything.

>How to play
>Complete guide
