Do you like the Switch?

do you like the Switch?

Truly a console for our times

Yes, it's objectively one of the best consoles ever.

dis tingle looking motherfucking soiboi


le switch faec


Can they just smile charmingly without opening their mouth as in to suck in fucking house flies?

Why the FUCK can't these goddamned soyboys just take a normal fucking picture with their mouth closed or smiling!? Every time I see a soyboy in a fucking picture his mouth is agape as if he was getting ready for a hot load from his wife's bull or something. I don't wanna see your nasty ass tongue! Just fucking smile and take a normal picture holy shit.

I wonder what exactly did stunt all these guys mental growth that didn't happen in other generations of men

I'm actually grateful for these pictures. Now I know how to avoid how I should smile so people on an image board don't take my pictures from social media and use them to call me a soyboy.

are soyboys just trolling us at this point and taking this kind of picture just for us to rage at?



mad as fuck soyboi detected

>unique IPs didn't go up

Nice try

the worst part about this is that particular meme originates from reddit, which is where they should return

We have this retarded thread every day, several times a day

>act like women
>not soyboys

>these guys have more joy in life than you will ever have

Xenoestrogens on literally everything + social and environmental factors (marxist education, social justice, plain old 'monkey see, monkey do')

It's all very deliberate and targetted though, and you can guess (((who))) is behind it


Sup Forums is r/the_d0nald incarnate.

>these guys have more soy in life than you will ever have


It's the current zeitgeist and it's the first term that came to my mind so I used it. Don't get so triggered user, my point still stands that everytime I see a fucccboi like these in pictures their mouth is wide open like they are robots pretending to be happy and excited but overcompensating because they have no understanding of basic human emotion. It's unnerving and obnoxious.

So you can't?

I love it it conceptually, I just wish it were more powerful.

Maybe SOY will become a cryptocurrency one day

I dont know man, we all have been subjected to that and most of us are not even close to being living manchilds like those guys
I think its more about heliopter parents and single mothers desu

soy boy soy boy

haha i fit in now

soy boy soy boy

why do americans make this faggot looking face? Never seen an australian look so autistic like this. Is it only an american thing?

i think you need to go back

Dew it

Is that melonpan?

what the fuck is wrong with people that buy nintendo consoles

>"i make fun of term soy boy"
>"haha i fit in now"

yeah, on reddit

It's a low test thing

At least two of those fags are obviously British. Like you can see it on their faces. Or you could if your eyes weren't toasted from the sun and crossed from the piss flavored beer ya marmite sucking superfaggot.

He's gone loopy! The words have sent him to the loony bin!

Hey Nintendo if you really wanna get the loser, creepy pedophile, over 18 manbaby audience you should totally get the Clinton cunt for your marketing campaign...100 million sales by pure guild. Think about it!

I love how soyboy triggers people harder than cuck or fag ever did.

haha I made a meme

if you think Sup Forums isn't just as much as an echo chamber you're retarded

No wonder why the west is falling.

Probably because it's so blantly wrong? Why not ask people on /fit/ on what they think of that meme


>its a reddit meme
Reddit doesnt create memes, they take them and run them into the ground

Not really. Also why do the sides of the controller pop off? Sounds to me just another part I have to buy just to play on a tablet.

Actually can you attach those colored handles onto a tablet because that'd be neat, it's the only thing preventing me from have a good portable emulator box.

Post the webm.

>its wrong
>there's nothing wrong with a soy based diet

This is the greatest anti-switch marketing campaign ever. I actually had to bed my parents not to get me one for christmas. Thank god I ended up getting a mini fridge.

I thought Nintendo fans only ate manly things like burgers?

Why do you hate soy sauce

>haha i fit in now
Not with that reddit spacing

Here, have a (You).
Everyone else seems to be giving you them.

I honestly wonder if those people know that their pictures are posted here.

more like #SOYEXCITED

>At least two of those fags are obviously British. Like you can see it on their faces.
Can you tell by the lack of negroid features?

>I actually had to bed my parents
hello cletus

Why don't you calm down and drink your soylent sweetie.

Been enjoying it since I got mine on launch day.

and yet it flew off the shelves. before faggots like you admit that you're wrong about something, you'll hang yourself in all your hate for other people's opinion and taste :^)

This meme has made international bants so fucking lame.
I can come up with thirty or fourty different insults for an australian but since le ebin 50 niggers face you cunts just refuse to put in any effort.

why they open their mouth

stop false flagging, Sup Forums

Can anyone post the webm of the numale acting like a spaz when he gets a ps4 for christmas and his cat has enough of it and jumps to his neck and bites him?

>and yet it flew off the shelves

lmao no. These are fucking EVERYWHERE in Canada and the fucking 649$ NO GAMES PS3 was sold out everywhere launch year. No one wants a switch here besides soyboys of course. Kids, dudebro gamers and oldfags have no interest in it.

>you will never be a white nucuck soymale

feels good man


everyone is trying to emulate this ad


Because they think it's cute.
No idea where that comes from but that's why they do it.
Which is where the soy thing comes from. Soy has some memetic link to estrogen and these guys are acting like women. Trying to be cute for internet attention.

It's a submissive gesture and it makes them look "wacky, fun and interesting" they have low self esteem and know they are ugly so theytry to hide it with open mouth pics.

there's been a lot of possible explanations like showing submission (like monkeys do) etc

I believ they're very self conscious of how they look so they try to make funny faces to divert the attention from their ugliness
Also, geek shows made these guys believe being quirky and random will get you girls attention


>inb4 waiting for her wife's boyfriends sperm
True reason is that they are incredibly insecure so they do this face so they will always come as "silly", "quirky" or with some sense of humor so they are now immune to criticism.
Basically showing they are pathetic and insecure.


I will never watch this and not laugh

Why does he have the Japanese version of Breath of the Wild?


It's their way of trying to come off non-threatening to women who wouldn't otherwise give them the attention of the day.
They're all JP versions.

for maximum soy. they eat lots of soybeans and soysauce in manlet land.

/r/The_Donald is a Sup Forums colony, you've got it backwards

Why are they so SKINNYFAT? Literally all of them, what the fuck.

These faggots are burning the memes within days lately. Every fucking hour there's a new fucking thread up with the same pictures and the same "SOYBOY GRIN". I can't even rage anymore at those faggots, because of the obnoxious underage memesters here.


This is an unironically good idea.

Okay, why does he have Japanese versions of 4 games with American releases?

literally what estrogen do to your body

>when you fit the stereotypical numale description to a tee so you have to assign them a fictional diet to separate yourself from them

I keked


Amerimutt detected.

A weeb soyboy, or as I like to call them, a tofuboy

the dog is trying to put it out of its misery

You wish, redditard

If I closed your mouth before the picture, would you die?

that was a cat unless that was supposed to be the joke in which case

>points out ugly women to me and says "that's a trap"

Boomer holocaust when

Ugh, it would be like extremely problematic

chicago police scanner bingo sounds fun