Alright somebody start defending the "Can only switch driver with extremly rare Item" shit with good arguments so I...

Alright somebody start defending the "Can only switch driver with extremly rare Item" shit with good arguments so I don't start hating the game.

How did they think this was a good Idea? There is no way to tell what kind of blade you're gonna get. It would make sense if your characters where actually versatile in their class, but every character has a set role and if you don't use them that way your party sucks ass.

Rex is an Attacker, Nia a healer, Tora a Tank (Literally nobody switches Toras Class).
The other 2 Party Members you get are a Tank and an Attacker and thats it.

So if you end up getting an Tank blade on Nia it's literally useless unless you use an item that only get like 3 times throughout the story and if you level characters to max, aka at the point in the game where you pretty much stop playing cause there's no challange and nothing to do.

I blew my Overdrive Protocols early cause some user was like "Don't worry you can farm them pretty easy in the late game". He didn't mention that you need 4 star common Blades, which are pretty much as rare as Rare Blades. Fuck that user.

So is that entire system shit or am I just mad?

Other urls found in this thread:

Thats the worst part of the game for sure. I have a bunch of tank blades on Nia and a bunch of healers on Morag.

boob i like booby yay nintendo wahoo

Shut the fuck up.

I think you're just mad. The class bonuses aren't really that big of a deal. The element and the art matter a lot more. Nia can be an effective healer with whatever blades because she can just switch back to Dromarch to use his special art. Give her two tank blades and she's still totally fine.

>the mods deleted my other Xeno spam threads but SURELY this time will be different

You can easily finish the game with 1* common Blades. Stop trying to autistically min/max your party before the post-game.

How do I grow a pair like that?
I'm 19 can I still do it?

release the blade and let the driver you want open crystals to get it. You dont lose progress on the blade.

It's not about min/maxing, it's about using blades that don't look like ass.

Does anyone actually use commonblades?

You're wrong though, if you give Nia two tank blades she'll draw aggro like crazy and then when she switches back to Dromarch she'll get one shotted

Only if you take your titty skittles and drink lots of soy milk.

yes. 5 star common blades with the ability to produce elemental orbs are the strongest blades in end game

Zeke was in the right, Rex apologists are actual brainlets.

Fights in this game are only fun if you attack unique monsters or monsters that are a couple lvls above you, so fights where they actually last long enough to stack 5 orbs.

You're gonna die if you attempt those without using the intended rolls, and fights are gonna be a fucking slog.

4. Please refrain from reposting. If possible, try to skim the board for threads pertaining to your topics/info that may have already been posted.


I usually play as Nia and just switching through tank blades to dump their arts isn't enough to get aggro.

Also why would you get one-shotted by switching back to Dromarch? The role abilities are passives. As far as I can tell, your stats don't change when you swap blades.

Nobody can defend that shit with good arguments because it's terrible design.
That said, I haven't had any issues with it since Rex can use any Blade he wants later (and 2 out of 3 for him are pretty much set in stone anyway) and you get some Blades from unique core crystals that you can just look up what you're gonna get and put them on the right person. I beat the game with 3+ class appropriate rare Blades on everyone, used an Overdrive once, and still have 3 just kicking around.

My end game party (having used 1 Overdrive was)




Breezed through the final boss battles easily. Now I'm gonna start min/maxing shit to take on superbosses and whatnot, but for the actual main story it really isn't much of an issue.

I just got Perceval on Zeke, who's like the one of the few non-waifu-trash looking blades I've seen, and knowing that I won't really be able to use him until way post game just kinda makes me not want to play anymore. What a shitty fucking system

90% of Blades are waifus user. Maybe this game isn't for you.

The idea's to waste as much of your time as possible so you're still playing the game by the time they're done with the season pass.

Yeah I guess if along with looking for the correct role you're also looking for the fraction of characters whose design you personally like it's gonna be a bit of a slog.

Feels good not to be autistic.

I think I'm one of the few that play this cause they just really enjoy the gameplay.

That's fine but you shouldn't let the waifu-Blades distract you too much in that case

I enjoyed the gameplay immensely, I'm just not hung up on "ew this Blade has breasts I shall not use her"

Perceval's side quest is pretty cool

This final boss is fucking garbage


Give you no fucking time to recover, I couldn't even hit the chain attack button before it did that and 100 - 0'd every fucking person. Absolute trash.

It is a completely asinine mechanic that I can't believe got through playtesting.
>Okay so what if we make decent Blades incredibly rare to begin with, then make it impossible to know which class you're gonna get, make the player choose who to put it on BEFORE they know what they're getting, and THEN make it incredibly hard to switch them later

That aside though, my personal GOTY.

Not to mention save the game after the core has been used so you can't even savescum your way out of it.

The blades are fine. They are like rare Pokémon.

They add more layers to it honestly.

I’m pokemon. Not only you rares but you ultra rare Pokémon and than shines which are the hardest to get.

I’m talking THOUSANDS of soft reset for a shiny even then you have rng capture ball mechanic in place that could ruin your chance of getting that said shiny.

I want to Xenoblade to be similar honestly. Add excitement. Core crystals should have a chance of failing (as in getting nothing at all not just common blades) on top of summoning rare blades.

You're supposed to used the adds to build up a lvl 4 special and use the i-frames to not take any damage from those attack but yeah the final boss is boring.

What level were you? I was 63-65 and had no problems, completely ignored the adds too and nobody died ever.

The problem isn't the pokemon-esque random collection mechanic, it's that only certain Blades are actually useful on any given character and it's impossible to know what you're gonna get, and then needlessly hard to transfer them over.

This this this. I've got a 1-crown chroma katana common with element orb adder, and even at 60% I still end up with like 3 orbs on the average enemy, not counting level 3 blade combos. I can't wait to raise this guy to 5 crowns and get a 100% chance of adding instead.

>can't defeat Zeke + Tora in chapter 10
They kill me in the first 5 sec

>This final boss is fucking garbage
I know, just as easy as Zanza.

The problem for me isn't that the blades are mostly waifus, it's that alot of them are just terrible designs.

Like Brighid, Pandoria or Herald, which I think are all great, compared to like those 2 blades from the bandit questline or sheba.

Still really love the game though.

Kill Zeke first.
That's all I got.

That whole part was fucking bullshit, took me 3-5 tries on each one.

Attack Zeke first, he has no defense and Tora can't revive him after he goes down. Then just wail on Tora, Poppi will likely block most of your hits but he can't heal, while you can.

The worst part about this entire game is how it relies on you dodging enemy abilities, yet every single art locks you into a exorbitantly long animation before you can move your character again. I miss being able to move and attack in XB1.

I used Roc with adsorb crit damage as HP accessory on Rex, you basically can't die if Roc has 40%+ crit.

I don't want to go pass chapter 8 because of missables, i know everything gets transfered to another titan.

Should i 100% Indol?

Just completed the game. Now what do I do?

It's honestly better to just release them if they end up on the wrong character, they keep their affinity chart progress and you can reroll them later
Save your overdrive for kosmos
>ice lolis
Vess, ursula and dahlia are the worst by far

>tfw hate Vess and Dahlia but used them anyway to beat the game

I bet you're the kind of guy to start a pokemon randomiser and reset until you get a larvitar on the first route. Just play the fucking game with the Blades you get.

There's only two quests in Indol that you can permanently miss, one involving a choir girl and one involving a Nopon thief. Otherwise all the salvage treasures, vendors, and quests are transferred to Leftheria.

>Ice lolis are great but ursula is bad
Ursula is precious and must be protected.
Ice lolis should go straight back in their core crystals.

>or sheba.
Not only are you a turbo gay but your taste are ultra shit.

>Ursula is precious and must be protected.
Not with that shitty ass affinity quest. Ursula can go eat shit while she's being fucked by producers.

They only good thing about Shebas design is the Bathtub and you should use one to drown urself.

I did. I'm not OP. I beat the game with the Blades I got, which happened to be class appropriate for the characters. I got lucky. This is not good design in the slightest.
If you get a bunch of tank blades on Nia, they're fucking useless. This is just a fact. You're better off using random common healer blades. The system is fucking retarded.
Tell me one good gameplay reason why I can't just transfer Blades freely between Drivers. One thing that makes this current system better, without resorting to "u just wanna minmax faggot lmao".


I got Sheba on Zeke, is she good or shit on him? I'm running Rex/Morag/Zeke btw.


Don't bother user sheba is just shit in all regards.

She's decent, better on rex though

Really? Her specials seem to do a fuck ton of damage.

>running Zeke over Tora the destroyer of super bosses

Is Rex/Morag/Tora or Rex/Tora/Zeke better for postgame super bosses?

I ain't grinding a shitty game within a game for that shit character to be useful, fuck tiger tiger.

How do you increase common blade level? Like from 1 star to 5

fucking perfect

Sheba, Herald, and Kos-mos are three of the strongest blades in the game. They're all ether cannons so you can safely give them to Nia or Zeke depending on whoever you use more.
Just keep in mind that the AI doesn't switch from any weapon with Break on its moveset until the enemy is toppled.

>Save up a ton of cores to use all at once
>Something like 20 commons and 10 rares, even have two or three legendaries
>Out of all of these I only get fucking two rare blades

Oh boy I love getting five billion male ether cannons, female fists, and the goddamn bootleg Dromarch.

Then when I do get rare blades it's never any waifu ones. I have basically every male but no females besides Azami, Finch, and Kora.

You just get them like that, using rare or legendary cores gives you ones with higher ratings

>implying i'm about to read all this shit
I want to fuck that sword.

>he thinks 32 cores is a lot

Look forward to using 500+ cores without getting a single rare in postgame.

-t shitter who kept bumping into walls like a retard


It doesn't matter how good you are, it still takes an age to grind which isn't fun since it's a shit, repetitive mini game.

Stay mad though.

Oh you poor poor soul.
>be in chapter 10
>have 49 common cores
>23 rares
>6 legendaries
>use them all
>0 (zero) rare blades

better get used to it now, you're going to be grinding for ages to make anyone stand out over mythra

Why do I want to make anyone stand out over Mythra?
What's wrong with her?

Max out the blade then release it, then reroll it. It'll come with another crown and more nodes on its affinity chart.

Tora can solo postgame super bosses with the right set up like but Rex/Morag/Tora is ideal. If anything you might as well drop Zeke and bring Nia back in then make Rex your dedicated attacker. Zeke laughably shit and the worst character to have going against super bosses but he's fine for a casual playthrough up until that point.

That's really lucky actually

>Zeke laughably shit
all you need is zenobia nigga

Any recommendations on what Blades to use in a Rex/Morag/Nia setup?
I really don't want to grind Tiger Tiger.

People actually do this?

How can anyone be autistic enough to sit through that unskippable animation 500 times in a row?

This game truly was hot garbage.

t. no luck

>It's a "fighting unique mob and using topple to make it fall down a cliff and die at 90% HP" episode

Fuck you game I had a bunch of orbs to pop for dat sweet exp

Rex: Pyra/Mythra (ofc), Zenobia (hella dps), and Vale for darkness

Morag: Brighid, Aegeon, then either Godfrey or Finch

Nia: Dromarch, Boreas, and Kora are what I used. Kora's ability to extend the duration of health pots is nice.

Watch a stream/show/movie on the side.

Don't tell me you actually focus all your attention on a game while you're grinding too.

>how can anyone be autistic enough to do thing
Where do you think you are

Mythra Zenobia Vale
Brighid Theory Aegaeon
Dromarch Vess Boreas

>use Chain Attack
>don't quite kill
>enemy aggros on Rex
>no party gauge
>game over

I have absolutely no fucking clue how that shit made it through playtesting without a few raised eyebrows.

The fact that I played Fire Emblem Heroes, a game where you can pay for summons, and got five or six five stars out of like ten summons really fucking says something.

I honestly just want to lay down and cry when that happens.

The director himself said it took him 220 hours to get all unique blades. So I guess that was the intention. Good old playtime padding.

>"You're not actually supposed to pay attention to the game!"
>this is somehow a defense of the game design

Xenoblade 2 fanboys will defend literally anything.

Rate me senpai

Rex: Pyra/Mythra, Nia, Perun
Morag: Brighid, Aegaeon, Shuraya (Generic wind TNK with greataxe)
Zeke: Pandora,Wulfric, Ursula

I want to use Tora, but TIGER TIGER is such a fucking drag.

>Just finished chapter 9

Lads my heart can't take much more of this. I wasn't expecting these feelings going in to this game. That Amalthus fight was fun though.

>Get 4 orbs on him
>Summon ponytail then go into chain attack as he's doing something
>He ends up healing to half health
>Break first orb and get him to half health
>Then on second specials, break another two
>On third break the last one, by this time he's well past dead
>End up doing over 2 million points of damage

I fucking love this system.

>mindless grind is exclusive to this game and has never been seen before
Xenoblade 2 haters will make up literally anything.

I never said it was good design did I? The system is trash. But I'm willing to deal with it just like I'm willing to deal with grinding in any other game.

It makes it so mid game you make do with the combinations you have and encourages you to use a variety of blades. The class bonuses aren't so great that you need to optimize your party and if you really want a certain class the common blades are all totally viable. By the endgame, Rex can use anybody's blade, Tora has set blades, and Nia is better as a blade, so you only ever need overdrive protocols to sort out Zeke and Morag and even they get so many unique blades from the story and sidequests that its really matter of preference.

I never actually ran out of protocols despite there being so few.

I share your pain but the end result is no longer having to play as safe and eating shit. Hang in there. You don't have to and you can always run these sets Tora is just a win button you have to work for.

>30 hours into the game
>used about 60 common cores and 10 rare cores
>have 10 rare blades

Am I doing good?

>Shuraya (Generic wind TNK with greataxe)
>Ursula on Zeke
>Ursula at fucking all

