>"Haha I love videogames so much!"
>look it up
>she has zero plats
"Haha I love videogames so much!"
>caring about trophies
You're the real casual here
answered your own question pal
Remember when we made fun of faggots who care about cheevos?
Still do, op is a faggot that is all
It's like height
Lanklets are bad, but being a manlet is a LOT worse
>97% complete
>Last few tasks are tedious as fuck
I stop playing at that point. That's why I'll never 100% MGS V, some of those mission tasks - like tailing someone and listening to all their conversations on the way - and collecting all the rare animals is too tedious and not challenging at all.
>caring about trophies
>caring about what a woman has to say
this is now a PARTY ROCK thread
That's not even the bad part, it's the online grinding
Same here I have 90% on MGSV but it was worth getting those trophies just for my e pein.
You can like video games and not have a platinum dont hold it against her.
>”haha i love video games so much! Lets go back to yours for a bit and play gamecube!”
>*gets up from couch and looks at my shelf of games*
>”wow lots of games user.”
>*she turns and looks me tight in the eyes
>we start kissing like mad lusty teens
>she breaks away
>more thirsty kissing and sudennly a hand rubbing up down my erect shit through my pants
>follow that girl to my bed and thrust in wet walls for 12 minutes before nutting all up her stomach
>”video games huh user?”
>*smeks me on the lips and hugs
She was a great “friend” nerd girls are thirsty as fuck gentlemen. Go to them.
>try to get all achievements in game
>usually get stuck at 2 missing because they're some hyper autistic shit like "get best score in every challenge in the game" or "complete this shitty 1 buck DLC without getting hit or losing your combo"
The online grinding was actually fun though. Finding the rare animals is a complete waste of time.
Shit doujin.
I've been playing video games my entire life and I've never gotten every achievement in a game.
Maybe it's because I've been doing it my whole life, when achievements became a thing I never learned to care.
>12 minutes
>Achievements for beating each difficulty level
>Achievements for beating an entire playthrough using a single melee weapon
>There are SEVEN weapons and some of them are lame as fuck
I have been playing video games my whole life and I have never gotten the "fully complete this game" award. Most side quests or having to find every little trinket bores me.
ive never gotten a plat either, I have no desire to grind for 20 hours to get some arbitrary trophy that requires 100% of items gathered or other nonsense
>5000 kills with every weapon
>you kill 500 people in one playthrough
>will never 100% Saint's Row 2 because collectible CD bullshit
>game doesn't show you what you've already found
>trophie whore
the only poser here is (you)
Kim is not for lewd!!
i nly recently got a PS4, and only finished 2 games, one of them didn't even have a platinum trophy (a yugioh game) and the second one i got plat (tearaway). I do have 26 "plats" on steam (aka 100% achievements) and 68% average completion
>Lanklets are bad
And this is how I can tell you've never spoken to a woman before.
Yeah, every skinny 2,5m nerd had like five girlfriends in highschool, they kept asking him to hug them with his spaghetti arms, and they loved watching his adam's apple go up and down
Getting platinums is the equivalent of being a lanklet
Missing the 'complete the campaign' achievement is being a manlet
>caring about cheevos
What is this, 2006?
>mgs4 get the big boss emblem
>lose save, do it again
>mgs4 gets trophies, have to do it again, screw up a playthrough so it takes a tenth run
I basically have mgs4 memorized
So this is what people call "a gamer"
12 min of actual fucking, not counting foreplay is pretty good. Maybe too long, but it depends.
I don't know why virgins always think you should be fucking for hours. 10min is fine. Then nut, go make a snack, clean your dick, and fuck again later.