Why didn't you buy Kat's game? Is it because she stinks?
Gravity Rush 2
She's stuck on a shitty console. Clearly she doesn't want my money.
But she's no longer on Vita
She is still locked in Sony's basement.
Got both games and her figma
PS4 is not too bad anymore. It has games now
Is GR1 remaster worth playing for someone who only played 2?
Forgot the pic. The first game is not rare as it was back in January.
Yes. If you are interested in the story and characters, at least. The mechanics and world we're only expanded on in GR 2.
1 is also 60 fps, which is nice.
Probably not worth it if you know the story. It's the same world as 2 with less things to do
Its not on vita, and I don't have enough reasons to get ps4 yet.
the story of 2 didn't grab me at all but I'm still yet to play Eto
I love the world but I don't know if there's much point playing 1 cos Hekseville will only look worse
raven da best
kat smelly
why is Endestria so comfy?
You could take all the poor people from Elgona and use them to revitalise that dead industrial area
Not on sale.
it's almost always on sale
PS store
on sale right now for burgers and was recently for EU
>tfw Aussie and miss fucking everything
I looked like 2 days ago and it wasn't on sale. Pretty sure we get the EU store.
psprices.com has a price history chart for each game and i think you can setup email notifications for sales
though the GR2 servers are going down soon so you wont be able to get all the costumes if you wait too long
I didn't get it because it wasn't on Vita. Liked the first one but skipped the second.
I didn't buy it because I'm busy playing Remastered.
I didn't get it because I didn't play the first one and instead of releasing the remaster on disc in ample supply when it hit PS4 they only released a few and said if I wanted it I can only have it digitally unless I pay some scalper 800 shekels. I don't buy digital for more than $10 and it never drops that low so I now refuse to buy any of Kat's games.
are you actually autistic? and it's pretty cheap on amazon anyway (£17 or so)
I did it bros. 8000+ dusty tokens.
I just got to Hekseville though so there's still all the furniture to collect.
I got to 6000 yesterday but probably won't bother with the furniture. Been fun flying around and walking on walls without worrying about gravity meter
>Are you actually autistic?
Probably, I've never bothered to check. Also on Amazon it's like 34 which is what, 60 burgerbucks? And if there's any DLC I won't be able to buy it if I get a Euro copy because Sony is shit like that.
Shit nvm it's 34 burgerbucks for a euro copy I fucked up.
>Have 5100 something tokens
>Start up the game to do a couple of treasure hunters
>Somehow the game gives me +1000 tokens, probably from people finding treasures with my pics
The furniture is like 2 days of treasure hunts. You may as well
>don't forget to get your dusty tokens!
>only ever did one of the time trial combat things, didn't enjoy it
>welp, never gonna get those
>tried a treasure hunt randomly
>actually fun
>almost january
The first treasure hunt I ever got was so hard I couldn't finish it, I thought they were all like that.
I did one on a whim months later and had fun.
I keep just getting talismans
It actually looks better in some ways.
My wife does not stink
Why is Sup Forums the only place that gives a shit about Gravity Rush? Are we just born to suffer?
There are a couple samefags who are obsessed with the second game.
Even if the hint picture’s useless you can use the sound indicator.
Is she gonna please that old man?