
Doing anything for exceptionally long periods of time is probably not good for your health (physical or mental).

Other urls found in this thread:


tfw extra neetbux to further fuel my mental disorder

I play two howrs every day at night after work. Can I get NEETmoney too?

I mean, the guy didn't say that it wasn't, but seriously. It being labeled a mental health issue BEFORE TRANNIES? Really?

>tfw the goberment gives me $300 a week + antidepressants because I play too much video games

Trannies are already considered a mental health issue

There's a difference between it being "common sense" and a certified medical disorder that can be used against you as leverage. I don't know what video games have done to deserve such hatred, when both cinema and literature have been far more influential in the development of society.

stay mad goobergaters

>Pink haired beta male Lefty trannies hung in there, kept quiet, and persevered through their useless psychology courses
>Ended up holding such a grudge that they now classified "gamers" as a mental disorder


playing for 12 hours without getting up to eat or shit is 100% a mental illness

Trannies have gender dysphoria under DSM5 and the condition has been on the books since DSM3

OP is a retarded faggot

Oh, I can see how it would be important, say, in court or hospitals. I think that the society overall has been very hypocritical in its assessment of "acceptable" free time activities and their actual meaning (say, video games are indeed good for escapism, but books and tv have been used for this for decades).

Truth is, people tend to waste their time because often their life is far from their ideal and they just want to "relax". Sitting in a bar, watching tv, reading a book, playing videogames, it is the same shit. Moderation is not something that is generally adopted, video games are not the issue, the underlying motivation for all similar activities is what ultimately drives individuals.

Reading a book for 12 hours without moving to eat or shit is a non-substance addictive behavior and is in the manual

Why do you retards insist on getting mad and shooting off your mouths about shit you don't understand in the slightest based on the screams of an anonymous tween on a malaysian underwater basket weaving forum

Get some fucking brain cells

A poster with common sense, on my Sup Forums ?

Watch as this post gets ignored in favor of shitposting

Only now they discovered Football Manager

Is this really that big of a deal that we need a new thread with 300+ replies each every 4 hours?

Every part of the world is retarded nowdays. Where do you even ran of from this bullshit? Peru?

>half the country is about to be considered mentally ill

So I can finally get autism buxs?

>I can't read
That's nice, it's cool of you to show everyone on Sup Forums that you're mentally handicapped.

So brave.

Trannies were always considered nutcases in the past, it's only recently it's started being labelled as some kind of sexuality or lifestyle.

they're normal people trapped in the bodies of the opposite sex you fucking bigot

more like arrests you and sends you to rehab

oh yeah? well im a normal person trapped inside the body of someone that plays video games

Im neet and on pc for like 10 hours a day and the rest sleep

However i maybe played games for like 1-2 max the past week. I look videos or shitpost more.

Am i free to go?



Trannies are considered mentally unstable by everyone with a brain

>implying the 12 year olds that make up the majority of this site have the attention span to read more than the OP and (you)'s
You can't ignore what you never even looked at.

Sure are a lot of retards here these days

user, are you, by any chance, off your meds? I explicitly stated here () as the first fucking answer to OP that doing anything for exceptionally long periods of time is likely not good for your health. But no, you have to be super edgy faggot and spew non sequiturs. Care to read through all posts in the future before shitposting?

If you're not getting up every hour or so to walk around enjoy your blood clot. The thing is though is the people that die or have the problems you list affect people who do the same shit but in a less retarded fashion.

>trannies no longer a mental health issue and just a gender/sexual identity
>liking games is a mental health issue
>watching tv/movies for same amount of time is not a mental health issue

It may be hard to believe now but this used to be a place that tore apart people who posted things that were easily proved wrong.

This board used to value intelligence back when you needed to pass at least a bit of a technological bar to get here.

I miss red bans. I miss people being told to fuck off and lurk moar. I even miss annoying shitty Desu spam

>back when you needed to pass at least a bit of a technological bar to get here.
Such as...?

Read the thread, retard.

>likely not good for your health
Cool beans, dipshit, we're talking about whether it's in the DSM (and it is, non-substance addictive behavior you dumb cunt)

it's not really a lack of intelligence, it's that 90% of the board are shills or some faggot otherwise working for a PR firm.

>can now collect disability cheques for playing video games

best time line

>___ forum
fuck off, reddit


People browsing forums in 2004 were nerds.

14% owned a broadband connection compared to the current 75%

Phoneposting was not a thing, you needed to be at a computer

Using the web for recreation in general was far less popular as Myspace had only existed for a year and the general online landscape was BBS' and web rings.

It was a far better time.

>mfw all those mentally ill speedrunners will finally end up in asylums

>"Wanting to mutilate your genitals? Perfectly psychologically healthy!"
>"Playing VIDYA GAEMZ? sounds like someone needs a trip to be re-education camps!"

You're overestimating. I won't say that time didn't exist, but that was pre-2000
2001+ was regular forums and chat rooms

>wanting to believe random retards on the internet? Perfectly psychologically healthy!
>reading SOURCES? Sounds like someone needs a trip to Sup Forums!
kill yourself you mental midget

2001+ was a transformative time but you didn't get to even the beginning of the current internet age until well after Facebook took hold and smartphones became prevalent.

Everyone has their own "eternal summer"

I knew that being alive for so long was some kind of disease, i am going to get checked

what this guy said. something awful was in full swing before Sup Forums was a thing, "google it" was a fairly well known phrase, lots of americans started getting PCs in their homes (on dial-up or AOL, granted), etc. The internet was certainly less popular and therefore less busy and therefore less retarded, but the truth is that your feelings are derived more from the fact that Sup Forums was a niche website for some time.


as you can see, things didn't look TOO different then. basically we didn't have web 2.0 shit yet.


>"Wanting to mutilate your genitals? Perfectly psychologically healthy!"
Except the fact that "genital mutilation" is the cure, not the issue.

>"Playing VIDYA GAEMZ? sounds like someone needs a trip to be re-education camps!"
You need to read the article.

Its about how they feel. Not about what you read in those fag books and the Diagnostic books.

Giving NEETS even more reasons to be NEET, how retarded are these people?

>b-b-but they won't give out incapacity beneift for it!
They will because they have to, if something impedes your ability to work, such as a mental illness, you are entitled to incapacity benefit.
They really fucked themselves into a corner here.

Where does it say that sexual reassignment surgery was a cure?

jews are weeding out the weak people from the gene pool
this is good

The US uses the DSM not the ICD you fucking moron

>Playing too many games is a mental disorder
>Get NEETbux for mental disorder
>Stay home more and play more games

at least post a cute girl


You do realise that the US is not the only country, right? I know it may seem like you're alone but that's just because you're loud retards, you can't hear anyone else.


Yeah all those european countries that already give welfare to those below poverty are going to go bankrupt because the people driving themselves to poverty through video games will be entitled to the benefits they were already entitled to by virtue of the definition of the disorder.

You really thought this through

Doesn't work like that. To get disability you need to have a physical or mental issue to the point where you can not work at a job you had. Also doctors don't give you disability in the USA. Its up to Social Security and the case worker.

oh hey someone answered you as you posted check out that shit


>OP is proven wrong and a faggot within 10 posts
>not video games
>thread is still up

Good. I would say I hope the only treatment to this would be a lobotomy but I'm not sure Sup Forums could be more retarded than they already are

If anything, 90% of the replies to this thread favor your argument, so I guess this thread wasn't completely worthless.

>tfw you have a DIC

>tfw gobernment will pay for my bidya soon

Does this mean that streming is glorifying a mental illness.