>new physical exhausting job
>35 hours a week
>$400+ a week
>take nap after getting home
>All this money but no more time to fully enjoy videogames like when I was a neet
how do you people do it
New physical exhausting job
35 hours a week is nothing, kid...
>35 hours a week
>no time
what's wrong with 35 hours
>no free time
If you only knew true wagecuckery
Fuck off you fucking nigger, thats not even full time. Eat a dick you little bitch.
I don't
>I could play video games right now
>ehhh I'm too tired
>fuck it I'll just browse Sup Forums for the rest of the night
You have plenty of time for vidya, I work 60 hours weeks and I’m tired all the damn time. I missed having 35 hour weeks, but this job pays a hell of a lot more so whatever.
Started working about half a year ago and i guess that i have about 4 hours of free time everyday. You can play quite a bit as long as you cut down on shitposting and reading about dumb shit on the internet. Sleeping when you get home is a big no if you want to spend time on a hobby but i am working in an office and not doing something physical.
>400 a week and he only has to work 35 hours
You have a good setup so don't complain. If you want to play that bad then skip the nap and just sleep a full 8 hours then you probably won't be tired
>35 hours.
Well user if you quit the nap bullshit you'd be able to play vidya. Seriously you don't know the true bullshit if you think 35 hours a week is long
adjust your sleep schedule to avoid the nap and you'll have plenty for videogames
>mfw getting salary tomorrow
>just in time for steam sales
>also buying an arcade stick and a new hdd
>no longer depend on parent for trivial expenses
i dunno wagecuckery seems good so far
Gonna go out on a limb here, but I suggest losing the nap, getting to sleep earlier and waking up earlier and play some vidya before work.
Just quit the nap bullshit, adjust your sleep schedule so you don't deprived youself of sleep and bam you'll have all the time in the world. Welcome to the big boy world user.
tfw 50 hour/week at a car wash
how the fuck you guys find comfy behind the desk jobs
Good grades in hard fields
>car wash
lmao this guy wants cushy, try working on an oil field nigga then you will love your job.
The only people who hate working are those who keep themselves in shitty jibes they don't like and lazy faggots.
Seriously nothing feels better than putting a good day's work at a job you at least enjoy a little then being able to do whatever you want.
I remeber in university I was constantly depressed because not only did I have so many classes you never get time tiene rest because all the extra studying and homework you have to do.
Now I have so much actual free time and funds that I've actually got around to working on all my projects.
>You cant complain about your job because X job is harder
>35h jobweek
>35 hours
Wtf is that even ?
5 hours work daily for 7 days ?
6 hours for 5 days ?
Fuck you Op, you have planty of time
>crying over 35hrs a week
That means you work 7 hours a day five days a week. Two days with no schedule involved. On those five days lets say you get a very healthy but unnecessary 8 hours sleep. You're left with 9 hours. Lets shave off one hour for food prep and eating, and a generous hour for a commute. Still 7 hours of gaming or other hobbies you enjoy on those work days. Hell if you want we can tack on an hour for your total daily sanitary needs but nobody really showers twice daily.
>Start new job
>Get told to carry around a radio and I'll get a call if they need me
>Other than that I can chill in the room I normally work
>For 5-12 hours at a time
>And I almost never get called
And that's how I got rid of my 3DS backlog.
I don't mean to offend but why the fuck do they even hire people like you? Or rather, why do they have jobs like that is what I mean. If theres someone at a job who basically is just on call rarely to help with something why don't they just divide those extra tasks to people already there?
This is why I play only on my Vita.
Laying in bed after a nice shower and playing = amazing. It just isn't the same with home consoles.
Maintenance jobs are often like that, at least in my country, dunno if that's user's case.
Where do you work
I could sit on my phone for 5-12 hours for good pay if needed
>why don't they just divide those extra tasks to people already there
I'm guessing because some of those jobs require certain knowledge and experience. When I worked at Amazon the Kiva robutt repair guys had a similar situation as what that guy stated. I'd always see them watching football games or browsing the internet until something broke down that they'd have to repair which didn't happen often.
>just started working for gas company in New england
>volunteer to get sent to the carolinas for the winter to help the guys down there
>Making mad bank sharing 2 hotel rooms with 3 other guys
>$400/week for hotel + $100/week for food + Normal $35/h pay
>mobile game during downtime
I work 50 hours a week. You don't know shit
>Work 40 - 50 hours a week
>Vet tech so I spend most of my time cleaning shit out of cages, preparing surgical tools, and being a Vet's little bitch
>Regularly deal with ranting guests who want us to surgically remove the basketball-sized tumor on their dog's chest for $20
>Always too much paperwork to do
>Full-time student
>Literally doing schoolwork at my job during breaks to keep up solid grades
>Haven't slept longer than 6 hours in years
>Still play my Vita during commuting or between classes to get some gaming in
If you really liked games you'd find the time.
>35 hours a week
>no more time to fully enjoy videogames
No problem user. I have a very specific skillset for the maintenance and repair of some extremely old, but absolutely required equipment in my organization. Anybody could do it, should they go spend 2 years in the schools you need for them to let you.
You'd be sitting on your phone with no service, if that's what your fancy is.
A part-time job in Appalachia is like 45-50 hours a week for 350 bucks. The worst part is that the cost of living has sky-rocketed due to gas and oil, but none of the other jobs pay any more. People are shipping out in droves, or just overdosing on opium. It's literally a third world country there.
>tfw small brain so no comfy high paying job
>tfw gonna rely on selling muscle for industries that are slowly automating
I only came into this thread for the Boku Girl pic.
>400 week
>all this money
Literal poverty
that's not a lot of hours at all, but it's also a very low salary if you only make $400 a week
Assuming he lives with his parents (anime picture), $1600 a month goes a long way. Especially if all you do is play vidya and never go out (again, anime picture).
400 a week after taxes and living with parents actually adds up
that's less than $12 an hour. you could make more begging on the street (in fact I know a lot of people who do)
Depends on the location as well. 400 bucks a week can go far in the desolate regions of the U.S..
>shitting on some dude turning his life around
Now I remember why I browse Reddit
>Production engineer
>Only need to do something when there a problem
>There are no problems, have "worked" like 10 hours in last 4 months
>Mainly attent weekly meetings and try to look busy when people come to my room
Same. SHe's a cutie.
>It's literally a third world country there.
Hasn't it always been bad there? They were still feeling the Great Depression straight into the 70s.
Are you me? I'm working two jobs floating anywhere from 60 to 65 hours a week. By the time I get a day off, I have so many chores I need to do because there isn't any time during the week. I'm so close to beating Lufia on SNES too.
It's not a whole lot. I make almost $850 a week from working 50 hours in an office job and it's not enough despite me living with parents, bringing lunch from home, and having almost no social life that my expenses are very low. I'm trying to pay off college loans as fast as possible - close to 90% of my paychecks are going toward this.
I smell a French ...
>6 hours for 5 days ?
>bitching about 35 hours
Motherfucker piece of shit lazyass.
fuck, that pic reminded me that I haven't finished reading the manga
>start working at fucking wally world right out of high school
>40hr weeks and only taking home like 500 biweekly.
>Money taken up entirely by food, rent, and utilities.
>Graveyard shift so I didn't even get to hang out with roommates
>Winter comes and my undiagnosed-at-the-time food allergies hit me like a truck.
>end up losing job and going back home
>get another job but lose it after a few months too due to more severe allergies
>health slowly declining
>sick and miserable everyday but not (probably) not sick enough to collect government money
>know I need to get a job but not confident I could stick to a schedule/work long hours and keep it.
>medical expenses building up.
>no idea what to do and my parents are stumped, too
>become NEET 2 months ago
>clear your animu backlog by watching ~4h a day
>play more games than in last 4 years of wageslaving
>find out i can actually live without getting shitfaced every single evening
35 hours is great you lazy pos.
work less hours scrub.
just fix your sleep
$400/week is fucking great for 35 hours
take as much advantage as you can of that assuming you dont have much expenses
>tfw work 35 hours but the long commute makes it 45
It's even worse cos I cycle, so I can't even play anything during the commute.
Where do I have to live that $400 a week is great. I bring home $550 a week and can’t even afford a studio apartment
Yeah, it's been a shithole for a long time, but NAFTA and Purdue pharmacy really fucked the region good in the 90's to early 2000's. NAFTA took away what jobs there were, and Purdue gunea pigged the citizens with oxy (subsequently causing the opiod crisis). Now Gas and Oil are salting the wound by leaving three options work 80-100 hours a week, starve/OD, or leave.
hey dude I too work a physically exhausting job, but it is 40 hours a week an only $360 a week and I literally can't afford to live on my own (I checked, the cheapest place would just have rent be 75% of my paycheck a month and that wouldn't include electric or water, then I have to get gas and car insurance and food...) but the secret is that I don't play video games on the days I work. Wow, so easy, right? Your 35 hours a week isn't even considered full time yet, although I do envy the amount of money you receive.
I also just browse the Internet (aka Sup Forums and youtube) and look at videos of video games instead of playing video games myself.
Massachusetts has $11/h min wage and some of the shittier cities can have like $800/m rent if you know people
Actually 30+ hours is considered full time, but the corporate Jews obviously don't want you to know that. I used to work for a bank, only did 30 hours and that was full time for them.
>he didnt buy an HDD during the black friday sales
>(probably) not sick enough to collect government money
maybe actually take some initiative to find out if you are eligible for government money for a start. You sound like you've done nothing to actually fix the problem and have just let the problem pile up.
>seasonal job that pays the bills year-round
>have half the damn year to indulge in anime and vidya
>shitpost on the internet instead
>sudden development of a life threatening condition
Apply for unemployment, show them your hospital visits, expenses, medicine, blood work, lab trials, and any other medical stuff you had done. But first go to your doctor, get it in writing that you developed something that severe, and use that to file for said unemployment.
>quit wageslave job
>say fuck it, start selling art
>it's actually working out
>make my own schedule, can take time off whenever I want
>have a decent amount of time for vidya when I'm not working
>but only make enough to pay my bills
On one hand every day is a lot of fun, on the other hand I'm always strapped for cash. Is it better to be poor but love what you do every day or make a lot of money but hate your job?
This. I just love the softness.
You need to discipline yourself, OP. Monday to Friday I work 10 hrs a day, sleep for 7, and 3 hours for doing everything else. On a good weekday I can get 4 hours of free time. I do it by strictly scheduling myself. Then when the weekends kick in, I can max out at 15 hours/day of fun.
being poor and hating your job, obviously.
suffering builds character.
Would you trade you current life for your time with a wage?
Not everyone lives in a city user. Also you increase your chances drastically of getting mugged than working a standard job. You have to carry all that money on you until you can sneak off to your bank and deposit it.
Just don't work yourself too much. Really easy to get stuck into that situation.
Yes, yes it is.
Doing something you hate for 20+ years just for money is how people end up snapping, then a mid-life crisis hits because they wasted so many years doing something they hated and no longer have the drive to do something they dreamed about.
I quit my job to do research and write a novel. It's scary but it is something I want to do before I settle down into a career
>Work about 42 hours a week
>make 800 dollaroos a week after taxes in a job that requires no real educational qualifications
>still cant afford moving out or my parents house because of high rent prices
Tell me more.
dude this isn't the 1950s, people tend to get paid via direct deposit, they don't go to their boss cap in hand and beg for their paycheck.
Knowing the right person. Next time you wash that rich fucks car who rolls in with a BMW or a Tesla or whatever, strike a conversation with him.
Honestly I don't even understand why average, or worse- below average, IQ people bother entering the workforce. You're gonna break your back for a shit wage all your life all the while you're scoffed at by your intellectual superiors who see your slavery as just due to your inferiority. You're barely even human.
>work 35 hrs a week
>Easy as fuck desk job
>Make 550 a week easy
>Play the fuck out of vidya in free time
Op is autistic
where @
i swear to jebus this thread is posted at least once every couple of days
muh no time for vidya
I like you nigs, you got the right setup.
nigro, I'm talking about panhandling, hence the person to whom I replied to.
also off the book jobs don't pay via direct deposit
ever heard of headphones + cellular cellphone?
Also how could you even juggle a gf into this equation? There is only like 5-6 free hours after you get home
>easy technical skill job
>do 95% of work with hands
>$550/wk take home
>spend nights being comfy in PC chair with up to date PC and switch
>have so much vidya I can't play all of it
I want to stop being a welfare queen and break the chain and break the cycle and be free but I don't want to become a wage slave cuck
Oh well I'll put up with living on my autism bucks a bit longer and eventually get a damn a job in a year or two later down the line
>work 55 hours per week
>2400€ after tax
>just go to gym after work
>time for vidya on Sunday and Saturday
>live with parents
Working helps you to become disciplined. With discipline you can achieve anything.
FUCK no, my dad kicked me out at 18 and I had to survive working at McDonalds for a year, it was terrible, all I ate was McDonalds because I didn't have enough for food since all my money went to rent. Right now I'm struggling a bit but I'm getting by off of just my art, my only concern is that I'll be just as broke by the time I hit 25 or 30.
I see...so this is the better option in the long run, thanks for telling me this, user.
I think what I'll do is work part time at a grocery store or movie theater just to rack up extra cash incase something goes awry. Not even 20 hours a week, this way I can focus on art, and have a consistent income, that sound's pretty good.
Find government subsidized apartments, my rent for 490 for a pretty decent single bedroom. I think I'm pretty lucky though, small City with no nigs living by me on top of that
I pull down close to 70 hours a week and still get in 10+ hours of video games every week
>35 hours a week
>easy as fuck desk job
>550 a week
The fuck are you doing for 15 dollars an hour?
Everything is like 1.5 to 2x more expensive than in the US
Except for services
>my dad kicked me out at 18
Based dad
Now you are forced to man up and take responsibility for your life
All sons should be kicked out on their 18th birthday