
this sewer is kicking my ass, wtf? Fei is at level 30, Citan and Rico at 23. what am I doing wrong?

Worst part of the game
I remember being lost in this shit

I haven’t played this in almost 20 years and I can’t remember anything enough to help you but I remember this was a frustrating place. When I think of this game I actually think about this part of it

Drop this shit and play XC2 instead

the sewer is pretty hard

good to know I'm not alone then

why do you think I'm playing this

better than XC2 so far

I forgot that Rico was literally Blanka

>better than XC2 so far
not by much which is a good thing and most the complaints people claim they have with XBC2 can also be used against Xenogears

>most the complaints people claim they have with XBC2 can also be used against Xenogears

I meant storywise

the gameplay is pretty fun but I fucking hate random encounters and fuck this sewer

>Xenogears has a predictable shonen plot, designs by literally hentai artists and an idiotic MC that never grows past his initial motivation


Go back up and eat the daily special

If you are at Redrum you need to kill him in one turn by saving up AP, because he counters Deathblows

Yeah this is by far the worst part of the game OP

I don't think there's any sewer level, before or after this one, that has been worse than this. I'd say it's the worst sewer level of all time. After that part I continued for a bit but the horrible aftertaste of this shitty level followed by an even shittier boss made me drop the game for a year

Oh you triggered my PTSD. I hate this section, it's nerve-wrecking in the sense we're hunting down a fucking unknown sewer monster like the Xenomorph it is. Then the game did it, it fucking showed the monster's perspective as it approaches the party. Fuck this section.

>not appreciating the great horror feel the sewers have
>luring the monsters with the bell and seeing it's perspective as it stalks you

Bunch of fags

Level up as much as possible. You are going to need it. Believe me. The boss is no joke and the game sorta has a weird difficulty curve at that point.

You know that you are in for a good time when a boss has

>a move that poisons your part
>a move that confuses your party
>insta-kill attack that heals the boss

The sewers are shit, just skip the fights and finish it as fast as you can

came off link I was bashing xenogears, my point is both are very enjoyable. If gears came out today people would bitch about Elly's skirt being short and the design for the elements just as much as the blades in xbc2. Think of the very "anime" stuff people cry about as a filter, xbc2 feels a bit more like a xeno game in the later half.

Elly is fully clothed with a military uniform, as are the Elements.

At best you could argue that Domina has big boobs, but she is also shown to be of a large build with wide shoulders and not a stick with two watermelons like Pyra

Now compare this to 90% of the female cast in XB2 ruining around in their underwear with their boobs exposed.

>an idiotic MC that never grows past his initial motivation
>I haven't finished XC2

people would bitch about Elly's skirt and Dominiia is fine but Seraphita having random bunny ears would certainly get the anti anime crown in a fit. If you want to complain about fanservice all the fujoshit pandering in gears and even games now make xbc2 look tame.

>Chapter 1
>I will save the world and bring you to Elysium
>Chapter 10
>I have saved the world by bringing you to Elysium


wow this boss is pure fucking bullshit

Elly's skirt covers her entire ass and she is wearing pants, her attire shows no skin at all and it's a military uniform.

Seraphita has bunny ears because she is a demi-human, adding to that her entire face is reminiscent of a bunny because that's what she is.

And honestly the elements are such a minor part of the plot when compared to Nia for example.

>If gears came out today people would bitch about Elly's skirt being short
No one really complained about the female characters in the first Xenoblade

>I meant storywise
Fair enough but XC2 has a way better main cast and villains

holy fuck I won

does anyone know if buffs/debuffs stack?

>XC2 has a way better main cast and villains
>thinking the bishie Sephiroth reject and his gay but-buddy can hold a candle for Grahf, the motherfucking Emperor of Darkness

Such shit taste should be punishable by death

is this game worth playing for a xenoblade veteran like myself (ive completed xenoblade chroncles 2 )

>Emperor of Darkness

Grahf earned his title, he didn't need cutscenes to beat you like a certain faggot in SM latex underwear, he beat you in-game.

I remember the boss was pretty hard and Rico is slow af

Nah it's a rushed game that didn't age well, and it gets even worse in the second disc.

okay, I'm used to looking at Elly's sprite and assuming the skirt is short but it looks fine there, feel like an idiot not realizing Seraphita was a demi-human like hammer explaining the ears. Makes me feel like going through the game again would want a remake but not sure how it would turn out. Pic related is from a rumored remake for the psp which was canceled.

I think because 7 is very late in the game and anybody that would actually complain about that design wouldn't play it long enough to see it, not to mention xenoblade wasn't as much in the spotlight as now.


>being this mad light speed Chad rekt you shit and stole your girl

>yfw Grahf beat three super charged gears on foot

Xenogears is to smart for Blade-babies, you might hurt yourself trying to understand the story

>good to know I'm not alone then
Yeah your not, the boss of the sewer Red Rum is a big difficulty spike. I haven't played it in ages so I can't remember much about getting through it but just cover the basics make sure your gear is updated and grind if you need to. Grinding won't be a common occurrence though generally the game is easy and you level up very quickly just doing encounters as you go.

in that fight it always felt like he would not attack Elly
but you just posted male Mythra and made me realize how much better gears pulled the separate personalities thing off. Blade fans should really give gears a try and maybe the first and third saga games.

Translation: Xenogears' narrative style is complete trash because of it's shoddy production, to the point it needs an entire extra book to explain the cluster fuck it is

Xenosaga>>>Xenogears>that shitty waifubait

Only if you value story over gameplay

>in that fight it always felt like he would not attack Elly

He never attacks Elly unless she is the only fighter left

I love Xenogears but never played Xenosaga, how does it play?
Are there still Gears(mechs) in it?

Holy fug user what are you doing? They're all great but its XG>=XC>XCX=XC2

Lmao IKR, fuck this boss

It's your standard turn-based combat with some twists.

There are mech sections in the game.

It's extremely story focused with tons of dialogue and cutscenes, and honestly the game borders on a horror game for 90% of the entire trilogy.

The society of Saga is basically Solaris with rampant genetic modification, people being denied basic human rights, using people as guinea pigs and so on.

You also get to fight a prototype Welltal-Id

Gameplay varies by game, although they're probably all better than Xenogears in that department.

Honestly, the story is a far bigger mess with Takahashi saying the first game was less than half of what was intended for the first half of the first of 3 arcs. And it's hard not to have your eyes roll into the back of your head when party members tell you they were bffs with jesus and mary magdalene and shit. And that's not even before he and his wife got sidelined for the next two games. A lot of the restrictions that resulted in Xenogears being the way it was actually ended up being massively in its favor, since it at least got to tell 1 full story (Fei's) in 1 game.


>Takahashi is a hack that rips off other people works
Top kek

>not liking the big J-man
Yes Saga was gutted and it shows, bunch of stuff made it in retroactively in the form of a fucking phone-game and a shoddy flash animation.

But it's better to have an ambitious story that's rough (very rough) around the edges then being booring and predictable.

That said the more Jung you read the more you appreciate the story of Saga

That's a nice mom you got there.......

Shame if something were to.......happen to her

>Having trouble on the on foot fights

>and honestly the game borders on a horror game for 90% of the entire trilogy.
That sounds great.

>A lot of the restrictions that resulted in Xenogears being the way it was actually ended up being massively in its favor, since it at least got to tell 1 full story (Fei's) in 1 game.

This not so much.

Is there a ps2 emulator for android yet, I might play this on the way to/from work.

Unironically one of the most tragic characters in the entire game

I would give Saga a pass if 2 didn't exist.

Literally nothing good came from Xenosaga 2.

Remember when Citan knowingly let Fei and Elly eat human flesh?

what do

>Literally nothing good came from Xenosaga 2.
Well we did get a lot more Albedo in Episode 2

Wanna hear my sounds?

Are they even good? I own all three and never really got far in the first one. I remember there being bullshit with the emails, and stopping around the time I could play that neato card game

I and III are good, II is a mess that you have to force yourself to play.

II does have some good character moments

So did Wong and Elly

...like...do it?


Gears is my childhood, but X felt like the culmination of everything I liked about Gears. 2 is just Gears but less NGE more Galaxy Express

I mean, it's not ambiguous at all.

How do I unlock more deathblows? Just do random combinations? Fei has 4 so far and Citan has 2, I think Bart and Rico have 2 as well.

>When designing Pyra, we wanted her to be a protective presence for Rex, so we envisioned her as a flame with a passionately burning core. But at the same time, we also designed her to evoke a certain sense of incompleteness as a way of reflecting the existence of Pyra’s other form: Mythra. That’s one reason the glowing areas on her body are not horizontally symmetrical, and why we partially removed the back of her outfit and cloak.

>2 is just Gears

Yeah right...

Is there a way to speed up the text? It's slow as hell

>Pyra gets more clothes every time she powers up and her last outfit she's all covered up


Since like 10k years ago

No. Secret of Mana sucks and is extremely overrated. Unless you have a friend in which case go ahead.

>90% of the female cast in XB2 ruining around in their underwear
Well if were talking about the main cast its just blades.

All the humans wear full clothing.


>X felt like the culmination of everything I liked about Gears
X was quite literally the least Xeno like game of them all.

You didn't even fight an evil pope. What kind of shitty ass Xeno game do you not fight an evil pope?

Threadly reminder that Miang did nothing wrong.

The simplest way would be to just look up the list and then perform the input until it unlocks, though some also only go to 100% and don't become available until you're a certain level.

The actual mechanics of learning them is fairly complicated. Each deathblow has exp tables based on its components, with the components being triangle, square, X, and the variations of them. For example, pressing triangle 4 times in a row is 4 different versions of triangle, and each one counts as a different part of the deathblows exp. There are 2 squares, and only 1 kind of X. So if Fei has a deathblow that's T, T, T, X, that's actually T1, T2, T3, X and if you were to press only T, T, X you'd never unlock the deathblow because you aren't actually getting exp towards T3. Another issue that trips people up is that I think whatever button is last-pressed to execute a deathblow you already know doesn't count for experience. Or at least it doesn't if it's X, so actually doing a deathblow is slowing down your counts of X. When you get 7 points, XTX becomes the way to farm X without triggering the XX deathblow and wasting half the exp you could have gained.

It's weird. So like I said before, just look up the deathblow and do it until you get it. Later on you can also get an accessory that greatly reduces the amount of time it takes to unlock them, so don't worry too much about it.


>so don't worry too much about it
Pretty much this I remember fags giving me all these explanations and guides for deathblows and optimal ways to grind before I played gears a few years back.

Then I just sort of unlocked all of them very easily playing through the game normally.
People just love to obfuscate games to make them seem more complex.

OP, how's your progress now? You've left us hanging?


You fight Deus before it had a millennia to proclaim itself God as the final boss