There's literally zero good games to look forward to in 2018

>There's literally zero good games to look forward to in 2018
What the hell happened with this industry

Yakuza 2 Kiwami (english release)
Kingdom Come: deliverance
Mount and Blade: Bannerlord (?)
Spider man game looks neat
Ace Combat 7
SoulCalibur 6
Kingdom Heart 3
A way out actually looks pretty fun with a friend.

I think it is going to be a pretty good year OP

The fuck you talking about you blabbering retard
>NuMonHun actually fun edition
>New from game
>Soul Calibur
>Remake of the colossus
>new metro

We get a great new MonHun in like a month, calm down

>people with shit taste like this actually exist

I bet you think 2017 was a shit year too.

Metro last light was meh tho. Im unsure about the new game.

trust in kojima

>new ace combat
>new yakuza
>new fire emblem
>new kirby
>project octopath
>new UFC

MonHun, Dissidia and DB FighterZ come out soonish. Branch out my man.

You don't even need to wait until February.

>Mount and Blade: Bannerlord (?)
I like your optimism. That question mark is pretty optimistic.

I'm sure your backlog will thank you.

>I bet you think 2017 was a shit year too.
Not him, but fuck off, this year was trash on every platform

i have 1000+ hours in dark souls and terraria (just picking two games at random from library) and all of these games sound boring as hell, except for MAYBE fire emblem or kirby

OP is right, 2018 is a dead year for games

WoW Classic

Haven't played a metro since 2033 so im not really burned out just yet, waiting for this one.

Also the fist of the north star game seems pretty rad too

If you don't like video games, then go find a better hobby.

>2017 was trash

wow, imagine being so depressed that you think 2017 wasn't an amazing game for vidya

we got Oddysey, Yakuza 0, Yakuza Kiwami, Cuphead, P5, Divinity Original Sin 2, Zelda, and Xenoblade 2 and he shits on it.

That's probably just going to be OK at best. The beta felt so slow

>i have 1000+ hours in dark souls and terraria

oh, your taste is just terrible. No wonder you don't like good games.

Because half of them are fucking weebshits

At least Cuphead was good

>he doesn't have a Switch

>having 1000+ hours in ANY game released in this decade
The games are fine you just have autism

Different strokes for different folks,
Maybe you just need to play through dark souls for the 156th fucking time just to see if you can still stroke even a small droplet of jizz off of that abused wrinkly old worm you call your dick

what is weebshit?

bonerlord might save the year

As if 2017 was good.

I think he's saying mario and zelda are weebshit.

>not liking japanese games
>browsing Sup Forums

Why? go back to plebbit

Ori sequel

only weebshit game he mentioned was Xenoblade 2

Not that guy but persona and xenoblade seem like typical weebshit and do not interest me in the slightest.

weebshit= japan styled made for japancucks who only play the games for the waifus.

From that list: Yakuza (stupid name) Persona5 and Xenoblade


you fucking retard. Yakuza is made by westaboos and half the characters are fucking westaboos

yakuza is not weebshit

i think spiderman is the only game im interested in

Yakuza has bitches, not waifus. And Weebshit are games that pander heavily to lonely NEETs with extremely bland and generic story lines to comfort the lonely NEETs. So P5 is half weebshit.

You are right.
>Third parties stoped being good for some reason
>Sony only makes movies
>Microsoft commited suicide
Nintendo is our only hope

How the fuck is Yakuza a stupid name for a game about The Yakuza?

how the fuck can someone like cuphead?
it's a fucking 2d run and gun game

>drrr b-but it PRETTY colors!!!

Because it sounds like ass and up until yesterday i spelt it Yazuka.

>Yakuza 2 Kiwami (english release)
It's already confirmed shit though, why would I be looking forward to it?

2017 was everything good. I'm actually looking forward to not buying much this coming year.

Since no one has mentioned it yet.

Less cocksucking of the state of the industry? You guys say this every year and every year we all end up more bitter and cynical.

The new TES will come in october, user.

>cocksucking the state of the industry

How so? 95% of games released are utter garbage with microtransactions everywhere

that doesn't make dark souls and terraria less shit, and it doesn't change that xenoblade 2, yakuza 0 etc were amazing

Spiderman is a movie not a game

Monster hunter is Literally shaping up to be game of the decade, how fucking braindead are you OP

don't you fucking bullshit me user. You better have a fucking inside source if you are going to make outrageous claims like that.

i want to fuck ori

yakuza are the jap mafia, its basically the least weeb thing their culture can export

Cyberpunk 2077

If you like or dislike a game simply because it's "weebshit" you should kill yourself. You're the cancer of the industry

how so? the first kiwami was good and they are just the original game with better graphics, combat and a couple of story tweaks here and there.

I'm agreeing with you, thing is though that nu/v/ has been overrun by retards who think games like Skyrim are genuinely good games. These retards fall for the hype machine every god damn time and they enable quick dopamine highs such as loot boxes.

This is a stupid post and you should feel bad for making it.

Skyrim is a good game.

While it looks fun I'm pretty sure it's just going to be Painkiller in all but name.


Monster Hunter World looks like it's gonna be fun, and supposedly Kingdom Hearts 3 is coming out.

Seriously? Nobody mentioned Last of Us 2 or Days Gone or State of Decay 2? You guys have shitty taste

my dad works for skyrim

>no new IPs

You jest but no, Skyrim is not a good game. Look up on Reddit why Skyrim is a bad game, even though it's Reddit it's a Sup Forums copypasta.

The system shock remake comes out next year supposedly. Maybe it will be good.


n-no, fuck you OP


Disgusting, don't you dare lewd that

>generic zombie game
>generic zombie game
>generic zombie game
gee user I wonder why.

OP is a west cuck confirmed

>these retards fall for the hype machine every god damn time

true. but this is just the state of the world with the internet being on everybody's phone, sadly.

we're doomed to be overrun by 13 year olds. these same people praising skyrim will be upset when the next generation of 13 year olds praises whatever TES7 will be

Was painkiller really similar to Bulletstorm? I haven't played either of those games but heard good things about Bulletstorm while hearing bad things about Painkiller. Since it looks like the team making Witchfire isn't really the whole team that made those games, but more of a combination of people who worked on Bulletstorm, Painkiller, and The Vanishing of Ethan Carter, I think it could be pretty decent.

>thinks I was fucking joking around
>tells me to go on fucking reddit to look at some fucking copypasta
Maybe you were the retard all along.


>he thinks DS is 2018

So is FF7R right?

>nobody mentions octopath traveller

Did you fuckers not play the demo or something? I can't wait.

2017 was also great year for vidya, I played great games on my pc and my switch.

>Bad movie

Still better than people who think Oblivion is good

Why do you oblivionfags have such a hate boner for skyrim? even morrowindfags think its a better game then your pile of shit.

Read the thread

I'm looking forward to Bloodstained...the graphics are kinda bad but if IGA kicked Inti out I think he might be able to do better than Inafune did with MN9.

I told you to go to Reddit because you obviously don't have the mental fortitude to look it up on the archives.
Gee another """"game"""" where graphics are better than the gameplay.

>octopath traveler
>the graphics better than the gameplay


Just admit that you came from r/Sup Forums or give me the archive link.

Jurrassic World Evolution could be considered a new IP, since it's not called JPOG2

But it is literally the opposite retard.

Prehistoric Kingdom?

>Kingdom Come

Painkiller was more like Serious Sam or Doom 2016, you get locked in a room and have to kill waves of enemies until you are allowed to progress. Bulletstorm was more like CoD where you can sprint past 90% of enemies to get to the next cut-scene. I liked both but Painkiller is a very old and basic game now, I think that is where the criticism comes from.

>A TES game

A way out, Spider man, and Kingdom Come are new IPs


>he hasn't played the first Kingdom Come

I'm not going to look it up for you you can start by digging around Sup Forums posts from 2012. If it has greentexts you may have found it. Just know that a quick Google "search of why Skyrim is bad Sup Forums" yields several thousand results.

> DBFZ and MHW

Nuke yourself, user.

>only game i have enjoyed in years is Ghost Master

why do i even try to play video games

Dusk episode 3 and multiplayer is coming in 2018

>state of decay 2
>spiderman maybe
>god of war

that's about it so far, unironically going to buy WoW because I haven't bought it since cata and the classic wow hype is coming and I also found out the damage/healing is being squished all the way back to TBC numbers so only 3-4 numbers per hit

Who cares, it will be shit just like the others. Bethesda is a fucking joke. The creation engine is complete shit. Theres no excuse for that janky ass movememt and ps2 tier graphics in current year.

so you can't even form your own argument? Are your views entirely made up of arguments not even made by yourself? It is pretty sad if you can honestly not even tell me what is wrong with the game and instead spout the same bullshit hivemind arguments that have turned this board into such a shit show.