
Why didn't you protect her smile?

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Plot didn't allow me.

Reminder that if it wasn't a Nintendo exclusive you would be shitting on it everyday.

>muh waifu died
>imma destroy everything now
Shit villain

Any interesting spoilers?
I wanna ruin the game for anyone exited about playing it


Nia is a blade, architect is klaus, game happens at the same time than xenoblade, game is the original universe klaus fucked with his experiment.

Hi acfag!

If it was on anything else, I'd probably like it even more.

>muh waifu died
She didn't die until literally a few hours prior to the ending.

Arent things usually shat on because it's a Nintendo exclusivem

Mikhail wanted to an hero

Because war is hell and no place for the unbroken. The sooner you shatter their smiles, the higher chance they have of surviving.

Are you idiots still trying to spam Xenobalde threads?

You've already gotten us limited to 1 thread on Sup Forums. You're gonna get us purged to /vg/ you dumb cunts

But Mods were okay with 5 months of back to back botw threads

For the love of God Eric stop trying to false flag, everyone can instantly recognise you.

*blocks ur path*

>offers asylum to the Gormotti refugees
>gives the Pneuma crystal to Addam
>saves Zeke
>saves you by sending his blade to protect you from Torna
>prevents the Mor Adrain - Uraya war instigated by Torna
>religious leader of the world
>assist you with reaching Elysium
>the main antagonist that killed you and tried to kill your Friends tells you he is evil
>you immediately believe him and attack Amalthus, who is trying to stop the main antagonist
>this results in you killing thousands of people living in Indol

Explain this shit to me, because I don't get it

>You're gonna get us purged to /vg/ you dumb cunts
There has been a general there since forever.

What Pyra / Mythra actually said in the end of Xenoblade Chronicles 2 youtube.com/watch?v=WgIDQpB2vJk

I don't even have to open it to know what the fuck it will say.

Stop advertising your shitty channel.

He's only interested in himself, he's a fundamentally selfish person who needs to bring everyone down to his level so he can justify why he's so jaded, alone and psychopathic.

He saves the refugees to perform Blade Eater experiments on them, he saves the Aegis so that they can destroy Malos for him (and cover up the dirty secret that Malos is the way he is because of him).
He saves Zeke for sentimental reasons though, and he's only preventing war between Mor Ardain and Uraya so that they're still alive when he needs to command their Titans (especially given that Mor Ardain's titan is on its last leg).

The whole thing is he's been fooling everyone for years as to his motives by claiming he's the Architect's mouthpiece and pretending to be reformed when it's the opposite: he's the same vicious child who murdered men in cold blood for vengeance.

His fundamental psyche is lowering everyone else in his mind so that his vindictive and selfish actions are justifiable.

>Kami-sama (God)

I love this meme.

There's 3 threads right now
idk who's trying to spread this autosage meme but it's fucking retarded


holy shit the tutorial prompts are going to kill me.

They dry up at around 5 hours in, with the last major game mechanic being introduced halfway into chapter 3 but not much between then and the beginning of chapter 2

I am not debating the morality of Amalthus, I am questioning why Rex would side with Torna and fight Amalthus given the story development at that point.


Amalthus unambiguously wants to destroy everything without room for reason.
Torna's members, at least based on Rex's reading of them and starting with Mikhail, seem to be more reasonable and considerably less nihilistic and selfish than Amalthus.
Also starting with Jin in chapter 8. They start to show more reason and compassion where Amalthus didn't in chapter 9.

Don't skip them, you'll look like a brainlet when you post for help

>Takes over your girlfriend's body to use her weapon
>also puts all blades around him in immense pain
>demands you stop climbing the world tree and do exactly as he says, which conflicts with what you're trying to do
>manipulates several titans into starting world war 3
>straight up tells you to your face what he's trying to do while he blasts the world tree with lasers
It really isn't that hard of a jump in logic.

If I see you complaining a single goddamn time that you're not getting it or that stuff takes forever to kill I'm coming over to your house to kick your dick in.

>Amalthus unambiguously wants to destroy everything without room for reason.
What? No.

At that point in the story Amalthus has been nothing but helpful (not to mention stopped a world war that Jin tried to start), then Jin tells you the backstory of the Torna Titna and Rex for some reason immediately trust Jin and goes to fight Amalthus.

Go to bed Indol.

Well and in Chapter 9, he starts to summon Titans to start attacking Rex (for not wanting to murder Torna) and Torna itself.

The point of the Jin story is that it becomes clear that actions that were helpful before were in service of a more nefarious plot to kill Malos and Torna. Amalthus' motivations are also stated in the World Tree (by Rex's deductions and Zeke's additions) to be to get the architect's power to destroy everything (mankind, Blades, Titans).

Not skipping them but fuuaakk i could do without the friendly helper personified tutorial prompts that seem to be waaay to short so therefore there are 20 per stop.

There's a chart that some user made here, can someone post it

Well no shit he is attacking Torna when Malos want's to destroy the world.


And I know the answer is power of friendship and understanding and he doesn't want to fight bla bla bla. But come the fuck on, he is responsible for the death of everyone who was on Indol.

Nah she died in the past, had her heart ripped out and devoured then preserved in ice as a constant reminder

She's dead. Jin just kept her body in an ice cube.


Faggots are talking shit about XC2

Okay, so let me get this straight
If you're a regular blade and you die, you become a core crystal
If you're a regular blade and you eat a human, you become a "flesh eater" and that give you power but also makes it so that you die for good when you die?
And if you're a human and are infused with a core crystal you become a "blade eater" which also gives you power but then you die for good afterwards?
If you're an aegis and you die, you die forever just because fuck you?

>Grail to Aegis
It's pretty clear they were removing religious references.

Changing =\= removing

anons keep making threads, reaching bump limit and then linking to a new one
It's basically a general at this point

Also all the titans were named after the seven deadly sins but then got renamed to some Celtic gibberish.

Also the Nopon don't talk like brain-damaged toddlers as much as they do in the dub.

How much do you earn from backseat modding?


>XC2 is obscure as fuck and wouldn't garner any attention from anything
>Only reason why it did to begin with was because of Tits McGee
I doubt any Christian kiddies would be playing this game to begin with, so I really don't see why these pointless localization changes are still a thing.
>Xenogears was localized by people who fucking loved Evangelion, back when no one gave a shit

I didn't report anything, I'm just giving a possible explanation


They did change Yahweh into Deus.

More precisely the omitted the fact that Deus was part of the Yahweh interplanetary invasion system.

They didn't have an issue with bishop Stone diddling kiddies though

>If you're a regular blade and you die, you become a core crystal

Yup. But that's only temporary, eventually you become a Titan.

>If you're a regular blade and you eat a human, you become a "flesh eater" and that give you power but also makes it so that you die for good when you die?


>And if you're a human and are infused with a core crystal you become a "blade eater" which also gives you power but then you die for good afterwards?

You're basically a normal human+. You die just like a human.

>If you're an aegis and you die, you die forever just because fuck you?

Kinda'. In their corrupted forms (Malos by hatred, Mythra by fear) they'll die if killed.

However when ascended to their real forms and true power (Pneuma for Pyra/Mythra, Logos for Malos if he'd had Rex as a driver), then they can return to their Core Crystals so long as their Core isn't damaged.

The important thing about the ending is that yes, Pyra would die if her Core was destroyed, but Aegis's can live without their core for a while and so Rex was able to bring her back just the same as he would have a sword.

>This scene is recreated in XC2 with Mikhail, but he has almost no real reason to actually be helping you
XC2 seriously needed far more cutscenes fleshing out Torna

>I doubt any Christian kiddies would be playing this game to begin with, so I really don't see why these pointless localization changes are still a thing.

Most of the localisation changes I don't really mind, simply because they were meaningless empty Judeo-Christian symbolism that got changed to (mostly) meaningless empty Greeko Roman symbolism.

>Holy Grail became Aegis

Aegis makes way more sense given Pyra's role in the story and what Malos's role should have been. Holy Grail only makes sense for the Conduit itself, not for there to be three seperate Holy Grails.

>The Titans were named after the seven sins

Yeah, but it was reaching as hell. Tantal was named after Lust, rather than Pride. Gormot was Gluttony, Uraya was pride, etc. There wasn't any real meaning behind it and the sins didn't even fit.

In any case, the names are still kept, just a little less on the nose

Gormott = Gourmand == Gluttony.

Uraya = Urayamashī == Envy.

Leftheria = λευτεριά (lefteriá) == Charity (One of the virtues)

etc etc.

But why did they change Satahiko, Yositsune and Benkei into some nonsensical shit

Mikhail is really only fighting to stop Amalthus at that point and sees Rex and Pyra as the best means to stop him.

Because Japanese names are meant to be pronounced with Japanese syllabary and the actors all speak English.

Probably because having the Engrish motherfuckers saying those super Japanese names would come off cringey as fuck.

>Benkei into Patronka

Changed a vague reference to a historical JP warrior literally zero Westerners would get into a Slovakian city. I guess they're trying to give an understanding of her background with that reference. Similar to how Meleph became Morag.

>Yoshitsune into Akhos

Changed a mythologial JP warrior literally zero westerners would get into a reference to the goddess of strife, specifically himself being grief. Killed Vandham (you grieve), got Patronka killed (he grieves).

Mikhail, I'm not sure about. Reference to Gorbachev? I dunno.

I threw barrels at Benkei in Mystical Ninja Starring Goemon. 10/10 reference.

I think the ship concerning itself with Japanese sounding names has sailed long, long ago considering the artstyle and characters in this game.

>Strong motherly instincts, calm and gentle. Would be perfectly happy to take the lead in bed and be on top, until Rex had enough confidence to take control. Would be most happy so long as she's making him happy.

>Has spent her whole existence fearing herself and her powers. Would want Rex to be strong and confidant with her, to push her down and take control, showing in every way that he doesn't fear anything about her and is perfectly happy with every inch of her. Would be most happy giving up control, but would feel embarrassed afterwards and wouldn't want to talk about it.

Agree, Disagree?

Don't really care

I can't help liking girls like Mythra.

Same anime has made me adjust to tsunderes

Do enemies just flip out after using a Chain Attack?

I'll sit here with 3 bars and no one will go down but then if out of curosity I try a chain attack the enemy wilds out if it doesn't kill and takes everyone from full health to 0

>Pyra without the inner mesh leotard outfit thing
Disgusting, you know nothing about eros

I thought he kept the little life she had left in the cube and then died of the mecha being destroyed. It seems I was wrong.

Because he tries to reason with Amalthus and say he wants to stop Torna without killing them, and Amalthus rejects that and proceeds to over-step his bounds by ASSUMING DIRECT CONTROL of the Blades and Titans and starts attacking the World Tree.


Mikhail lays down his life to help Rex and the others reach Jin and Jin himself previously seemed less absolute in his desire to kill the Architect in chapter 8 than Amalthus did in Chapter 9

He also feels like destroying the whole world is unnecessary. He seemed to show hesitance at "I mean I know he wants to destroy everything but he can't mean...EVERYTHING?" I got the sense that they were less KH2 Nobodies and more just a group of people with personal grievances at Indol in particular, who were partially to blame for many of the issues in other nations

Nigger are you retarded?

They didn't stop Amalthus to save Torna.
THEY FLAT OUT TOLD YOU Amalthus was going to murder all the titans by draining all their ether at the rate he was making them fire their beam cannons, they stopped him so that literally every living person didn't die.

Like this wasn't even subtle, they flat out told you so.

>This Morag battle where she's Chapter 31

I really don't get why at like a quarter health she'll suddenly tear through a full health team.

Meant to say Level 31 but my frustration is causing retardation.

Read Brighids passive user

I'm assuming that if he's at the chapter 4 mini-boss fight, he's not able to see Brigid's affinity chart.

The general thing is that she's crazy strong after evades

Exactly, he didn't agree with Malos's and Jin's 'kill'em all' plan, but because he was taken in by Old Torna, he has the same grievances towards Indol as Jin.

>reminder that if you could have explored the amazing worlds in 1080p or even 4k instead of phone resolution you would have liked it less

Is this your brain on Sony?

he awakened malos, no matter how good he can do later that's the biggest fuck up in history

Can't wait for switch emulation so I can savescum and turbo through opening cores

>PC fag once again proving they're just lazy.

And play with best Aegis