






*creates a remake with less content than the original game*

>this gun didn't make it in
Shitposting aside, it was fucking fun in 1 and 3 and the remake blew

i dont understand why they keep reusing the garbage future weapons, mr.zurkon is especially terrible and they keep shoving him in


*blocks your path*


At the very least they could make something with the functionality of Mr. Zurkon but a different concept. Like these guys.

What the fuck is this Satan shit

So do i buy a Switch or a PS4?

progressive you bigot

I don't mind drone weapons but at least make new ones, why try and force "iconic" weapons like Groovitron and Zurkon in the first place when the series is just known for all sorts of wacky weaponry. Furthest they got in originality was just the family in ITN but at least make something fresh and save previous entry weapons for secrets

It's a yearly show that takes place somewhere down near Satan's perineum aka Australia.

Guys, stop shitposting
I want to talk about Ratchet and Clank

Perhaps you should buy a Pixelizer

I hate how they ruined Drek's eyes.

I hate how they ruined Drek, period


Who has more suction power, Kirbys mouth or Sonybros anus?


the new sony whirr meme is ABAP

I'm guessing they've focus grouped it and seen that DUDE ZURKON LMAO is a popular meme among 8 year olds who honestly probably are the primary audience for neo-R&C

*gets priced at 40 instead of 60*

How bad will the MediEvil remake be?

should've been $30 because it was 30 FPS

I thought 8 year olds were appealed to for R&C in general.
I miss the cruder jokes man. Deadlocked was entertaining with humor.




Imagine sticking your dick in that

I don't get it

is it the anti-BRAAAAAAP?

R&C never needed 60 fps and it had terrible framedrops as soon as something exploded on screen.

that would burn, a lot

Can your whirr and brap at the same time?

>action game franchise never needed 60 FPS


Will there ever be another R&C game do you think?

Most likely after spiderman.
I just hope they make a normal lengthed one, most titles could be cleared in one sitting and it's fustrating

>want to replay 2
>remember the boss fights

I want them to port all the PS2 R&C without any changes.
Especially Deadlocked for the co-op.

I hope a different team at Insomniac is working on a Nexus sequel, they can't all be working on QTEman, r-right?

>yfw 'You got the Suck Cannon... again!'

Just emulate it, fag.
If R&C PS4 is anything to go by, they'll screw it up again. Which is a shame because R&C2 could actually do with some polishing, the boss fights are dreadful.


They were releasing them yearly up until recently, so yes I think there will be. I hope not, though. After A Crack in Time they forgot what actually makes an enjoyable game and quite genuinely admitted LOL WE ONLY CARE ABOUT GRAFFIX NOW.

A normal length one would be nice, no shitty gimmicks like the last few PS3 ones they made (all for one and the tower defence one) or based on movie bullshit. Just an old fashioned story adventure like the original PS2/PS3 titles

I don't have the setup to play local co-op game from a computer and I don't want to add lag by streaming it

I forget, what were they? Was R&C2 the protopet?


Nexus was good with classic gameplay but short and that was Sony's fault.

>Snivelak boss

>they fucked up the holoshield
>local multiplayer mode got fucked
At least give it to someone who knows how to port the damn thing


Because they're easy as fuck to balance, popular with the fans, and don't require much creative design work.

They've struggled since 3 to come up with an expansive roster of entirely new guns for each game, it's why stuff like the blaster/shotgun/rocket launcher make it into nearly all of them with very few changes between each iteration and also why they kept Zurkon and the Groovitron around while dropping a legacy weapon into every other game.

Angela on a flying skateboard, which was the only good one.
Clank moon robot fight and UFO
Motherfucking thugs4less giant mech where you jump between turrets
And of course the severely disappointing final boss furball.

Adolph, I miss you...


Russian or Brazilian?

Absolutely, Ratchet and Clank on PS4 sold fucking great and Sony always needs more family-friendly exclusives. We might even hear an announcement next year if Spider-Man is releasing in Q2 like rumours say.

>muh 60 effpuhess
Damn nigga cool your jets. The only two R&C games they've made since CiT may have had some deep flaws (ItN is buggy and short, R&C is a remake with less overall worlds and a story crippled to encourage people to see a film) but the gameplay and level design is still top fucking notch and a ton of fun. I have no doubt that so long as their next R&C game is full-length and not another movie tie-in it'll end up being one of the best in the franchise.




Poor angela

yeah dude fuck mr zurkon lol we need more adult related humor for mature gamers like me

like the crotchitizer xD

>Motherfucking thugs4less giant mech where you jump between turrets
that shit fucking sucked though

solid idea but it was ultimately really boring in execution

>Motherfucking thugs4less giant mech where you jump between turrets

Jesus the fight just went on forever. Ironically the lead-up to the fight was fucking harder

Oddly enough, when I re-played the fight in Challenge, I was able to get most of his health down with my normal weapons, mainly the Ultra Bouncer


Fuck off Sony! This has gone too far!

I always struggle on that part, the multiple tanks with the multiple force field barriers. I would get so desperate for weapons/ammo that I would end up using the completely nerfed weapons from the first game like the guided missile, needed like 3 of those bastards for a single tank

Lets get this shit started

>Best writing
>Best guns
>Best soundtrack
>Best levels
>Best multiplayer
>Best arena

For me it's:
Deadlocked / 3 / Crack in Time
Deadlocked / 2
Crack in Time
Crack in Time / 3

Hopefully good
Like Crash Remaster

Why are you repeating what I just wrote?


>2 had the best spaceship segments, the best side-content (except for the ice world), the best arsenal of guns, and arguably top three for writing
>but it was also the buggies, had the most bad filler levels, and had some of the worst bossfights

It's such a wonderful mess of a game. I really hope they do a remake of it but without butchering the story, since it could actually benefit from some of the padding being cut and a second attempt at the bossfights.

this is nintendo's fault

Why is the Sonywojack so obsessed with things in his ass? The XBox, Nintendo, and PC Wojack haven't exhibited this at all, just the Sonywojack.

You forgot swamp monsters 1 and 2, helicopter fight in Megapolis and the 4 arena bosses (chainblade, the brain mecha, spider mech on the gravity ramps and the centipede)
Honestly I struggled to remember them. I forget how many 1 had too, did three have the most out of all of them?

>how can h-AAAAAAUGHHHH h-how can he hold gun?

Yes, probably after Insomniac is done with Spider-Man. The PS4 R&C game wasn't a commercial failure, so there's really nothing stopping them from making another game. I just hope it's not a "re-imagining" of Going Commando.

Fuck everything about that boss.

I agree, but:
>bad filler levels
Like what (besides Grelbin and probably Notak)?

What in gods name is this fuckery?

For some reason I always thought they scrapped something on that planet, a whole optional path just for a health power up? I am sure there was going to be a secret gun or something there.

Did you even play the first game? It's full of stuff like that. One of the more endearing aspects that I miss from the later games desu.

the thunder storm city on rc1 had something like that too, you had to go into tons of enemies to find the morph o ray and the fucking gadgetron pda

The first game had several optional paths but none of them led to something as retarded as a health powerup

The first planet (after Veldin) in the first Ratchet game had an optional path that lead absolutely nowhere, except you could pick up a gold bolt that was hidden in the wall.
There was another hidden path that lead only to a gold bolt on the same planet and it was quite significant in size.

>The giant robot in 3 that takes 20 mins to kill, even when using the turrets

The giant robot was in 2.

Deep space disposal space mission.
Barlow I feel was forgettable and that was mandatory outside of unlocking races and the themonitor device

I get them mixed up all the time for some reason.

There was another giant robot as the final fight of 3 but it wasn't nearly as tedious.

It was easy as fuck, keep moving in circles, go up, go down, never stop shooting, barely get hit.

Apparently it was originally meant to be harder (and Quark's AI would be way better and actually contribute to the fight) but they decided to scale the difficulty back after how hard the on-ground Nefarious battle was


Is this the official WHIIIIIRRR thread?