How the FUCK were you supposed to figure this out?

How the FUCK were you supposed to figure this out?

Try drinking less soy and doing more experimenting, instead of demanding the game hold your hand constantly.

You aren't at that point since you don't have power bombs.

yeah super metroid doesn't hold your ha-

By playing the game.

Explain why this is bad. This aught to be good.

Considering you still have to find the blocks I'd say yeah it doesnt really hold your hand.

This is going to be manufactured into the new "cuck" isn't it.

are you OP, or is it purely coincidental you have that picture?

It already is. It's like frogposting; a nice way of identifying trashcans. Just completely ignore any post you see using "soy" no matter how many replies it generates. only YOU can prevent faggotry


We've had Maridia tube bitching threads countless times.

Just enter Maridia via the Wrecked Ship. Problem solved.

>could we put a puzzle here?
>or could we be subtle with how we design areas so players know which blocks are breakable?
>nah just put a big icon that says "USE THIS ITEM, ASSHOLE" once you bomb it or scan it lol
It's lazy, it hurts immersion, and it makes the game obsessive.

Is bombing random tiles fun? Seems more like a chore to me, even when you only do it on areas you genuinely suspect to contain hidden blocks. And then there's the scanner (just, lol)

This is a big problem I had with Zelda. They literally want you to just...bomb random walls. Fuck that.

Sure, soycuck. back to resetera.

I really hate seeing this site change over the years. But at least we have filters.
It's like, instead of lurking for a long while to understand the culture on here,
Underage and newfags can just spout the new popular manufactured meaningless fads and feel like their opinion means something.
New as you my dude

It's backed by science, you know?

is this loss?


Why do people keep saying this? The Wrecked Ship entrance just funnels you down to the tube anyways. There are no ways to skip the tube unless you take advantage of the green shutter glitch.

Metroid isn't a puzzle series you dumb nigger.
>or could we be subtle with how we design areas so players know which blocks are breakable?
They are designed like that.

That's only in one dungeon. Everywhere else it is secret, because it is just that: secrets. Something you discover by chance to talk about with your friends on the playground. Zelda 1 is not meant to be 100%ed, the idea of 100%ing a game didn't exist back then. Most bombable walls in Zelda 1 were basically a bonus, just something to give the game more mystery.