Bad ending is best ending (artistically)

Bad ending is best ending (artistically).

I cried.

It certainly makes the story feel more "complete."

>tfw have a daughter
>tfw got the bad ending the first time around
This actually makes me doubt myself. I j-just took the reward because I thought we could use it and she would u-understand...

Herp derp my bittersweet ending makes me feel bad so it's good.

they usually are

The other endings are quite generic. The bad one is poetic and the scene with the wolf in the bear trap is great.

Actually I've started feeling like this ever since NierA ruined me. If nothing big and negative happens in the game then I feel like it's missing something. This feeling was especially strong in Witcher 3. I wish I fucked up the Keira situation. If I did I probably would've liked the game more.

In the case of the Blood and Wine expansion, it unironically is.

I agree. Only one that finishes the crones storyline.

>I wish I fucked up the Keira situation.
I did. She is really quick to fight you, all I did was have suspicions about her being in the tower.

What can you guys tell me about the witcher 1? Its difficult and conplicated?

>you can ask Ciri what she thinks you should do with Yen
>she says you should fuck Yen silly for a month straight
>near the end one of the dialogue options leads to her saying she wants to cuddle up under a blanket with you
What the fuck? Who talks to their dad like that? does she even consider Geralt her father?

I agree, is depressing as fuck

>don't let her destroy someone else's shit because she's mad
I hope you don't think this game is logical

Yeah I didn't let Ciri do that. I just feel like I'm a helicopter parent sometimes.

>she wants to cuddle up under a blanket with you
Tipical father-daughter stuff.
Daughters usually love their daddies more than mommy. The whole edipus stuff

The bad ending is the only ending that's remotely good at all.

I'm so used to video games having shitty endings I was genuinely surprised I was given the option to have a satisfying one in an RPG. video games have fallen quite a long way I must say

Hey, quick question here. Got the third game recently but never played the first ones nor read any of the books. The other two are on sale though for like....4 bucks for the both of them. Are 1 and 2 good enough to play through or should I just read through story summaries for one or both of them

Why is this game just so much better than every other AAA release? Creatively and also technically despite having a fraction of Bethesda's backing.

They care.


Cu cu

It's an objectively terrible fucking game that hipsters pretend to like because it's the first one in the series even though it's absolute fucking garbage.
EVERYTHING is worse than the other two Witcher games, including gameplay, animations, and so on forth. It has some nice story elements but you can't take much seriously with the shitty amateur voice acting.
There's going to be some dumb cunt doing everything in his power to discredit this post but fact of the matter is nobody ever liked the first Witcher game. Not when it came out, and not when the sequels came out either.

1 -> completely shit combat, literally cancer, very good story and graphics are ''decent'' for a 2006 game
2 -> good in every aspect, but is not exactly open world, you are limited to a zone depending on the chapter
3-> best singleplayer game I've ever played

Pretty fun. One of my favorite games
Deathmarch is the best difficulty to play at.

also, dlcs are a MUST. Both give you more than 20 hours of gameplay while rushing the story, way way more if you like to complete quests and everything

>It's an objectively terrible fucking game that hipsters pretend to like because it's the first one in the series even though it's absolute fucking garbage.
I am an arrogant trash loving hipster this game sounds great

What was up with the werewolf guy you run into during the ending? Always felt I was missing something with him....

>objectively terrible fucking game

Got good reviews when it came out, homie.

I think it was just supposed to be another werewolf to show how common that type of situation is for Geralt.

If you have the time and can stomach the combat, it'll take the Witcher 3 to another level of brilliant

>he thinks reviews are an argument
>especially when you can tell the game is absolute shit from the fucking nanosecond you start moving around

I tried to play 2 and it felt like shit, you might like it though

>reviews are not an argument
>proceeds to post his own review as an argument

Because it's fucking nu-CDPR that has feminist writers.
I can understand choices like letting her go alone to talk with the Lodge etc. but this was fucking retarded.
But nooo, you have to let her do everything she wants and always say she's the best and can do everything or she will fucking die like a special fragile snowflake because you are a horrible parent.
She's an independent WOMAN!

I wanted to kill myself aftet getting to that ending. I also wondered where I could have possibly fucked up and found out that I denied Ciri one too many times. So I loaded back to the last time you decide for her and said yes. Then I got the Witcher ending.

I just couldn‘t handle it, are they fucking sadistic or something, man. Really great experience in general but I wish the endings themselves were a little bit more fleshed out and more complex decisions would influence what endings you get instead of „agree with ciri all the time“, „agee with ciri sometimes“ and „agree with ciri never“.

Alright. How much of 3 is dependent on knowing the story of the other 2?


>witcher 3 thread
>faggots arguing about is the game good or not
>triss vs yen posters

At least some of you had the decency to stay on topic and reply about the ploughing ending,

I got the empress ending and was fine with it.
I really do not regret it, her being a witcher is kind of a waste so i figured shed be better off leading a empire.


yeah pretty much

Just a reminder that ciri staying with Geralt is the worst ending. Ciri should become Calanthe 2.0, but with a huge empire instead of a small kingdom. If you care more for Ciri than you do for fate of the whole world then you should reconsider not being an idiot.

>all these cucks trying to rationalize licking emhyrs ballsack by saying b-but ciri rules

Definitely, the Ana is a fucking cunt to you even if you kill Detlaff for no reason. To me, Syanna dying and killing Detlaff is the more fitting and less retarted.

People who live in first world countries usually love this kind of ending because it brings drama and tragedy to their dangerless, boring cushy lives.
Poor people in third world shitholes usually prefer happy endings because, as their lives are already full of misery, they want to take a break from it.
Augustine of Hippo studied this and that's why he thought that people who indulged themselves in tragedy plays were pathetic.

>DLC Ending is a non ending which lets you know Geralt still has tons of shit to experience that you'll never witness happen
>Still a 10x better climax than the stereotypical "AND THAN HE HERO'D ;_;7" ending

It's a game that a modern gamer cannot grasp. If you have never played a classic CRPG before it, you will have spontaneous REEEEEEs and will kick and scream at the internet asking why it's highly regarded. See: the first reply to your post. The game is essentially more like Neverwinter Nights 3 rather than Witcher 1, in the sense that it's closer to the NWN games than the other Witcher games.

Daily reminder that Hearts of Stone >>>>>>>> Wild Hunt/Blood & Wine

Better writing, better characters, better boss fights, better atmosphere.

i finished the game without knowing the possibility of different endings
imagine playing all those hrs and getting a bad ending

>Herp derp
You have to go back