Why is this allowed?

Why is this allowed?

what exactly?

fuck you this just makes me want to buy the game even more even though the price on it is still high

It's a nice game if you're into it. I thought the first one was boring but I liked this one.

>he didn't get dibs for 25$ two+ years ago
It's still worth its price, but that was silly of you.

How much have they patched since release?

I am more sad there is no option to tell this thot to fuck off and smack her for such shameful behaviour

Iirc that's a prostitute you have to go out of your way to talk to, so I suppose they assumed you knew what you were getting into.

Got it when it was 10% sale
I didnt really like the first one in but this one is amazing

>as a lizard

>Not killing her friends and fucking her again

>tfw getting BTFO by Rudeka
Any tips bro?

Don't suck


>rp, sebille, ifan party
At least you're a skellington.

I already played with Beast, and I didn't like Lohse.

Reminds me of that quest in Dragon Age: Origins where you could cuck that one elf and destroy his marriage.

Are you safe in the dark in this game?

Are you ever, really?

Of course.

Dont be a Jody

i honestly liked the first game more

But there's 3 options. And not a 'pick three'

>asterisk roleplaying

why are all the companions in this game shit?
i like just about everything else about it but all the companions are terrible.

She is clearly giving consent, so go for it.
Guy is a tool for fighting other's wars. You are better than this.
Although you could ask her why he is such a tool.

every character in the game is a backstabbing asshole, save a couple. The companions are just following that standard.

I liked fane. Even lohse, to an extent.

You cleansed the island, right user?

That ferryman guy looks shifty. I bet he's charging us more because we're alive.

The companions in both games are pretty shit

help me Sup Forums
every time i try to load a save it takes a long fucking time
and if i try to load a save for the second time the game just crashes

i was just getting to the good part

they're either too annoying(Fane, Lohse, RP) or just kinda boring (Ifan, Beast) Sebille is actually kinda alright as a companion even though her character development sort've just skyrockets instead of progresses smoothly

3 is fucking savage.

end yourself


>*notices bulge*


*notices gewehr*
OwO was ist das?

*action* is much older than reddit user
before your time I suppose?

Hail, I'm playing the fuck out of the first game and am really enjoying it. I really enjoy the D&D inspired gameplay but really wish the playable world was bigger.
What does the second game bring to the table? I am indifferent about the scalies that I have observed in OP's pic.