What are some of the biggest "fuck you" moments in gaming?
What are some of the biggest "fuck you" moments in gaming?
Other urls found in this thread:
>Red Faction 1
>these weapons are fucking awesome!
>time for a stealth sequence gimme all that shit, here's a basic pistol
>being this incompetent
God punish microsoft
Did Project Spark even get made?
the whole thing
xbox as a brand is irrelevant now
they are paying dearly for their transgressions
Oh hey guys. What’s going on in this thread?
Conker was never good.
This is a chad opnion.
Yes, but Conker's Bad Reunion only had 1 episode before it was cancelled and Project Spark itself was shut down in 2016.
Are the Ultima games worth playing?
The Exile from KOTOR 2 being stabbed in the back like a bitch, and T3-M4 being destroyed by Sith lightening.
>shittalking anyone
The fact that Konami didn't just cancel it, but had to remove any trace of PT from PSN and pretend that it never existed?
Seriously, google it for an entertaining Sword Quest-esque story with a huge pinch of scam and deception.
Ashens gave a great talk on this.
The slow process of EA gutting everything unique about Dead Space to grind a few more pennies out of it, and leaving it's hollowed out husk for dead once it didn't meet their unreasonable expectations.
>These shitty missions were the conclusion to the Dex and Troy story arcs
Man I fucking hate what Saints Row became
the mobile port of Tales of Phantasia
I still can’t beat the game thanks to a game breaking glitch in the final boss.
This is a virgin opinion.
Please. Don't
>"the inside isn't money but something life-changing; a lesson for life!"
>"well, technically it is money since you get a share of the money earned through Godus"
>"well, actually it isn't since no one gives a damn about Godus and the contact with the guy who won broke off from our side"
>"fuck it, I'm done with giving interviews forever and ever"
And the lesson learned: never trust Molyneux.
> a lesson for life!
Well, that was a good leason. Don't trust a liar
Instead of this we get pic related
and why and how
exists is beyond me
pretty much everything valve does these days is a massive fuck you
Thank you con man
>set unrealistic expectations
>they aren't met
didn't his point kind of end up mooted by the end of the game where his hair turns white from Devil Trigger useage?
>You'll never go back to the 2012 era of pre-release DmC threads
I used to think that 2012 was a shitty year, but it was actually pretty fun, now that I look back on it.
>announce new game
>it isn't actually new, it's just a hearthstone reskin that's going to have EA tier microtransactions
I'm still mad
should add to that pic that EA's logo was a square, circle and triangle at the time
and of course nothing came out of it
I'm still mad
in fact I'm ME3fag tier mad
Best thing is, you can't even make your own anymore.
Why is there not a DmC 2?
really? fuck man, idk volition just seems to hate anybody that liked sr and sr2.
never forget
After all these years i am still mad
>3 lanes like in dota
>HS reskin
Really made me reply
Is this Nico or Nui honestly these designd blend together every day.
>hello hacker fucker
I'm crying lmao
I don't even have Switch
i will find you
wherever you are
and break your legs
and that's a promise
This thread is hurting me
>sell a shitty zero effort port for $40
>sell a collection of games for $40 in the same year
>also sell japan back the americanized versions that were arbitrarily sped up against the original dev's wishes
>even kamiya calls it 'offensive'
what did capcom mean by this
I feel like every threat is heightened by saying "and that's a promise"
Can I get a /thread?
>mad professor
>dev is mad
i fucking hate these twitter accounts that do nothing but work up their fans into a froth
>"Mmm, that's a nostalgic song playing. Those were good times. Meanwhile, who the hell are these people with this project? I'm so glad it's over. You think it's nothing but good memories? Hell no! Let's use this space to give out some thanks.
>First off, Kaoru Ogura, who ran off with some guy in the middle of the project. Yes, you, you bastard. Don't show up at the office without showering after having sex 6 times the previous night. Next, Tatsuya Ōhashi. Yes, you, you bastard. Don't give me your flippant shit — coming in late on the day we ship the ROM like nothing's amiss. You can give me all the porn you want; I'm not forgetting that one. All that fucking weight you put on. No wonder you paid out 18,000 yen and still got nothing but a kiss out of it. Kenji Takano, Namco debugger. You are a part-timer; don't dick around with the project planner. And finally, Kiyoharu Gotō, the biggest thorn to my side in this project. Yes, you, you bastard. Once I get a time machine, I’m sending you back to the Edo period. Go do your riddles over there.
>Ahh, that's a load off... wait, no it's not. Kiyoharu Gotō — yes, you, you bastard. Aaaagh, just disappear already.
>Come to think of it, some people were helpful to me, too. Mr. Okada, who took all the good stuff. I know all about your abnormal tendencies. Yamagishi, who swore off soaplands until the project was over. Go ahead, knock yourself out now. Iwata, who joined in midway and gave it all he had. Sorry I yelled at you. Keep hanging in there. Fujimura, Udopyu, you probably had it the worst of all. Thanks. I mean it. Gotō's the one to hate here. Also, Takayama, Kudō, Suzuki, Makki, Kaneko, Aihara, Sato (the angel of my heart), Iga. Thanks, everyone.
>Yoko-G, good work. This game is dedicated to your wife's birthday."
>release never
Not into ME, why was ME3 ending so bad exactly?
Isn't that the The World Ends With You thing that was so big that Sup Forums had a sticky about it, and it ended up being just a mobile port? I vaguely remember people on Sup Forums losing their shit about this years ago.
Metal Gear Solid 2
Never Ever ;_;
>Load of potentially good games cancelled
>Clone Wars series cartoon cancelled
Disney buying Star Wars really fucked a lot of things up. I haven't seen the new movies, so I don't have an opinion on those.
The fact that Platinum got rejected by both Sony and Microsoft and people having the balls to act like Nintendo stole Bayonetta
Casey Hudson and Mac Walters came in at zero hour and rewrote the entire ending to be what they wanted, locked everyone else out of the writers room, and went back on basically every single promise they made pre-release, threw out the nuanced all-encompassing ending (rachni queen was supposed to help, all your decisions were supposed to culminate, it was emphasized that it would NOT be ABC Endingtron 5000 and then it was ABC picking your ending anyway and all the endings sucked)
The ending of ME3 was so legendarily shitty that one guy literally sued them for false advertising, prompting them to release a free patch adding a new option (to say "no" to the Endingtron altogether) and expanding scenes in several others. (the guy said it was 'good enough' after all this was added and dropped the suit)
The beginning of all the endings is exactly the same but cast in different colors. Most likely they did not have the dev time left to animate a lot of new content so there are cut corners EVERYWHERE (piles of bodies are rendered as flat hills with a "body pile" texture on it, etc)
Came here to post this, I'm still mad.
Anyone who dosen't agree with me can go and eat a Grilled Dick
and let's not forget this
Does anyone really expect anything from Valve anymore? Seriously, how naive do you have to be?
The entirely of the series had hyped and led up to the final battle with "The Reapers", a race of machine entities from beyond the edge of the galaxy who once every million years or so returned and harvested all advanced sentient life, melting them down and forging them into new servants and new Reaper forms. They were portrayed as a sort of eternal, existential cosmic horror, with the majority of the first game centered around how to just fight and kill ONE of them.
In the third game, a massive galaxy spanning fleet of them arrived.
So the 3rd game was taken up with the the construction of an ancient super weapon made by a long dead precursor race who had also fought the Reapers and almost - but failed - to defeat them, whilst also reuniting with old comrades from across the series and rallying the scattered forces of the galaxy for a defense.
After the Space Station that functioned as the hub of galactic government was taken and all the inhabitants slaughtered by the Reapers, it came down to a siege of the planet Earth as your technicians hurried to finish the weapon.
After a massive battle where it appears your party members are disintegrated by a particle beam, you manage to re-enter the space station where the weapon is being housed - it having been temporarily stolen from you at 0 hour by an old nemesis - you overcome said ancient nemesis with a dialogue battle (which I thought was apropos since he was more of an intellectual enemy), activate the weapon, and ascend through a shaft of light...
>Character that was literally forgotten about immediately after the game released
This is why you pick legacy characters, and FE had enough representatives.
>Fucks up Tennis twice
>With the Wii U game having even less content than the 3DS
>If you count Superstars,that’s 3 Fucking times they fucked up Tennis
To a control room where you meet a holographic little boy, who explains to you that he IS the weapon. He also explains to you that the Reapers were synthetic life forms created by an ancient race to solve the problem of eventual rebellion by synthetic life forms (the unfriendly AI quandry), and their solution... was to rebel and synthesize their creators, destroying them to protect them from being destroyed by synthetics.
Said little boy then tells you that you have two choices. You can choose THE RED BUTTON which will give you control of all the reapers. Or you can choose the BLUE button, which will destroy all synthetic life in the galaxy - the reapers, AND several of your own friends and part members.
If you played the "completely optional" multiplayer mode and got enough war score, you could also pick THE GREEN BUTTON, where you throw yourself into a shaft of light and all life in the galaxy is combined into a gestalt of synthetic and organic, ensuring peace forever (?). This functions because space magic.
Also, all three of these choices destroy the relay system that makes long range space travel and communication possible, because reasons. If you refuse or shoot the boy, you get a game over screen that tells you earth was destroyed. See also and which is a screen that came up after a laughably bad cutscene where Buzz Fucking Aldrin speaking to a grandchild implies it was all just a story he was telling.
Don't watch them. They are complete garbage. Literal fan fic is better than the writing in those travesties.
Don't forget them originally having the Relays EXPLODE in the ending because they fucking forgot that a mass relay explosion is stated to be powerful enough to wipe out an entire solar system or some shit, so they had to patch the ending to have them just shut down
Did they change that? I remember it being exploding on release yeah
Go home Lucas your drunk
The Force Awakens was great outside you faggots whining about Rey
The Last Jedi is divisive because you guys can’t handle anything new. The only real criticism is the amount of jokes
>take character whose signature trait is complete unadulterated rage
>make him into a soft-speaking dad that babysits a kid that is devoid of any personality
>take away signature weapon that everyone loves in favor of generic over-the-shoulder fighting
>set in Nordic mythology now so they can reuse environments from HZD
>Sonedrones are excited for this
Kratos' story should have ended with the first game, which was it's logical conclusion. You have only yourself to blame for buying each increasingly strained spectacle fighter there-after.
> and their solution... was to rebel and synthesize their creators, destroying them to protect them from being destroyed by synthetics.
This one thing i dont have problem with, it's just explained really fucking horribly.
Their argument is that they murder everything to subsentient levels before it makes True A.I, so that said A.I cant then sterilize ALL life.
They were supposed to show up around the same time the Geth achieved sapience, but the protheans fucked that up and forced the one reaper that stayed in the galaxy to dick about for a couple hundred years trying to figure out why the fuck his signal isnt working.
It took him that long because the reapers modus operandi for millenia has been "Murder the fuck out of everything with superior tech while seeding mind control tech everywhere." and he couldnt do that effectively on his own.
Still fucking pissed they butchered the geth, a true consensus driven A.I was interesting as fuck while each 'geth' in ME3 ending up as individuals in the good end makes as much sense as your fucking monitor achieving sapience.