Japanese people, tell us your secrets. How do you make such good games?

Japanese people, tell us your secrets. How do you make such good games?

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Japanese game quality has declined too.


By putting cute girls in them

All they make nowadays is fucking moe RPGs and nintendo shit. What the fuck are you talking about?

As evidenced by Nier: Automata/Yakuza Zero/Super Mario Odyssey/Breath of the Wild etc.

Japan single handedly produced more good games this year than the whole world together


Nier is one of those awful games that is somehow lauded on its story when the gameplay is a fucking joke. Fuck outta here.

Fuck that, niggas tell us about your Japanese girls? Is that pussy as good as it looks? How soft is that bush all yo girls have?

jap here
not so soft
too tight desu senpai

>muh Nier's gameplay is bad
I mean it's nothing special but it's already better than every western games' this year

having a unique and good story and a brilliant soundtrack is what makes it so special tho

20h long workdays

RUINER, Prey and Divinity were all MUCH better in the gameplay department.

Devs make games they want. Not what critics want. That's literally it. The West makes games that are just as good when they make games unencumbered by journalists.

Still an order of magnitude above the cancerous garbage the west pumps out.

Not a single fucking western game gives a flying fuck about gameplay. It's always about MUH GRAPHICS and MUH DEEP STOREH. They also have zero replayability because it's like a themepark. You sit on the cart, it travels to the destination in the linear railroad and once you've reached the end point that's it, there's no reason to go back. All presentation, zero substance.

Don't even get me started on the insane monetization bullshit or the hamfisted politically correct garbage that are getting more and more widespread.

Thats not true at all, they make games they know or hope will sell.

all of those games turned out just as repetative as NierA did after a short while and they didn't even look nearly as stylish except maybe for ruiner

you're wrong. western triple A titles have gone down in quality because western gaming absolutely dwarfs gaming in the east. And since gaming is so large now there's a lot of normies who don't give a shit about innovation. Only the same game released last year but with prettier graphics. journalism affects writing sure but not the actual gameplay

During the wii and ps3 days it did
Since then it has come back, you probably dont play handhelds and you have missed out

>too tight


Fuck you nigger.

They dont have a cuck culture like america

No Jews to ruin games halfway through development

Japanese are not upholden by the western justice warrior and anti trump brigade so they can put tits and ass everywhere and have subservient slut women.

Nier A is fucking ugly dude. Game is filled with nothing but brown and grey poorly textured objects. This isn't even shitting on the graphics, it's the art style. Visually it's one of the worst games released this year. Also Nier got repetitive 5 hours in meanwhile it took me 20 in Prey and 40 in Divinity to finally take a break. Nier's got combat is fucking shallow as hell and none of the enemies are fun to fight, just big bullet sponges for you to do small combos and occasionally spam dodge


Both countries make good games. It's just cultural differences that effect what is prioritized in a game.

>ubservient slut women.
>I get all my information from Japanese porn

Do reverse weaboos exist?
Like japanese people who worship american/european culture?

Hideo kojima
Keiji Inafune
Suda 51

kojimbo for starters


Yes they do you fucking weeb. Kill yourself.

Muslim Immigrant Cycle

1) home country becomes unbearable to live in due to Islam
2) flee to an Islam-free country free from beheadings, etc.
3) immediately demand Islam be instated in new country

American Gamer Cycle

1) home country's games become unbearable to play due to politics
2) play Japanese games where developers have true freedom of artistic expression and can show a human's beautiful body if they wish
3) immediately demand politics be instated in Japanese games development

The real question is how do jap consumers have such shit taste when their devs make such good games?

>20h long "work"days
im really not an expert on japan but from what i have heard most of this time is used to act like you are working.
just imagine how much more japanese could achieve if they had normal work hours that they actually utilized to the fullest.

>japs make such good games
>it's all tits and ass fanservice

Slavs make best games and you fucking know it, cyкa.

Literally kojima, he got memed into thinking a place where a nigger can shot you for no reason its okay

go to Sup Forums for the westaboo threads. there's probably more westaboos than weaboos. Atleast in proportion to how large japan is and how large NA is

>act like you are working.
This happens in every country

Takeo Ischi

it's too bad that all their companies are broke. in japan and the west gaming is huge and games get funded. meanwhile slavland nobody gives a shit about them

*bong rips over mic*
>I'm so BAKED right now
>Yeah I'll cap just let me get BLITZED

>liking weebshits
Fuck off


Why do virgins who have never been to Japan act like they know its society and politics?

i know but i imagine its much more extreme in a place that expects you to overtime every day for no other reason than that its dishonorabru to leave "early".

>ugliest game of the year
seems like to me that you just have shit taste. The game definitely has a unique art direction that fits the setting well.

as for the gameplay literally just play it on hard instead of normal
>nier's combat is shallow as fuck
I mean you are saying this while praising a fucking aim+shoot FPS?

As for divinity it's your typical criptic "wide as an ocean but shallow as a puddle" crpg. If you don't find that game boring after the first few hours then again: you just have shit taste.

Is this guy seriously saying Kojima shit isn't cinematic shit?

We are talking about videogames not politics
I know this is a hard concept to graps for you Sup Forums

>*pretentiously snorts over mic*
>"Yeah, I don't do drugs..."
>"That stuff is addicting and will kill you, I didn't think getting into them was worth it..."
>"I don't have anything against people who do though."

where do you think you are?

>Why do virgins who have never been to Japan act like they know its society and politics?

But i asked questions as someone who doesn’t know nigga

Why is this board obsessed with Japan vs everyone else threads? Not even Sup Forums /trv/ or /jp/ is this fucking pathetic.

They do but they're less cringey then weaboos.

It's not better in any way it's on par with the witcher 3 combat.

Shut the fuck up virgin nigger.

Probably because Japan is the only country that hasn't been completely brainwashed by a religion or feminists.

Sure but its no that simple, in japan the company is your family and you want it to succeed, lots of people in the west hate their job and their boss
There is always pros and cons but IMO the feeling of belonging and pride is very powerful

No thats not what he is saying at all, why cant you read kojima games are never part of the conversation.

*le tip*

True in that none are particularity religious, but I've been seeing to many documentaries on Islam over here which tries to paint in in good light and shit.

Most anime/manga creators are SJW cucks like Miyazaki

Japanese pander to people who actually buy games. They look at the audience their game is for and create the game suitable for that audience. It's why so many Japanese devs have a small, but loyal, fanbase.

You forget china where the husband takes all in case of divorce
But nobody likes china

You haven't heard that from me, but here is the secret of Japanese quality. Use it wisely

its sounds really neat in concept but do the higher ups actually give the slightest fuck about their workers?

>good story
are you talking about that undertale tier story
>brilliant soundtrack
brilliant sound design the soundtrack itself is nothing special

>Most anime/manga creators are SJW cucks like Miyazaki
This. Japanese people live in a fully capitalist society so most of the bright people (hint: good artists) naturally become left-wing.

>praising a fucking aim+shoot FPS?
Yes. Prey's enemies are both much more fun to fight than any of Niers and the games powers and large selection of weapons make it much more fun to play than Nier's combo on braindead AI. That webm is supposed to disprove what I said because it's actually a great examples of my argument. Enemy goes into a 5 second attack animation easily dodgeable and giving the player a free kill. This is every fucking enemy in the game and it makes the game awful to play.

>As for divinity it's your typical criptic "wide as an ocean but shallow as a puddle" crpg
You clearly haven't played it, and it's evident just by that fucking stupid phrase. There are so much builds, and class combos you can try out in Divinity it's objectively wrong to call it anything close to shallow. One enemy encounter in divinity is a hundred times more engaging than 5 hours of playing combo the stationary enemy.

>All they make nowadays is fucking moe RPGs and nintendo shit. What the fuck are you talking about?

ITT deluded weebs thinking japan is some kind of holy land

Go there and you'll get treated like the same loser you would in the west, and most japanese people don't give a shit about video games or anime

The vast majority of Jap games are garbage. You can list a select few "good" ones, but that doesn't change the fact that most suck.

Well they go drinking together everyday, if they dont care at least they have to pretend they care

China is a censored shithole with no artistic expression

That's not how you bait.
You forgot to add "Fuck white people" at the end.

Really, the only Japanese devs that actually try to be original and change the genre is Nintendo. Everything else is otaku virgin pandering or bloated AAA shit like whatever Square pumps out.

But its a censored shithole with zero feminism
Its something

>most japanese people don't give a shit about video games or anime
>i don't know shit about japan but i will still try to say something stupid

Feminism is starting to take rise, there are fucking "protests" from socialist workers everyday.

This isn't /fit/, user. Sup Forums has a pretty diverse political opinion.

ITT deluded Amerifats who have actually bought the propaganda disseminated by the US government to make its citizens not realize how much better life in Japan is

>You'll be worked to death!
>They're weird dog eaters!
>They hate foreigners!

Meanwhile, in reality..




He's right you fucking retard. Only immature adults and fucking lonely losers waste their time with anime or video games. It's like that in every part of the world.

real jap person here
thanks dudes
we appreciate your support for our games

Oh well it will still take over 100years to change the place in any meaningful way so no worries

>Sup Forums has a pretty diverse political opinion.
Yeah, some prefer hating blacks instead of arabs.

>Only immature adults and fucking lonely losers waste their time with anime or video games
>implying that's not the majority of the japanese population

>meanwhile in reality some youtube vlog
Try actually getting a job you fucking virgin.

i heard a japanese person say about his game dev philosophy, that they hypothetically design games for people that are literally sick and that games are the only enjoy that they get.

this actually sounds awful.
it would be neat if you are on good terms and ok with everyone.
but its natural for different people to not like each other.
no wonder so many japs off themselves work and personal life should be separated in my opinion.

If you want to say thanks breed
Please breed

They're already trying to make vidya as a medium for storytelling back when vidya was still perceived as children's plaything in the west
Also vidya was never a niche thing even way back then in Japan
Literally everybody was playing games there back then

he is my favorite japanese actor

Not really the right place to ask that desu

Sorta like scattering fish-food in the dead sea

Better than hating whites like the rest of the internet

I dont disagree I dont want to live there Im just pointing out reasons why their games are polished and generally good

If you are foreigner and not a nigger, they all think you are rich and smart because it's expensive to live in Tokyo.

j-japan sux
it probably isnt fun there
the easy 80k/year english teacher job
the biggest city on earth with low rent
the incredible food that's unlike any other place in the world
the short cute ultra feminine women
who have never seen a man over 5'8 tall
who have never seen a man with blonde hair
who have never seen a man with blue eyes
who have never seen a dick above 4"


Are you ready for the censorship which will be born from the 2020 olympics?
Hope you have a big backlog.