Besides 10/10 artstyle, is the game any good?

I don't wanna pay for a pretty 6/10 game if that's the case.

you get what you put into it


Soundtracks also a 10/10 in my book.

Gameplay is also very good.

Do you like gunstar heroes? The game is gunstar heroes: boss battles

it's ok

It's pretty fun, and if you realize you don't like it you can still refund,

I had a ton of fun with it. Its a game that has a lot of heart put into it

Artstyle and Soundtrack are good, but it's kind of a mediocre but addicting run and gun, most bosses have pretty simple patterns with a handful of difficult ones. All of the non boss levels are are pretty meh in my opinion mainly because the screen is just constantly a huge mess of bullets and enemies. I wouldn't say 6/10, but it's closer to a 7/10 game.

It's great. Not a lot of replayability tho, except if you wanna do the whole game again to get S ranks everywhere.

Why do people compare it to Gunstar whet it plays nothing like it? Contra Hard Corps would be better comparison.

After the bugs were fixed, this game became a 9/10 for me and I rarely rate games that high.

If you like the genre, yes. I personally disliked the game.

It's alright, I'd prefer more focus on running and gunning since boss fights are boring in these games. Maybe it'll be great for you if you love boss rush games like Gunstar Heroes, Hard Corps, Shattered Soldier and others. There are some run n gun levels but they suck.

Not really, the game is overly easy and relies on cheap mechanics to extend playtime.

>pirate it
>play it
>buy it if you like it
That easy fella

doesn't play anything like gunstar heroes

cuphead doesn't really play like 16 or 32 bit games, it plays like a new perception of what people think those games played like

Why should I care about the opinion of the guy in your pic?

Or just Shattered Soldier since it'd identical

>I don't wanna pay for a pretty 6/10 game
do you even buy videogames nowadays ? Pretty much every big games are 6/10 at best

>game is easy
>except when its hard
my noggle... It's.. IT'S..!

>Especially the pier one
Where does this meme originate? The pier one was one of the most fun run and gun stages. Easily better than pretty much every single other one outside of maybe the Mine level.

there are no fun run and gun stages. they're all abysmal and shouldn't have been added

they play worse than bad nintendo games

t. friendless virgin

Me and my best friend had a blast doing the run n' guns, especially the tree one

wow imagine how much fun you wouldve had playing literally any good game from the 16 or 32 bit era

you having fun doesnt make something not bad, it makes you have a low bar for fun

>f-fun is just a buzzword!
It's a co-op game. It's significantly more fun with an amigo. You being a friendless embarassment and playing a co-op game alone and then saying it's not fun is literally a meaningless opinion.

It's a shit Megaman.

it's not a coop game. coop was thrown in. you can't see what you're doing to play if the game is in coop

well it sucks dick on single-player, which is what it was primarily designed to be

Its a very solid shmup - more reminiscent of Contra than Gunstar Heroes.

Mugman is on the fucking cover you stupid ape. The game was designed with co-op in mind.

>it's a co-op game

holy fuck you're stupid

Although your constant, brainless spewing of this "haha no friend" thing like some dumbfuck meathead chad in middle school just makes me think you're poorly baiting, so I'll take my leave.

still trying to push this shit game?

no it wasn't. coop is free play. the real game is single player

Any shit game is fun with friends. I've personally completed piece of shit Narco Terror with a friend and it was pretty fun. Solo? Not in a million years.
And I am not implying that Cuphead is bad.

>no counter-points, just impotent raging ad hominem
Good post, you sure showed me

It's stellar
Just pure fun as fuck addicting arcade fun
It never feels unfair and so you just keep playing and playing even if you die hundred times
Once you get the hang of it, getting S rank on everything is also fun

I've only played this co-op but even I can see how much of a different and better experience it would be solo. Harder to have maximum preciseness with two people at once

>only REAL gamers play alone haha
Cringe, I bet you're the kind of autismo who says "you didn't actually beat Dark Souls unless you jump through these arbitrary hoops I set up"

>argument is literally based on insulting other people as "friendless virgins"

>cuphead was meant to be played with infinite lives


My argument is that it's primarily a fucking co-op game, just because you're le epin h4rdc0re g4m3r who goes it alone doesn't mean that's the right way to play. The story revolves around two characters, Mugman is on the cover, the game is absolutely designed with two players in mind.

>every game with more than one playable character is explicitly designed to be co-op and playing it single-player is incorrect, even though all of the levels, enemies, stats, and literally fucking everything are designed around one player because that's what it's supposed to fucking be

>you can't play mario single-player you dumbass, it has luigi in it
>what the fuck retard stop playing sonic, it has tails. what you're SUPPOSED to do is keep track of all this fast spinny shit with two tiny halves of screen and make sure you don't die in two hits

come on, man

nice ad hominem, try again.

>only a TRUE GAMER restricts himself in arbitrary ways!
I bet you don't summon in Dark Souls because it's "beneath" you lol cringe

shit, this was meant for

>doesn't understand what ad hominem is
I should have known I was arguing with an underage. You can leave now, you've lost all legitimacy

gee, if there was a way you could rent a game...

If you would look into the development process of the game, you would see that it was built entirely around just Cuphead, while being able to play as Mugman was thrown in late into development because co-op is just a mandatory courtesy kinda thing at this point

>it only counts as ad hominem when other people are doing it

Your argument can be flipped on itself though.
>yeah so what if there's two characters and co-op available, Cuphead is SUPPOSED to be played alone?
>why? W-well it's too easy co-op! You're a TRUE HARDCORE GAMER aren't you?!

Come back when you've learned to stop throwing around buzzwords that you have no idea what the meaning is, underage

This is like the one genre where you can have a solo experience while throwing in a co-op mode without it hurting the design choices from the solo level design. Though in this game in particular the screen scrolling and having the camera be so zoomed in really hurts that aspect in non-boss stages
Play it how you like. I've also played Zelda FSA 3 times and I prefer it solo even though 4P co-op was a very unique and fun experience


You're honestly not much better, bud. Your argument is weak as fuck because it goes off of a lot of assumptions. Like, any story with more than one good guy should be entirely designed to be co-op. If you want to make a game world that isn't just one guy and wanna make a single-player game, then tough shit. You're also forgetting that the story and main menu aren't the only parts of a game. Super Mario isn't some movie depicting the harrowing tale of a lost princess and a bold, underdog hero. You actually play the thing. It's the part where you're jumping around with blocks and goombas and shit. If someone says "yeah I'm gonna play some fuckin mario" they're probably not thinking about rediscovering the fucking lore or some shit, they just wanna play the game. In this case, the GAME game is actually designed with single-player in mind. They just put in Mugman as a way to justify the co-op mode that's mandatory when making a game.

tl;dr You're over analyzing shit that doesn't matter and are completely oblivious to the level/boss design

I just think that it's problematic how they used 1930's cartoon style, which was used in racist cartoons such as pic related, and didn't even address it.

It's definitely good. A lot of the hype and praise definitely comes form the art style (and rightly so) but it's a pretty fun run and gun regardless and will push you to your limits.

Because the complaints are click bait and not real.

I think you're missing the point. If a game was created and the vision for the game was that it was a single-player game, and the bosses and levels and everything were designed and balanced with the intent of being fair/challenging/whatever for just one player, and the design makes it play completely different than how it was originally intended to when there's more than one player, it's probably supposed to be a single-player game. The presence of co-op and Mugman are just stapled on to actually make the game worth money. That's all it is.

If somebody using a style for a thing with negative connotations poisons another thing by proxy, then the Internet has already burned everything to the ground. Put the soapbox away.

>mfw it's hard to tell the difference anymore

Where did you come from? This is a white, right-wind board, just like the developers of Cuphead.

the game is a 10/10 boss rush game

I rate it 9/10 because unfortunately it has like 5 run and gun levels that arent very good except for one. those 5 levels pale in comparison to something like Ghouls n Ghosts.

the other 2 defects it has are, you cant play as Mug Man in single player
And, it has an unlockable black and white mode, but in black and white mode you can't tell any longer what enemies and shots you can parry and which ones you can't (you can do that to the pink ones)
so, the black and white mode wasnt very well thought

but it's a 9/10 game, better than 9 but not perfect

most people played one or two games in the whole genre

I can't say you'll enjoy it if the art DOESN'T grab you, because really, the art is basically the whole game; it's a pretty mediocre run and gun since the art takes priority over everything else

Still real fun to play and stare at with your eyeballs, though

If that's the case, it seems like a better use of my time would just be to jack off.

>those 5 levels pale in comparison to something like Ghouls n Ghosts.
how so?

>how so?

no thought given to enemy placement, feels totally arbitrary

what makes the enemy placement in games like ghouls and ghosts not arbitrary?

the fact that people who designed ghouls and ghosts went on to design many other great games. in this way, their decisions retroactively gain gravitas as they influenced the industry and were known and respected professionals

as someone who grew up on nes, *I* am telling you myself that the enemy placements in cuphead are arbitrary, and that's all you need to know. I've played and mastered pretty much every great side scrolling game that ever existed and this is not one of them. The run and gun stages should have never been added because they are simply put, half-assed. You used to run stages like this through thousands of iterations of playtesting, cuphead developers simply did not do that because games are not developed that way anymore

way to say a whole lot of nothing. something tells me you have no idea what you're talking about. i doubt you even grew up on the nes.

>10/10 artstyle

Gunstar heroes was never this difficult

idk man seven force on expert is brutal

You have to seriously be a special breed of pathetic to keep posting your stupid fucking tweets here instead of just your shitty anonymous opinions.

You have no idea what you’re talking about. You’re not an expert. You probably weren’t even around during the NES era because that would put you around my age and I’m embarrassed to be nearly 40 and shitposting on an anime image board devoted to vidya. I don’t think there are many others like me here.

Cuphead is like run and guns and shmups except the patterns are less static and more random. You have to memorize patterns randomly which adds the element of luck into the mix.

My guess is you are that twitter faggot from early in the thread.

>pay attention to me!



aww he's mad

untermensch taste