take away the art style and its a shit game, epitome of nufun
Take away the art style and its a shit game, epitome of nufun
You can say that about any game, you soyboy.
and this ladies and gentlemen is how you get your opinion discarded
It would still be a good game.
what the hell even defines nu-fun?
is it just some buzzword Sup Forums came up with to shit on a game they really want to hate but can't find anything to hate it for?
its not really, very barebones. 5 hour long game where you just beat 2 minute boss fights one after the other
It's called soyfun you retard.
>Take away an integral part of the experience and it's different
Woah you should like, start a blog man
>being so assblasted in another thread you had to make this garbage
Take away the art style and the boss fights are unintelligible madness because they are unconventionally designed to work with the masterful art style.
Also, shit's way fucking better than just about any other 2D indie platformer / run-and-gun game. Much better than Cave Story, Super Meat Boy, etc.
What thread, out of curiosity?
it's on page 10
Shame it got hit with the tumblr bug even faster than Undertale and now all it's known for online is gay porn.
Also, while this feel fresh for an indie game now soon every game will shift from pixel to this and you'll hate it just like all the other times.
Also you're just mad because uoure shit at the game op.
>take away one of the best aspects of a game and its nowhere as good
i hate this type of "criticism" or whatever you wanna call it
in the archive
its called shitposting
Take away it's art style and it's not quite as problematic
Yep, furi did it infinitely better but of course no one played it because it didn't have a meme artstyle.
Pretty much. Game only got attention for its visuals. In terms of gameplay like many indies it just rips off Japanese games from twenty years ago. It's partially also PC cucks hyping up trash yet again of course.
>Not buying games for the art style alone
Pleb detected
I think that's the point
He's talking about raw gameplay
If you take out the unique art style of doom and make it generic and boring as fuck it would still be fun to play
>gameplay is incredibly reminiscent of retro 2D run and gun games with practically zero room for error and based around pattern memorization and honing your skills until you succeed
>unskippable pseudo cutscenes
Is that even true? Undertale got destroyed by Tumblr almost immediately (in part due to Undertale being Tumblr pandering for the most part), but I don't see much of the shitty Cuphead """""fandom""""" online anymore, just people who like the game
>take away the video part of a video game and it becones a shit video game
Boss battles are my favorite parts of games generally, so I like games that are mostly bosses
You're one pessimistic faggot. Just because you know it for gay porn doesn't mean everyone else does. Normal people don't hang out on internet cess pits. Get some perspective/friends.
There are like three run and gun levels. It's a boss rush game. It is nothing like Cave Story (a metroidvania) or Super Meat Boy (a twitch platformer), and can't be compared directly to either of them.
but both of those games are WAY, WAY better and have more content than cuphead.
>trying to force buzzwords on Sup Forums
>take away dialogue from movie x and it’s a shit movie
What a cesspool this board has become.
The thing is the games doesn't know what pace it wants cause ostensibly its a fast paced run n gun but also full of gotcha moments that you could only have avoided if you either slowed down to play cautiously or had known from prior playthrough.
What are some examples of gotcha moments in it?
but it's not a run n gun.
did anyone actually play this game?
>can't be compared directly to either of them
It can in terms of enjoyment and quality. Cuphead is the better game and you're a damn tool or possibly a furry if you think otherwise.
lmao what
i own cuphead, and even enjoyed the hell out of it, but if you think it'll have even 10% of the lasting power that Cave Story did, you're insane. No one will be talking about cuphead in a year. Literally no one. Meanwhile, you're making comparisons of new games to established classics like Super Meat Boy.
Cuphead is just a paperthin contra with a nice art style. It brought nothing new to the genre, and wasn't even all that good as a Contra clone.
>No one will be talking about cuphead in a year.
Not only is that bullshit, but I don't give a fuck what people talk about. That's not a sign of quality.
>established classics like Super Meat Boy
SMB is a piece of shit and calling it a classic revolts me. Fuck your awful opinion.
I just want to snuggle with grim's soft belly.
Sounds like you never got good at super meat boy.
Feel bad for you son.
I'll see you in a year though, in all those cuphead threads that are sure to exist. Maybe there'll even be a cuphead general, since this game is so deep and has so much replayability and lasting power!
>also PC cucks hyping up trash yet again of course.
how many "never ever" thread you have encountered about this game since its release? pchads don't care about "exclusives"
show me one other aspect besides the artstyle that makes it remarkable
Eat shit.
a co-op game in 2017
Don't you mean soyfun?
>show me an aspect of the game that is remarkable besides the remarkable parts of it
show me one other aspect besides the non-gameplay parts of the last of us that makes it remarkable.
It's a decent platformer. I'm not buying into the hype, but saying the art is the only good aspect is wrong.
>using this much time and energy to be salty about video games on the internet
>so desperate for (you)s he quotes the entire thread
>show me one other aspect besides the artstyle that makes it remarkable
why? So you can just say no and parade around saying you're right because no one can "disprove" you ad infinitum?
>replying to literally every post with a single message
Imagine being this desperate for attention
literally zero counterarguments
I got your counter argument right here.
Type Zero Shitpost Crusher
For every person this guy has quoted, you inflict 500 life points of damage instantly.
You are already dead.
>quoting the entire thread again
I never got why people are so desperate for replies just for the sake of replies that they'll make an ass out of themselves
I fucking hated this game. The fanbase is becoming as cancerous as Undertale and Five nights at freddys
How so?
i didn't even try to give an argument, all i asked was what the hell makes a game nu-fun
Not gonna touch this shit until it gets online multiplayer.
I'm not a child anymore that has sleepovers with his gay friends.
>not having sleepovers with your gay friends
>not having family to play with
i have a cousin who i have fun talking about video games with and playing video games with. me and him play it together when we get together at family meetups.
do you not have family?
>not being a gay elf who doesn't need to sleep
I have a mom and an uncle who hates videogames, that's it.
Go onto any art website and you'll see what I mean.
Picture very much related
see comments below the article
not even a brother?
damn, i feel for you
>literally a gunstar heroes clone
Confirmed millenial.
Thats some serious autism
Your buzzword is meaningless, but the game isn't as good as critics claim. The third act falls apart due to RNG and challenges that sacrifice fairness for difficulty. It's just not fun.
The final boss is pretty cool though.
It's not a clone by any means. There's no weight to any actions, and the guns are all honesty pretty conservative.
Dont you have you know friends to discuss this topic?
>Sounds like you never got good at super meat boy.
IKR!?!? It's fucking CUHRAAAZY hard dude! It truly is the Dark Souls of Dark Souls of platformers!
>gunstar heroes
I've never heard of it. It must not fun if we don't know about it.
that tasty salt in the comments. priceless
>Sony Jabrony using the "TAKE AWAY THE ____" argument against cuphead
It already failed with your Zelda shitposting, just fucking stop, it's not gonna work on Cuphead
It's a combination of different things that makes the game good, Art style just plays a big part of it, but you can't just assume it doesnt deserve the praise for it
Thats like saying What the Fuck is Uncharted without Drake's writing
What a faggot, go back to your cinematic experiences
Hahahahahaha no one can give you a straight answer.
Artifical difficulty the game, I do like it though
I want this to be a LOL thread now.
>tfw can't beat the Devil
King Dice gave me false expectations
I've said it before and I'll say it again, forward slash v forward slash is the worst board on four channel.
stop replying retards
Good thing the art style is part of the game then.
That's the result of years of growing casualization, kids can't even recognize a good game anymore.
After this year I am pretty sure about this.
Is it weird that I lost to Goopy more times than I lost to Cala Maria?