*dogs your path*

*dogs your path*

Other urls found in this thread:


This boss has THE SMALLEST fucking room in the history of this series and is made triple worse by having to deal with the funky camera as soon as you enter as well as the poise breaking dogs with wonky movement that'll ensure you get stunlocked to death if you don't roll

>Walk up stairs
>Fall down stairs
Nothin personnel.

the first boss in bloodborne is giving me more trouble than this fucker
really why is this game so retardedly fast

also the shoot -> visceral hit is wonky as fuck, i've no idea when am i supposed to shoot them or which attacks allow for a stun and which don't

I started a no deaths run in dark souls but the dragon killed me with its fire. Does is count?

You failed.
The only excuse would be Seath, where you'd usually HAVE A TO die just to progress.

yes, you can dodge it

Fuck off norman im just gonna continue.
Wish me luck

but you failed, though

it's gonna be a 2 death run, probably.

No, fuck off.
>I died on my no death run but I'm going to continue anyway

1 fell blow with risen kills the doggos and the boss by himself is easy as fuck

*perfects your hitboxes*

That was unfunny, he stays in the same few areas doing the same thing over and over.

Call me a fanboy, but I've legitimately never had trouble with the hitboxes except for the shield slam and Ceaseless

>tfw you slice the first dog and the second one is nowhere to be seen

I could start again and reach the dragon but what would be the difference? Just a waste lf time.
Its gonna be a 1 death run then (seath doesnt count).

The difference would be that you didn't die in a no death run? Are you an idiot?

[spams firebombs from outside of the arena]

you can do that?

This, I don't get why everyone bitches about this guy when you can just do this strategy. Easy and it takes like less then 5 minutes to do

Are you trying to convince those 2 anons or yourself.

You are doing a no death run and died. When you finish with a death or 2 you won't have achieved anything.

gaping dragon has lingering hitboxes problem

This shit never happened to me. Aside from some pathing issues like not being able to jump on higher terrain. And most STR based enemies usually have an aoe spread on their attack so the ceaseless discharge bit can be safely discarded out of this video.

As long as you dodge his first attack and run up the stairs to kill his dogs he is piss easy

Maybe he does. I wouldn't know though.

Some people legitimately can not do this, they can't get through the dogs to the stairs and give up. I found out that as soon as you enter the arena, if you simply run forward a smidge then IMMEDIATELY to the left and up the stairs, you will never get hit. The goal in running slihgty forward is so that when the dogs/demon lunge at you, they lunge at the center of the arena, ratherr than the side which would block your path.

It's really easy once you get into that loop but it always takes me a few tries to beat him because I keep getting stuck on something before I get up the stairs and kill the dogs.

Beat him first try meanwhile Gaping took me 20.

>not cheesing the boss by throwing fire bombs over the wall
fucking idots

>meanwhile Gaping took me 20.
How? Did you not kill the Channeler or something?

Top 3 Bosses that gave me the most trouble with each game

None really tbqh but the ones that took the most tries
>Dragon God

DaS (Not counting Kalameet's Tail)
>4 Kings


>Camera Beast in the Chalice Dungeons

>Demon Prince
>Nameless King

Beat Gaping in my first try in my first playthrough, he's easy as fuck

*teleports up the stairs and stabs ur head*
Nothin' personnel...

You could always just go around him if you have the master key

Why do soulsfags want every encounter to be a 1v1 in a large, open space? Wouldn't that get repetitive?

Everything in Chalice Dungeons made me want to die, I didn't even bother with them after a while.

Because this series' combat system works best in 1v1 situations.

Literally go and get the elite knight set and you'll have enough poise to kill the dogs. I couldn't be the only one to explore the darkroot garden first?

Actually replace Aldia with that garbage Ancient Dragon boss from 2, who thought that was a good idea?

They wanted every fight to be like Chuck & Larry and Artorias and when they got that in DaS 2 they complained.

It's pretty telling that seath gets way less shit despite being an unavoidable death that puts your bloodstain well beyond your reach
it's because most people bitching are really bad and can't even get to anor londo

>this boss isn't fair hurr
What does "fair" mean in a single player game? Mitosis and Gerbil man like to talk about "fairness" but I still don't understand what they mean.

if attacks cannot be prevented within the timespan of a handicapped vegetable to react, it is unfair

I'm I the only one who didn't find this guy to be that hard?
Hell, everyone says the Dancer from the Boreal Valley in 3 is the hardest boss for them, but I beat her on my 2nd try.

If I beat it on my first try, it's perfectly fair and balanced and you need to get gud. If I struggled with it, it's cheap and needs to be nerfed.

I'll never understand all the complaints about this boss. Even if you don't cheese him, he's easy af once you get the dogs out of the way.

This sums it up pretty well. The only things that should really matter with regard to some challenge in a game are
>is it memorable?
>is it satisfying to finally overcome?

This is where the argument about Capra (and all other bosses) should be. He's definitely memorable but there's some mixed data for the latter. Some people think he's just too frustrating to be good. Fairness talk though is just meaningless babble and doesn't contribute anything to the conversation.