Game developed by Japanese company

>game developed by Japanese company
>story takes place in Japan
>characters are Japanese
>no one look like one

Why is this "White washed Japanese" a common thing in Japanese games?

>Why do characters in this anime game look like anime characters?

>It's another Sup Forums thinks they look like anime episode

who gives a fuck

that's right, they look like anime characters wtf

>Why is this "White washed Japanese" a common thing in Japanese games?
What type of a freak do you have to be to think of this shit daily?

>story takes place in Japan
As I recall it never actually specified where Catherine took place.

But these characters specifically aren't Japanese (most of them anyway)

While this costume set looks cool, Persona 5's dlc is way to expensive. This shit should've been in the game.

>mc could pass for japanese
>ryuji has his hair dyed
>ann isn't japanese
>makoto could pass for japanese
>futaba could pass for japanese aside from the red hair
>yusuke could pass for japanese
>haru probably isn't full japanese

Hifumi looks pretty Japanese to me.

>story takes place in Japan
They never truly specified a precise location but its actually set in america.

The Japanese think they look like this.

asians arr rook same. black hair black squinty eyes. so in anime they give them rainbow colors so you can tell them apart

Literally because Japanese people have convinced themselves that's what they look like. If you ask a Japanese person why anime characters are white, they'll look at you with concern in their eyes and say, "But they are obviously Japanese. Are you alright in the head?"

Catherine takes place in the US. P5 is obviously Japan.

Blue Eyes and red hair are very common in Japan. :^)

if they weren't japs they'd look about 100lbs heavier

>thought it was joking, reverse image search
>it really is the NY Sup Forums meetup

Holy shit, this is the true face of people who bitch and whine about feminists and SJWs.

The big eyes are not meant to be taken literal, like cubist paintings of naked woman are not meant to be realistic. When you look at a manga drawing you are looking at an exaggeration or simplification

I mean, were you expecting something different?

What were you expecting?

further proof that is just social rejects sperging out and not a real political movement. It is
the 2017 equivalent of the rebellious emo kid from the 90s. All edge and no substance

>Sup Forums is a multicultural group of people
>loads of the SJW bullshit groups are composed primarily of white college-age females

Who knew. Who...knew...

Cause real nips all look the same so it's very hard to distinguish them in a game where you need every character to be distinct

Self-hatred is a powerful thing.

Japans love white-washing shit.
They thought Scarlett Johannsen was a good choice for GitS, while the West cried about muh white-washing nip culture

End yourself, delusional weeaboo. Anime doesn't resemble any specific race, of anything, the styles of most animation could be "alien-like".

This. Both were wrong.

At least that black(?) guy has good taste.

>"why don't anime characters look japanese" thread #289418953

sums up usa

The only one I don't buy is Haru.

Anne is explicitly not Japanese, and Ryuji's blonde is the fakest shit ever, and his eyelashes is still black.

Legitimately all Hispanics and undesirables, and you gotta remember that the people that are a no show are probably even worse

It's because Asians all rook same
They even state this multiple times, its to give the cast diversity because if they were all roundfaced black hair and the only difference is long and short hair, it would get stale.

That's the beautiful thing about fantasy, you can have your characters look however you want them because IT DOESNT EXIST IN THE REAL WORLD.

Its not even real edge. Its just fake internet beta edge.

That man screaming about tall whites was right. White people ARE ayy lmaos thats why they look like anime characters.

>Sup Forumsmeetup full of nonwhites
>Diversity is okay now!

The people who bitch about this stuff like don't get the point of fantasy in the first place and think everything must conform to reality.

> It is the 2017 equivalent of the rebellious emo kid from the 90s.
Absolutely accurate.

They don't look white either. It's a concept called the default human being. Unless a character has strongly exaggerated features to distinguish them, people will assume a character's race is whatever the most familiar race to them is.

That's why Ann has exaggerated features. If you assume everyone else looks American, then you're probably inclined to assume something like German of her to explain the physical distinction. For the Japs characters look Jap until they give them thick America lips and big bright eyes.

>hey it's another ironic "lol we're from Sup Forums meetup" that took place in the middle of a huge metropolitan culture dump

when they meet up elsewhere they just call it a KKK rally

>P5 (localized, US)

> For the Japs characters look Jap until they give them thick America lips and big bright eyes.
Nah, they just don't care about that kind of realism in anime/manga and vidya related to that style, that's all. They just want to make something fun and over the top that looks fun and over the top. It's a mindset that western people intoxicated by mah political view and mah realism = ART = we can change the world!!! =mah political view just don't want to understand.

>anime characters look white
>anime faced 3D characters look asian

can someone explain this?

>it's another whitey thinks he's an anime character episode

If they make something realistic it will look asian, if they make something anime it often doesn't look asian or white, it just looks anime.

That happens on manga as well. realistic looking manga are filled with asian looking characters, the not realistic looking ones go crazy with fantasy asian people.


>That happens on manga as well. realistic looking manga are filled with asian looking characters

Male characters, yes. As for female characters they look like someone who are vaguely Asian and White.

what a dumb thread


>not playing it on an emulator and getting ALL the DLC for free

You should know, Japanese people see anime characters that are thin and not blond or without blue eyes as Asian.

Ann is only a quarter Japanese. The other 75% is White. She even comments how she felt like an outcast as a child and wanted to dye her hair black to fit in better.

Both Ryuji and Futaba canonically dye their hair.

I think it's just the idea that they like to think they're some big force to be reckoned with, that they're going to change the world, that they convince everyone that they're either these straight-laced, blonde haired blue-eyed conservative types with shirts, ties and side-partings or the bearded, gruff manly men good ol' boys from the South standing up for traditional values.

And the reality is just autistic neckbeards. I mean, you're right - why DID I expect anything different? It makes sense that people with their nonsensical ideologies and bizarre jumps in logic would look like that. I'm just surprised; I've been strung along by their trolling for so long that I'd built up a much more intimidating image in my head - maybe it was my fear that these people were the norm and that everyone else was the neckbeard with our anime, videogames and other forms of casual degeneracy. It turns out they're literal fedoras, I guess this image was right.