Day 4 Deliberations

>Abby: "I think Cuphead will have more longevity than PUBG"


DEAL WITH IT Sup Forums!

Abby defending Splatoon 2 was just embarrassing, like asking a grade schooler why they think a game looks cool.

>good single player game will have more longevity than another dayz

I'm with Vinny on Splatoon 2. I never played the first game. Paid full price for Splatoon 2. What's the deal with this game? The map rotation system alone makes me never want to play it again. It's the most mindless game I've played in a while.

The aesthetics are great but that's about it.


Wait till you see day 5

It's incredibly tiring to hear Abby talk about Cuckhead.

>crew repeatedly ponder consolidating EA into one entry for hottest mess to give other entries a chance to reach the list
>Alex autistically interjects BUT MADDEEEEEN everytime to torpedo the idea


Because it had a nigger in it

She's pretty much the sole reason P5 lost best style too

>Decides to have shitting on Nier be her sole purpose in GOTY
>Nier sweeps almost every category it was nominated in

Has there been a more savage thrashing ever in GOTY? She seemed so smug going into it.

>In a single year EA trashes the reputations of 3 of their biggest and most beloved franchises
>A better than average Madden story mode undoes this


The only reason Abby likes Cuphead so much is because she hasn't played enough video games to put it in perspective.

Brad forcing Skyrim as GOTY is still undefeated in my books

I cannot fathom the scale of the backlash against Giant Bomb if Nier does not take Game of the Year. Every true gamer has been looking forward to this moment all week. I predict the site would shut down by Christmas 2018 if they deny the greatest game of all time an award as paltry as the best game released in a mere year.

>battlegrounds is the best debut
what? how is a mod going standalone a debut

>the writing is so good, it's so funny, it's consistently good and the cast is really good, overall it's a very good game
Good shit

Has Nier won any goty awards from other outlets like this or its still all Zelda? Legit asking since Nier is my personal goty

I remember everyone saying this game was just okay on release but now all of a sudden it's the GOTY when it's time to award it.

>continues to use same excuse to every other game she defends

why is giantbomb the only site that Sup Forums cares about for GOTY talk? why not talk about DSP, jontron, or totalbiscuits opinion?

How salty was Abby when Nier won best narrative?

cuphead is her favorite game of the year

Does anyone think she actually finished it?

gtfo and start a thread then

Nier has won more GOTYs than every game other than Zelda, Mario, and Horizon. Soymales are propping up Horizon while normies man the guns for Belda and Bing Bing Wahoo. Anybody that votes for Nier usually has well-written arguments and long-form essays to defend their reasoning while Zelda and Mario fans just go "I HAD FUN XD"

pain and suffering all around

The map rotation is there to offer variety to the user base.

And also lobbies are full and every game mode gets played.

It’s a great system.

Because they publish their shit storm of deliberations in the form of 26 hours of podcasts. Gerstmann also has a legacy as probably the most famous vidya journalist. He's been in the industry for decades and I imagine many here have been following him since the GameSpot days.

They were big back at launch because the crew were all lovable dudes and the story around the founding of the site was compelling/controversial.

More recently its mostly just oldfag fans gathering to bitch about the current state of it mixed with a few newfag fans and passerby checking the threads out.

Kinda like how nobody who started on Sup Forums after roughly 2012 cares about Spoony but there's enough people who used to to sustain a thread whenever news breaks on him.



It's SO cohesive

Come on now senpai, i'm seriously asking

>The map rotation is there to offer variety to the user base.

Why not just have a normal rotation with all the maps? Also the maps are boring.

They have like 25 hours of shitshow discussions which are really cool to listen to.
Just hearing one guy spout their shit opinion gets boring quick.

i actually removed people on my steam list for playing pubg
dont regret it either
also broke up with my boyfriend because he played pubg

Are you an ironic weeb?

They have most of the maps on rotation.

Turf, ranked, league all have different maps.

Splatoon is a game that caters more to the benefits of an entire community rather individual selfish desire of a single player.

This is specifically talking online multiplayer. You can play with friends online or locally in any mode or maps you want.

I don’t see a problem here.


i too walk backwards and always use an umbrella except when it rains

being a contrarian truly is the epitome of existence

>yakuza nearly wins best style upon first mention
>abby disagrees and interjects with splatoon
holy shit i'm fucking heated

Stop posting Abby

I mean, she's not wrong. I can see people still going back to Cuphead, 5, 10 years later, but I don't see PUBG surviving that long.

I told you in the first sentence, Nier has the 4th most # of GOTY awards. Ideally we can get it up to 3rd but normier sites all go for Zelda

Its easier to learn a map with the 2 map rotation. Playing the same map might help you learn the nuisances of your weapon in the map as well. Ranked changes the maps slightly depending on the gamemode as well

Cuphead is already dead on Steam

Yakuza has gotten completely robbed this year
>"b-b-b-but at least Nier is winning awards"
Fuck off

>have fun laughing about Miracle Johnson
>Abby opens her throatfuck mouth and instantly ruins everything

>waypoint hosted and promoted forced feminization Nier fan fiction

Yakuza games have always been shit who fucking cares

Abby is pretty much the culmination of most female gamers

WTF I love Waypoint now

there is an argument to be made


Please don't. We're not this bad. Most of us are moms playing candy crush,yeah, but we're not all posers.

She's not wrong, but for the wrong reasons. She is coincidentally correct. Cuphead has a timeless style and art that won't age because it's already classic. PUBG is just another FPS and those come and go with the seasons. Literally. PUBG will be forgotten this time next year, but Cuphead will still be played 20 years from now. Just not by the masses. The same as some of us still play Roller Coaster Tycoon 3 or GTA:San Andreas (Cuphead has more potential endurance than both of those, btw). PUBG will never be played nostalgically.

I think that's harsh. She's way worse because she doesn't give a fuck about games in any way other than shitting on stuff that white males may like.

I hope you mean RCT2

>Wolfenstein 2 and NITW over Yakuza 0 in best story
Why can't North Korea stop being fucking pussies and nuke Commiefornia already?

Came here to say this. A game like Cuphead is so unique that I doubt it could ever be replicated, whereas with PUBG, you're seeing copycats left and right.

It is timeless, because it emulates a timeless artstyle, for better or for worse.

Too bad she's complete dogshit at arguing and just sits there claiming a five hour game that nobody will talk about next year has more longevity than a massive multiplayer shooter that's still getting updated and is going to be aped by every other shooter in the coming year

PUBG is considered a copy cat of DayZ to a degree

Persona not winning style is fucking madness.

Yakuza games are shit, get over it

>but it's so quirky lol so random xdd typical japaaaan! :3
It's shit. Driving and combat being shit "ironically" doesn't make them any better either

How the fuck did it lose best style.

Shitsona 5 doesn't deserve to be nominated for a single category
It's style over substance. Play something that actually have some of the latter like Nier Automata and have your fucking minds blown.


>It's style over substance
Well I think that would count for a fair amount in Best Fucking Style.

seriously why is abby there?

>Catagory is best style
>"It's all style over substance"
What did he mean by this?

Oh sorry somehow when I read it I added combined when you were listing zelda mario horizon

>3 upboats

i dont do it because i dislike the game i do so because i dislike the people playing it

Cuphead is the new Undertale.
PUBG is the new DayZ.

>best wolfenstein moment brought to you by antifa segment
>dispels their vision of their god emperor.
>story is deep
>what I needed in current political climate.
This is the only game they all finished. What went wrong?

Don't reward games for being shallow. At least Cuphead has good gameplay.


Even if Abby and Dan manage to send Nier down to number 5, the damage is already done, it won best story and there's nothing she can do about it

game journalists dont play games in their free time they only play the most important games for a few hours and look up tweets on the game

Why can't Abby learn from Vinny and just admit she doesn't know shit about VN

They all put it on easy too because the shooting is so bad

>admitting she is wrong or doesn't know something


idk which is bigger cancer, the GB forum, the subreddit or the "Unofficial Giant Bomb facebook group"

In the long term she is right, multiplayer games eventually die, single player games don't.

>It's shit. Driving and combat being shit "ironically" doesn't make them any better either


Though this whole thing has far from ideal, It's incredible just to see her literally seethe on live camera whilst everyone else is gushing about it.

>no one will ever archive all the stream linsk for VLC so ill never get to see the other mario partys

Zai cutest grill

What fucking logic are you operating on here my dude? In the category of Best Style there's exactly one element of the game that matters, snubbing it because it under performed elsewhere is absurd.

Nier's combat was shallow.

Are you gonna shit on that for winning Best Music?

holy shit youre a brainlet

Nier has more fun combat than Bayonetta and MGR.

>She starts telling you your game is too horny

>Nier has more fun combat than Bayonetta and MGR.

>the writing is so good, it's so funny, it's consistently good and the cast is really good, overall it's a very good game
I honestly expected a jounalist to articulate their reasons for enjoying a game better than that. Its like asking an 8 year old the reasons why they liked a game.

Come on now.
Automata is honestly one of my favorite games ever.
But come on.
Come on.


I miss Ryan

I can't believe Brad is leaving GiantBomb

Like asking Sup Forums why a game is bad.
