Could the Catherine: Fullbody trailer get someone killed?

Could the Catherine: Fullbody trailer get someone killed?

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only if they kill themselves

god i hope so

Well, trannies are unstable, so killing themselves because of a trailer is possible

What COULDN'T get these trainwrecks killed?


Someone who kills themselves over a trailer unironically doesn't belong in the world, though, so it's a good thing that they get it over with instead of trundling on only to throw themselves in front of a car someday because they got dumped for having a cock and they just can't deal with it.

What's he implying? That some rando Russian citizen will kill a stranger if they see them purchasing a game that has a tans character in it?

Hard to tell-

The curious thing is that people prefer to blame the trigger rather than concede that such a person has serious mental health issues that needs treatment. Curing a person of such health issues will do more to improve their life than simply removing things that might trigger them. These people do more harm to their friends by sustaining their condition.

>this trailer is aiming a gun in my friends head and pulling the trigger

I don't know why society can't just bring themselves to admit that transgenderism is a mental disorder. I'm guessing (((they))) (as in the (((people))) in charge of sexual reassignment surgeries and hormone therapies) don't want to lose out on their shekels.

Is there any actual evidence that she's a trap, or are they just making shit up?

We can only hope.

Atlus would be the greatest gaming company in history if that happened.

Transgenderism barely existed until the late 2000's.

Seriously it's a huge meme, when I was a kid there were no transgender people now I'm expected to believe there's 20 in every high school/College in America?


Sup Forums has literally been the first place pushing the tranny theory.

they are just fucking retarded and think because Vincent makes a shocked face after seeing her naked means he saw a dick. When he made exactly the same face when he woke up beside Catherine

if these mentally ill fucksticks keep playing victim, I'm going to be more than happy to oblige eventually

>Sup Forums is shitposting as usual
no fucking way!

He makes that face when he is shocked and aroused.

every minor fetish, opinion, and way of life has been amplified and normalized thanks to the internet allowing these people to instantly find like-minded individuals online

there could be 4 people on this planet of seven billion that agree on something while everyone else disagrees, and the four of them can sit and samefag and backpat in their own little online forum all day long and convince themselves the world not only knows about their thoughts, but fully accepts them

humanity wasn't ready for worldwide connectivity

>hello i have serious mental health issues
>okay here is someone you can talk t-
>NOPE. My *REAL* friends online told me to get these pills off AliExpress and recommended a taiwanese dick-flipping doctor already so you can fuck off with your transphobic therapy bullshit brainwashing

you cannot help those that refuse it

Based Japan contributing to the extinction of mentally ill people

These freak shows still going on with the idea that anyone would be compelled to murder them based on an obscure videogame, or stupid meme somewhere. Why would they even bother when the suicide rate is so high?

>be mentally unstable enough that you actually think you're the opposite sex
>whoop and holler enough to get everyone else to begrudgingly play along in your sick game of pretend
>when you've finally realized what a gruesome parody of yourself you've become, you finally break and end it all
But no, it's the video games' fault.

>That horrible new art style that will clash with all the amazing original scenes
Fucking Atlus

>taiwanese dick-flipping doctor

I think he's from Thailand.

>murder them
What? Toby didn't murder the tranny even when he had reason to do so.
Theyre talking about committing sudoku.

>mentaly ill
>thinks being trans is normal
>see dead people everywhere

They should uninstal Twitter and start talking with people face to face, one on one.

thaiwand, thailand, thairand, it's all the same to those people over there

Nah they really think some shitty internet meme is going to turn normal people into transmisogynistic monsters that run around butchering dudes wearing wigs.

It already has. I've killed 3 people over it. They won't find the bodies.

>no graphic upgrade
>could play the original and nothing would change
>but I'd rather cry about it

With any luck it''ll be headblowsoff and we have one less retard spreading this shit.

His friends work for Atlus and he's worried about people not liking the game.

Relevant reaction image too.

>Implying I'm not playing the original right now

>start out using twitter 5 years ago to follow cheapassgamer for cheap vidya
>meet people to play vidya with
>shitstorms happen every year after
>5 years later over half the people I met are either trannies, dating trannies or so far to either the left or right you cant have a normal discussion without it devolving to "FUCK DRUMPF" or "WE MUST SECURE AN EXISTENCE FOR OUR WHITE CHILDREN"

That's what I get for being friends with americlaps I guess

What was name of this anime? I never finiahed it becouse I forgot name.

You die in the game you die in real life



Warau Salesman NEW. It's pretty good, but Sup Forums doesn't like it.

>using Twitter to meet people
Rrtard alert. Even IRC was pretty bad for that shit.

Once we as a society realize that traps are, indeed, gay, the healing process can begin.

there is a huge difference between a trap and a man in drag, and most 'trannies' barely manage to acceptably achieve the latter

Just making shit up. Then again, Sup Forums has been pushing this retarded "theory" since day 1 too.

>Could the Catherine: Fullbody trailer get someone killed?

>heh, i dont talk to anyone, unlike you, kid
Kill yourself

>there is a huge difference between a trap and a man in drag

>70 years
Holy shit

Instead of pointing fingers, these people should take ownership for their own feelings. The world doesn't revolve around them.

Fuck off already. Rin is sexless. She's barbie doll mode down there.
Know why? Because she's an angel sent by YHVH to lure Vinny to the Law side and make him entirely dependant on her through her "healing presence". She will always support him and give him advice all the way up to making him unable to think for himself and make decisions without her guidance and then OOOH SNAP BOYO LOOKS LIKE ONE OF MY ANGELS TRICKED YOU, WELCOME TO LAW. The kicker is that she'll be a genuinely nice and caring person to reinforce the idea of "platonic love" and "emotional affair" that was absent from the base game

why don you go to facebook to make some friend, faggot.

I really want to know what sort of fucking witch craft that the Japanese have that lets them kill people with video.

>there is a huge difference between a trap and a man in drag


Is that Jesse Eisenberg?

>now I'm expected to believe there's 20 in every high school/College in America?
Pump enough synthetic estrogen into the water supply and you get some funny results

Should get sent to a male prison that'd be fun.

Its called epilepsy.

traps imply passability. and i know and you know there are a vocal minority of passable traps.

Well, it is a rapist and not the usual "they touched them funny" kind of rapist. Hope that piece of shit gets some love in prison.

That's what happens when you get an entire generation on birth control and they piss those hormones into the municipal water supply

for every Blair White there are 100 Laurens and Kozmos

And turning the frogs gay

It also may have had something to do with the US' fucked up record with treating mental issues prior to the 00s but nobody wants to talk about that on a video games board.

Bill Clinton is a rapist.

is this a true boy?
don't want to save the pic of a filthy girl

Fucking pokemon.

>but nobody wants to talk about that on a video games board.
Well we don't talk about video games here, so now what?

What did they mean by this? For real though

man in drag
-man who wears womens clothing and makeup in a convincing way but may not even bother to shave either as a laugh or to plainly signal "this is a dude under here"
-above but skin, hair, demeanor, voice, etc. all tailored to be as female as possible with the intent of fully and completely coming across as female
-genital mutilation

monica totally wanted his D what're you talking about?

anyone who cucks hillary is good in my book

user, I'm on your side
The whole gay frogs thing is a very real issue, and it affects people just as much as frogs
But then faggots like jones make it sound like a crackpot theory so everyone dismisses it

>implying it was just Monica
Jeffrey Epstein has a plane ticket to sell you

>mfw trans tried their shit in my country with bi-gender toilets in a college(?) and got instantly fired
stay classy america

Fucking hell, trannies are more accepted now than ever before but they also seem to be complaining and playing the victim card more than ever as well, they contribute nothing to humanity other than annoyance and disgust

>man in drag

HUGE difference.

Trannies are an abomination and should be removed from civilized society.

Not really sure. Whenever we start getting self aware the conversation either turns into shitposting or dies off.

No, you dumb fop.

ever notice how whenever the subject of trans is brought up it's 90% male to female trans?

isn't it really strange how being trans is skewed towards one gender?

Enlightened people desperate to get rid of their male privilege

Name 1 non-Jewish reason that a woman would want to become a man.

there are no girls on the internet, wether they have transitioned to men or not.

some of you guys are pretty cool. dont go to the midnight catherine launch

A mental illness that makes them severely uncomfortable in their own body.

well, "objectively" speaking, if being tans is some mental condition/illness, wouldn't it be fairly distributed among both men and women?

kinda funny how it's just men who want to become women. really makes ur neurons fire up.

What went wrong?

Insane trannies always blubber around about getting killed and beaten up and shit but you literally never hear about any actual reports anywhere.

both still are dudes i dont care if one can pass as a woman

daddy issues

You were too young to notice it

It did explode recently, but there still were a lot of people who did it

>This faggot has a Yakuza banner thingy
What? This series has had you encounter crossdressers/trannies and I don't think any were in a good light. Hell in one of the games you beat the shit out of a brother and sister crossdressing.

Seems hypocritical to sit there complaining about Atlus being mean to these degenerates when Yakuza has done "worse" yet you still have it as your banner. That's Assuming the faggot has even played a Yakuza game before though.

They'll kill themselves after witnessing perfection that is Rin and realizing that they'll never achieve it.

Went to a school with like 500 students. And a college of what 2-3000 students and faculty. Never met one.

It's just a moron on Twitter being a moron because Kotaku and Polygon both decided to be morons for clicks.

>people are unironically going around gay bashing, often with police support. they are dying off like flies due to aids
>a video game trailer featuring potentially gay characters could kill me
i feel sorry for the oldhead gays who now get lumped in with these fags

Why is it always Americans that do this shit?