Why is hat kid so cute?
Why is hat kid so cute?
Forbidden Fruit tastes the sweetest
That's actually loading screen art from the game.
Fashionable clothing
I unironically fap to shadman.
the irony
She's not even the forbiddenest fruit.
shadman drew the art for hat trap?
>go WAY over your kickstarter goal
>release game YEARS after promise
>STILL charge money for it, keep it all profits for yourself instead of distributing it equally to all the staff
>lol but fuck capitalism
Please stop derailing HiT threads with this garbage
fuck off mao
I ironically fap to Shadman.
There is trap art of the Hat Kid?
I just fap to it regularly
Never stop posting this please
Its bullshit, just like every other kickstarter
Not him, but I just found that text yesterday, and thought it was horribly out of place in an otherwise irreverent game. Here I am jumping from tower to tower, and whacking spiders with my umbrella. Then next thing I know I get suckerpunched with political commentary. Pretty distasteful.
pedo bait: the game
it's not hypocritical to believe that thieving is bad when doing so, it's just being honest with yourself.
>i got offended because someone said something that doesn't cater to my sensibilities.
It's a joke, you dunce, if it said something like: What did communists use to light their homes with before using candles? Electricity. You wouldn't have felt "suckerpunched", right?
I don't even get that joke. But yeah, I would rather not have to deal with any "isms" in my happy-go-lucky platforming game about magical little girls piloting spaceships. I don't care if it's about capitalism or communism.
None of this shit qualifies as a joke, you retard.
The joke is that communism doesn't work, and a communist society that begins advanced will inevitably regress due to the motivated manpower required to uphold the infrastructure that modern technology rests upon. Basically, the same amount of commentary as the joke you complained about, which plays off the fact that capitalism is extremely ripe for abuse by those who hold the means of production. It's a fuckin' joke, so get over it.
Oh, in that case, I did actually get the joke. It just wasn't formed very well.
Well anyway, I can tell it was a joke. Didn't need you to tell me that. But just because it's a joke, that doesn't mean it's warranted. What if the joke was a rape joke? Would you defend a rape joke being in the game with the meak defense "it's a joke!"?
I'm and you know damn well that's a retarded equivalency
Shadman must’ve really fucked up to have people accuse any art that looks remotely similar to automatically be him
No publicity is bad publicity in 2017 is, no kind of attention is bad attention
It's not false equivalency. It's an example that disproves the black&white stance that was being proposed. By labelling it as 'just a joke, man!", then it implies that all jokes are ok. And so I gave an example of an obviously NOT ok joke, in order to illustrate that there are degree to consider. Clearly, a rape joke is more severe than a capitalism joke. But also a capitalism joke is more severe than the type of humor the game has had up to that point.
>shadman is so good retards from Sup Forums think that ingame art is his art
What about this game?
Shadfags, please stop. We get it. You can't openly admit you like Shad, so you have to passively aggressively meme him on Sup Forums. But this is official art from the video game, and I would appreciate it if you didn't derail a hat in time thread with >shadman every other post.
what about the fucking source
actual autism should be a bannable offense
A joke? Why, I'm offended!
I love these gifs/ webms
because her game is good
It's Sup Forums retards being paranoid about their boogeyman.
>Oh yeah? Well you have autism.
Got me!
Begone shadshill
Why do you love shadman so much? Are you a pedophile or something?
gr8 b8
It's not bait.
yes? all jokes are ok if you can make a funny story with it, even with rape, but go on, tell one I don't remember a funny story with rape in it
uh huh
Because you're a pedophile.
Shad memes, and so he attracts an audience of memers. When you meme, you don't need any rhyme or reason. In fact, reason and understanding is the antithesis to memery. They meme because they can. Hence why they are cancer.
I actually tried googling a rape joke earlier, but all that came up was news of people getting in trouble for telling rape jokes. If you read what I said about jokes not being ok in a vacuum, then I understand how you think I'm being ridiculous. But you have to keep in mind the context in which the joke is being told. I was comparing rape jokes to the atmosphere of A Hat In Time. Which is a very kid-friendly, PG, E for everyone, kind of game. In THAT context, a rape joke is clearly not ok.
That's why I have a problem with the capitalism joke. Because the game was full of whimsy and child like innocence. And then suddenly, they want to make a statement about the morality of capitalistic systems. It's simply uncalled for.
You faggots get offended and cry about any thread about sjw garbage in videogames somehow not being board related and want to come up with these shit now. Shut your whore mouth.
Shadman ruined this game
Ok ok. Wait. I thought I was still banned And was testing it.
Ok. For the “capitalisism joke”. I think that we have to think broader and go into the lore aspect of it and why it’s there
Basically with the mansion level, we learn that the prince was attending a university somewhere far away. As we’re going through a time rift which further tells the story of the prince and all the drama that occurred with the princess, we can infer that the book belonged to the prince who was probably being taught things such as economics (the game mentioned he was studying law but it’s not impossible to have different kinds of classes). From this, we can easily look at this joke for a different perspective and assume that the Prince was being taught questionable things at his university. What with the whole meme that the education system is said to antagonize conservatives and capitalism. Really you can see all this as more of a reference than a joke
Now of course that’s looking way deeper into what couldve been meant to be a throwaway remark that’s meant to be forgotten after your initially process it. This can be further proven as we never touch in the topic of economics except for the very start of the game when Moustache girl comments about “being creative isn’t cheap eh?” Which can be a whole different discussion entirely.
TLDR, I don’t think we’re mean to take it so seriously.
He didn't. Retards are forcing the >shadman meme in which they secretly like his shitty art.
No. Go right ahead.
He’s not the one that ruins the game. Platforming/Nintendo Snobs just falseflag the game as being cheap and pedobait.
did shadman do the art for this Game or are you fags memeing
I don't get the joke.
>Man develops shitty game
>I give money for shitty game and play it
>This wasn't ethical consumption
He did the art
Well, the game is pretty cheap in the sense that you're paying 30 dollars for such a lack of content. Really should have delayed it into year six to at least give us five full levels.
No. He drew NSFW fanart on his website. And they're associating it with the game everytime someone makes a thread about it.
Oh for fuck's sake. "Lore". I hate that word. Because it gives players the false sensation that they're getting a story, without a story actually being told. While also allowing any incongruities to be excused with fill-in-the-blank allowances. But that's neither here nor there.
The real issue with the "lore" here, is that it still doesn't excuse the poor joke. And in fact, the way you frame it, the joke comes across just as bad, only in a slightly different manner. Because now it's making commentary about the politics taught in universities.
> This can be further proven as we never touch in the topic of economics except for the very start of the game
The fact that the game had be so careful to avoid any kind of material up to that point, is why I said I felt suckerpunched. The throwaway remark was better left out. If they assumed it's not a big deal, then that just goes to show their lack of tact.
My friend is bugging me for the sauce, do you have it by chance?
Wasn't this a joke at the expense of some neogaff posted who said it was unethical to buy aHiT due to Jontron?
Is the thicc mom fuckable instead?
Well sorry if you got triggered, snowflake.
Octoberween special by born to die.
The game made a distasteful joke.
And how does finding it distasteful make me a snowflake? Or triggered?
> It's her very first Halloween
> She's not wearing a costume
Is there an option to slam the door in their faces?
She puts on a costume in your house, dummy
>Ban autists
>No one posts ever again
Best possible scenario
maybe she is dressed up a schoolgirl? you ever thought of that?
So little Suzy comes home from school one day and says to her mom "MOM MOM JIMMY SHOWED ME HIS PEEPEE".
Her mom chuckles thinking this is a joke and her daughter says "It reminded me of a peanut!"
Her mom says "Why, because it was small?"
Little Susie says "No because it was salty!"
Every game with a child in it is going to attract pedophiles retard.Splatoon is the only game i can think of that might be legit bait for pedos.
>Jimmy SHOWED me his peepee
>It was salty
So first she claims he just showed her, then she claims to have tasted it?
Typical lying whore.
I got this, Wings of Vi and other games for the sale. Should I keep dying on Vi, or drop it and start Hat in Time instead?
Fucking nice one
>why are children lovable
>why do i eat food
Oraline will never conclude and this pisses me off
Alternatively another rape joke:
So this fat fuck's sitting at home watching TV and sees a commercial for some exercise program that's supposed to make you lose weight fast. Part of him thinks it's bullshit but he calls them up because he's desperate and tells them he wants to lose ten pounds. Next day a gorgeous redhead shows up at his door and tells him that if he catches her he can do whatever he wants. So he chases her around the house all day and eventually catches her and fucks the shit out of her. Sure enough he loses ten pounds. He's all excited and shit so he calls up the company again and says he wants to lose 20 pounds. Next day a different lady shows up, a slim athletic chick in running shorts and she says the same thing. He chases her around the house and this time it takes him much longer but eventually he catches her and fucks her too. Again, he loses 20 pounds. So he's really excited at this point and calls them up again and says he wants to lose 30 pounds this time. They're like "Are you sure? The program for that's pretty intense" but he's confident and says he can handle it. Next day a 600 lb gorilla shows up at his door with a sign around its neck that says "If I catch you I'm gonna fuck you"
How far is this going